Volume 2, Issue 2
Things you will want to know.
Welcome back clubbers, leaders, and parents,
Fall is here! The weather is beginning to show signs of change, and clubbers are settling into their new clubs, memorizing verses, and having FUN at Awana.
Thanks to all the volunteers who make this great program work so well each week. Thank you for entrusting your children to us on Wednesday nights. We hope and pray that you will see and experience God working through their lives.
You can expect to receive a newsletter like this one every month on or around the 1st week of each month. Let's Make God First in Our Lives!

While this would be true any club year, this year it's vital that you check your email for club updates, theme night reminders, and changes! You will also find out what's happening so your kids don't miss out on any of the fun! If we should ever need to cancel or close Club for any reason, this is how we would notify you.

While Awana is going on, we offer an awesome adult Bible study in the Sanctuary from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm, feel free to check it out while your clubber is having fun during Awana.

Shoebox season is here! October Begins Operation Christmas Child, next Wednesday and continues thru early November. Get your shoebox at Club. Fill your shoebox and return it to Awana any Wednesday night in October or early November. Children around the world are waiting to hear the Good News about Jesus and it starts with an OCC Shoebox. Shoeboxes will be available to grab in the back of the Sanctuary.
This is an OPTIONAL event open to all clubbers, families and leaders. Stay tuned for further details.

The 2nd Wednesday of each month, we ask clubbers to Bring Nickels & Dimes for our AWANA Missionaries. We’ll present the funds raised to them when they visit our club. Thank you for giving to support our missionaries! *HINT: Clubbers check under the recliner and couch cushions they tend to hide a lot of change.

Please be sure clubbers wear sneakers for game time, it’s difficult to run in flip-flops or boots. Sometimes clubbers cannot participate because they have improper shoes! We would prefer that they not go barefoot to minimize injuries and with cooler weather the game floor can be cold. Help us keep your kids safe.

October 1 ~ Aden B,
October 3 ~ Adeline S.,
October 16 ~ Kinsley S.,
October 8 ~ Alayna C.
*If we missed one, please let us know.

Don’t have a church home? We welcome your family to worship with us. Sunday services are at 10:30 am & 7 pm. Children’s church for preschool thru 6th grade during the 10:30 am service. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15 a.m. We hope you will join us! We invite you to come as a visitor and leave as a friend.

(Wear or bring theme-related items to earn points for the Awana store.)
October 2 ~ Regular Night
October 9 ~ Nickel and Dime Night ~ Clubbers bring nickels and dimes to help make a change.
October 16 – Theme Night ~ Hat Night ~ Wear your favorite hat to Club.
October 23 ~ Regular Club Night ~ Pantry nights begin.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox begins.
October 30 ~ Fall Fun Night & Pantry Night ~ Bring in nonperishable foods.
Q. What’s the smartest insect? A spelling bee!
Q. How does the ocean say hi? It waves!