Psalms 19:7-8
Elements of the Bible (nouns)
1. The law of the Lord
a. law of nature
b. law of Moses
b. law of grace
2. The testimony of the Lord
the doctrinal part of God's Word.
3. The statutes of the Lord
guidelines that clarify the law
4. The commandment of the Lord
direct orders that you obey without questioning or hesitating
The Character of the Bible (adjectives)
1. The law of the Lord is perfect.
If God's written Word was anything less than perfect, then what about His Living Word?
2. The testimony of the Lord is sure.
The Bible passes any test you can put before it.
3. The statutes of the Lord are right.
straight- as in not being crooked
smooth- as in not being jagged
(J.I. Packer)
4. The commandments of the Lord are pure.
His commandment are for our own good.
Why we believe this (Harold Lindsell)
1. witness of the Holy Spirit
2. witness of the prophets
3. witness of the apostles
4. witness of fulfilled prophecy