Volume 3, Issue 1- Things You Will Want To Know.
AWANA: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
2 Timothy 2:15
Hello Awana Family,
We hope that you had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday! December will be a wonderful and very busy month of Awana, as we are reminded of one of the greatest joys of all time, the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and the salvation he makes possible.

What Do I Need to Bring To Awana Each Week?
Weekly Awana Checklist
Dues (50¢ per wk.)
Handbook with at least one section ready
Filled water bottle
BONUS: theme night participation, monthly newsletter questions!

Dress for success when deciding what to wear to Club. Remember games may include running, sitting, crawling, rolling, jumping, crab-walking, or lying on the floor. For safety, sneakers are required to participate in Game Time.

December 14 ~ Mckayla B.
December 15 ~ Alainna P.
December 18 ~ Olivia K.
December 21 ~ Connor B & Hanna P.
*(If we missed one, please let us know)

Here’s what is going on for the next few weeks.
We have some fun things planned for this month!
December 2 ~ Awana Store #1
Frozen Night- Bring gloves, hats, and scarfs
to donate.
December 9 ~ Nickels & Dime Night - Clubbers bring Nickels & Dimes to help make a change.
December 16 ~ Christmas Shop/parties - This will be an extra special store night where you can shop for gifts for your parent/guardian. We will even gift wrap them for you before you leave club.
December 30 ~ NO CLUB – HAPPY NEW YEAR
January 1 ~ Happy New Year!

We invite you to come as a visitor and leave as a friend.

We pray that you will enjoy your holiday season with your families during the few weeks of break at the end of the month. We’ll look forward to seeing you back in the New Year January 6, 2021!
Michelle & Tere

We request children be kept at home after experiencing or receiving treatment for the following symptoms:
• Fever of 99.9 degrees or above. Child needs to be fever free for 72 hours
without medication.
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• New loss of taste or smell
To help us provide a healthy environment for our children and volunteers, we ask that you keep your child at home when any of the following symptoms have occurred within the last 24 hours:
• Illness that prevents your child from comfortably participating in program activities.
• Runny nose with colored discharge (green or yellow) accompanied by a fever.
• Vomiting and/or diarrhea; symptom free for 24 hours.
• Any communicable disease.
• Sore Throat.
• Streptococcal pharyngitis (“strep throat”) until 24 hours after treatment has
been initiated.
• Croup, excessive coughing, chest congestion or sneezing.
• Childhood diseases (chicken pox, mumps, etc.).
• Drainage or redness that could possibly be considered conjunctivitis (“pink eye”).
• Head lice or nits within the past 24 hours.
• Questionable Skin rash (that is contagious). Localized rashes such as prickly heat, eczema
and diaper rash are not contagious.
If your child is being treated with antibiotics, he/she should have received treatment for a minimum of 24 hours before attending Awana or any Children’s Ministry event.
We understand that, in some cases, illness may present themselves suddenly. If a child shows signs of illness (above symptoms), a parent or guardian will be contacted immediately so that you may take your Child home to care for them.

Q: What did the left eye say to the right eye?
A: Between us, something smells!
Q: What do you get when you cross a
vampire and a snowman?
A: Frost bite!