Revelation 22:17-21
1. Romans 16:25-26
To be established as the Body of Christ requires a lifestyle of faithfulness and obedience.
2. I Corinthians 16: 15-18
When you call a pastor, it is important that you acknowledge his authority.
3. II Corinthians 13:11
The ultimate goal is to live in peace, to be like0minded, and to aim for perfection.
4. I Timothy 6:20-21
If something of value is exposed, then that is when you need to guard it.
Your faith must be guarded.
5. II Timothy 4:1-5
Keep your head in all situations. Endure hardship. Do the work of an evangelist. Discharge all the duties of your ministry.
6. I John 5:21
Keep yourselves from idols.
7. Revelation 22:17-21
a. Invitation - "Come, take the water of life."
b. Warning - The consequences are severe for fooling around with the Word of God.
c. Expectancy - Jesus is coming soon.