Spin Kemp Christian Preschool
Parent Newsletter
September 2024

Please remember tuition is due Sept 5th! Checks and payment envelopes can be dropped into the mailbox just inside the preschool entrance. Cash and payment envelopes should be brought to the office for a receipt.
We are a nut-free school! We have a few with allergies this year. So please be mindful when sending in your child's snacks.
All classrooms have refrigerators, so string cheese, yogurt, and fresh fruit can be sent in and remain cold until snack time.
Paperwork- please make sure you get your child's physical and shot record as soon as possible. Our licensing does allow 30 days from the program start, but once that hits your child will not be able to return until the form is turned in.
My name is Carol Boersma. This is my 5th year as director of Spin Kemp. I have had 3 out of 4 children come through this preschool. My husband retired from the Air Force back in 2017. In 2019, we made Beavercreek our forever home. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education from Trocaire College (Buffalo, NY). I have worked in a few different style centers until our oldest was born. I was a stay-at-home mom for many years until I began subbing in 2018. My door is always open if you ever need to chat!
Ms. Nowak is our PreK teacher. This is her 5th year as lead teacher in PreK. Did you know that she is a pilot? But what does she fly? I am sure you’ll figure it out quickly!
Mrs. Clark is the aide in the PreK class. She is new to Spin Kemp but she has worked with children for a few years. She is super creative!
Ms. Schroder is our Middler teacher. She has been with us since 2016. She has been lead teacher in both the early beginner class and the middler class. She is very active here at Spinning Road Baptist. You’ll often find her teaching Awana and VBS!
Mrs. Martell is planning to return to us closer to Late November/early December to be our early beginner teacher.
Finally, we have some amazing substitutes to our preschool! Mrs. Adducchio, Mrs. Linden
and Mrs. McEltoy
God Bless,
Carol Boersma

Jeremia 12th and Hudson 15th
Mrs. Martell's Early Beginners
We hope to have some enrollment for this class to start in early December!
Welcome to a new school year!
It is so good to see your children for the year! We will be learning our letters, numbers, shapes, & colors. We will practice recognizing and writing our names, cutting with scissors, and using glue. For September we will start with vowels A, E, I & O; the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, & 4; the colors yellow, blue, red, & green; and the shapes square and circle.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Class Dojo or talk to me in person.
Please remember to pack a full change of clothes (Shirt, shorts/pants/skirt/dress, socks, underwear).
God Bless,
Ms. Schroder

Welcome back to school! I can’t believe summer is already over, but here we are! We are very excited to meet everyone and see all the new friendships start to bloom and old ones rekindled!
September will be a busy month, and we will dive right in! We will start with some basic skills (names, colors, shapes, tracing, etc.) then we will move into our weekly letters and numbers.
Please be sure to read all the paperwork sent home in your yellow folders, but please keep the folders in your child’s bag. I will use them to send home their daily work.
I am a big advocate for fresh air. Whether it is getting the kids outside or having a window open in our classroom, even if it is a little chilly in the mornings, I will still try to get the kids outside (as long as it is not wet), so please pay attention to the temperatures and send light jackets or sweaters when they are needed.

We are excited to see what this month brings us. The lasting friendships that are formed in the early weeks warm our hearts so much. If there is anything you have concerns about, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, via Class Dojo.
Thank you for the chance to get to know you and your child. We are excited to see everyone’s
growth this year.
God Bless
Ms. Nowak and Mrs. Clark