Parent Newsletter
October 2024
- October 4 ~ Tuition is due.
- October 8 ~ Chipotle fundraiser from 4-8. This is the location on Pentagon Blvd.
in person.
- October 14 ~ No School
- October 21 ~ Fall photos
- October 23 ~ Donuts with Dudes or Dudettes

- October 28 ~ November 1 ~ Spirit week
- Monday ~ PJ Day
- Tuesday ~ Crazy Day
- Wednesday ~ Fall theme day
- Thursday ~ Hero Day
- Friday ~ Sports Day
- October 30 ~ Fall Festival, please be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities.

Did you know that Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is open for registration here in Ohio? Each month your child can receive a free book until the age of 5. Register at imaginationlibrary.com. It’s really a great program and helps build your child’s library. And even better…it’s free!!

October 2 ~ Ben N
October 3 ~ Adeline
October 29 ~ Brylee

Happy fall!
Fall is in full swing here. We will have a new student joining us this month. We will continue with our letters with O, U, S, & T and the numbers 0-6.
Librarian is October 9, Music with Pastor is October 16,
Picture Day is October 21, Donuts with Dudes is October 23, and the Fall Festival is October 30. Spirit Week is the last week of October Monday is PJ Day, Tuesday is Crazy Day,
Wednesday is Fall Shirt Day, Thursday is Hero Day, and Friday is Sports Day.
As always, any questions contact me through Class Dojo or
ask directly.
Have a safe and fun time Trick-or-Treating.
Miss. Schroder

Ms. Nowak and Mrs. Clark Pre-K
As the saying goes, Happy Fall Y’all! September has been a great month and the kids are doing great in the classroom. As we continue to move forward with our letters and numbers, please be sure to reinforce what we are doing in the classroom at home also. Learning is a continuous thing and the more consistency the kids have with what we are learning, the quicker things will begin to click for them. Like I have said before, we are a TEAM working together for your child’s success.
As the temperatures continue to dip into some nice, but cooler, temperatures, please remember to pack light jackets for the kids. I would like to make sure they get outside to play whenever possible, but if it is on the chilly side and everyone doesn’t have a jacket, then it won’t be possible to go outside. I also tend to keep the classroom on the chilly side (there is always a window open), so having sweaters available in the classroom is also nice for when the kids get chilly.
We will be having a spirit week the week of October 28th along with our Fall Festival on
Wednesday, October 30th. Please continue to look at Class Dojo for more information regarding this week in mid-October. Also, I post several updates on what we are doing in the classroom, but I also post lots of information for you as well. So it’s always a good idea to keep checking out our class on Class Dojo.
If you ever need anything from me, please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo messaging. I may not always respond immediately, but I try to respond as soon as I can.
Many Blessings,
Ms. Nowak & Mrs. Clark