Parent Newsletter
January 2025

- Tuition will be due by Monday, January 13th. This is due to us sending the envelopes out after the break.
- No School on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Glow day is scheduled for January 29th, more info to come.
- Please make sure your child has a coat when they come to preschool, we are required by licensing to practice fire drills every month. I do try to do them on the warmer days, but that’s not always possible. Thankfully, we are only outside for a few minutes, but if it was

- The Red Robin fundraiser is scheduled for Monday, January 27th. They are open starting at 11 am until 9:30 pm.Parent-teacher conferences are coming in February.
- They are scheduled for February 13th-14th. The students will not be in the building those days. You are welcome to bring them along for the conference, just let us know so we can set some toys out for them. The teachers will have a sign up when it gets closer to those dates. Continuation forms will also go out during that time. Turning in that form and the $50 registration fee will secure your child’s spot for next fall. We will open registration to the general public on Monday, March 3rd.
Carol Boersma
Preschool Director

Mrs. Clark January 1st
Enzo January 5th

Miss. Schroder’s Middlers
Happy New Year!!!!
We will continue on with the letters H, R, & M; the numbers
11, 12, 13, & 14.
We are going to have a donut snowman snack on January 22. There will be a sign up for it, we will have powdered little donuts, chocolate chips, M&Ms, and pretzel sticks. We will make our snowmen and then eat them of course.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss. Schroder

Happy New Year! I can’t believe we are already this far into the school year, but here
we are. The kids have made so much progress and we are so proud of them.
We will continue with our letters and numbers of the week. We will be doing more with patterns, as well as introducing sequences, rhyming words, missing letters/numbers and simple addition and subtraction.
We will also start learning last names! You will notice that the kid’s first names disappeared over Christmas Break. This is important information they will need to have for kindergarten, but we will not stress too much on it. Many of our kiddos are still struggling with their names, please be sure to work with them at home.
Please continue to check Class Dojo!! This is our primary source for communication, not only for what we are doing in the classroom and upcoming events, but I will also be posting on there if we have a snow day due to inclement weather (I will post as soon as I know, so check before leaving your house).
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help the kids grow and if there is anything you see that we can do to further help with this, let us know!
Grace and Peace,
Ms. Nowak and Mrs. Clark