Things you will want to know

What an amazing year so far this year! Clubbers have been working hard finishing sections, learning verses, and growing in their understanding of God as they memorize and apply His word to their lives. It is our prayer that this knowledge will lead them into a personal relationship with Him. During This busy time, clubbers are having lots of fun in club. We also have lots of fun club events and activities coming this month; we hope you and your clubber (s) will have fun participating with us in these events and activities.

We have been collecting nickels & dimes in a special Awana Bank the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The money raised will go to our Awana Missionaries to help support the work they do to help reach kids with the gospel of Christ. Please encourage your clubber to bring in some change for the bank, as we will present the monies raised to our missionaries Wednesday March 18 as they will be visiting and assisting us with the race.

T&T clubbers grades 3rd – 6th grade (only) & friends are invited to a Lock-In for fun, fellowship, food, games & more.
When: Friday, April 3.
Time: 6 pm – 8 am.
RSVP: by April 1 at club.
For questions and permission forms see Mr. Tere or Miss Michelle

Wednesday, March 18.
- Your clubber has probably come home the last few weeks with a Grand Prix car can start sanding, shaping, painting, shining and lubricating...directions are in the kit. If your clubber has not received a car kit, PLEASE get one this week from Co-Commander Michelle before or after club. Hurry time is short!
- Check in night is next Wednesday, March 11th during club. All racers must bring their cars in for technical inspection (weighed, measured & checked in). Once registered, all cars will be impounded by our Commanders until after the Grand Prix. Awards will be given for design and speed. Adults can race as well, bring your car.
- Wednesday, March 18th is race day. Dinner is @ 5:30 for $2 per person, race starts at 6:05 pm.
- Puggles & Cubbies do not need to purchase car kits they will be racing special cars in their racing class.
*Note: Parents can purchase, create, and race or show a car in this year’s event, hurry & purchase your car and enter it soon!
Clubbers, Invite your Families, & friends to come cheer you on for this fun racing event. We would love to have them come and join us for this fun time of fellowship and competition.

Need help getting your prize car ready for the upcoming race? We’re having a
"Pit Party" on Sunday, March 15th, to assist you in getting your car ready for the race. There will be no club activities that afternoon other than helping prepare cars, so parents are requested to stay with their clubber during this time.

(VBS) 2020 - July 12-July 17
Kids are invited to VBS the best week of their summer! VBS 2020 will be held
July 12-July 17 (Sunday – Friday)! This summer at CONCRETE and CRANES VBS, kids will learn that Jesus’ love will provide a foundation that lasts. Come join a fun filled week of life-changing worship, crafts, fun games, tasty snacks and cool songs while we dig deep into God’s Word! Registration begins June 1st!

March 6 ~ Joey S
March 8 ~Sam B
March 9~ Aiyanna C
March 15~ Liam C
March 20~ Gianna U
March 20~James C
March 23~ Noah L
March 29~ Sylas D.
*If we missed one, please let us know.

Clubbers grades 6th – 12th (only) are invited to attend CedarMania – a one day event (March 21, 2020 from 10 am - 4 pm) designed to challenge junior high and high school students spiritually, provide them with fun activities, and acquaint them with Cedarville University, thru fun lessons, praise songs, crazy games, engaging speakers, and lots of fun. See Mr. Tere for further details.
Parents must RSVP by Next Wednesday March 11 for your clubber to attend.
March 4 ~ Store #2 Opens.
March 8 ~ Spring forward - Remember to set your clock forward 1 hr.
March 11 ~ Nickel & Dime Night ~ Clubbers bring nickels and dimes to help make a change.
March 11 ~ Grand Prix car weigh in during club.
March 15 ~ Grand Prix Car Clinic Pit Party.
March 18 ~ Grand Prix Race!
March 21 ~ CedarMania (Grades 6 – 12)
April 3 & 4 ~ T &T lock-in (6 – 8 am).
According to Acts 16:31, what must one do to be saved?