I Corinthians 12:12-14; 24b-27
a. The Church is not an organization.
b. The Church is a living, growing organism.
Colossians 3:16 – the life-blood of the church- things that contain the elements of teaching, discipline and worship.
Illustrations of the Church
1. the human body
a. the head
Jesus is “the brains of the operation.”
the first thing that is noticed or observed
b. the rest of the body
For a body to be healthy, each part of the body must be healthy.
2. a building (I Corinthians 3:9-11)
a. Jesus is the chief Cornerstone.
b. The rest of us are the little stones that make up the rest of the building. (I Peter 2:4)
3. a family (Ephesians 5-6)
a. The Church is called the bride of Christ.
b. Christ is called our brother.
c. The more the family breaks down, the more the Church breaks down.
d. We have responsibilities to each other.