That makes me think of the fact that no one drifts toward holiness. We do not simply gravitate toward obedience to Scripture, to prayer, faith, and godliness. Rather, we tend to drift away from those things and require deliberate effort, driven by God's grace, to make our way back to those things.
We do tend to gravitate away from holiness. D.A. Carson, in his book, “For the Love of God,” writes this: “We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation; we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.”
If you find that you have floated away from those things that give you spiritual strength and vitality, perhaps it is time that you stand up and stride back toward them. It is only natural that we drift with the current of our culture, but all that will do is take us further and further away from our place of belonging. Let us resolve to move against the tide and to live our lives staying close to our home base, our base of belonging, identity and peace under the umbrella of salvation and the towel
of service.
With love, Pastor Scott
Volunteers Needed for the Library
Our church library is in desperate need of some TLC.
We are looking for one or more volunteers to help keep our library in order.
The shelves need to be stocked as books are returned or new ones come in.
There will be some work to get it in order and then it is just a matter of
maintaining it. Please consider helping us keep this great resource up to date
and accessible to our congregation.
If you would be interested please contact Mary Ann Stemley.

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday, March 5,
at 8:30 am. All men and boys are invited.
Hope to see you there.

3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time.
Thank you for remembering those in need.
We have been assigned to Virginia Stevenson Elementary School, along with the Board of Education building, which is at the same sight.
On the first Saturday of each month, at 9:45 a.m, anyone who would like to participate is invited to meet at the school to walk around the building and simply pray, silently or audibly, and then go home. If you prefer, you can meet at the church and we can drive over together.

What an amazing year we have had at AWANA so far! It is hard to believe there are only a few months left in our AWANA year. The clubbers have been growing in their understanding of God as they memorize and apply His word to their lives. It is our prayer that this knowledge will lead them into a personal relationship with Him. The joy and enthusiasm continue each week.
- February 9 the Sparks clubbers helped to color pictures for the residents of the Manor across the street from SRBC by SRBC’s Outreach team.
- February 23, we had fun playing glow in the dark games in the Fellowship Hall for Glow night.
- February 25, the Sparks (grades k – 2) came to experience “Sparks late Night out party”, a night full of age-appropriate fellowship, games and activities geared for them to have lots of fun. Thank-you to all Leaders, and Lit’s, that helped to make this event such a great success!
- The AWANA store will open for business March 2 for clubbers to shop till they drop.
- The AWANA Grand Prix is back! Time to un-garage those cars from last year. The race will take place on March 16th from 6:05-7:30PM. If you are able to volunteer on the day of the race to set-up or take-down, please let Michelle or Tere know.
- Our leaders continue to bring joy, enthusiasm and love each week and continue to make Awana a place that kids love.
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

PRIX 2022!
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
6:05-7:30 pm
Rev up your engines and get ready for the AWANA GRAND PRIX! Join us as we
race wooden derby cars and matchbox cars and compete on our new AWANA
Grand Prix racetrack. Race kits can be purchased for $5 at the Wednesday
night AWANA registration table. Clubbers and adults are invited to enter a car
into this exciting race!
Prizes will be awarded to racers in two categories: speed and design.
We encourage you to please mark your calendars now and plan to attend!

Saturday March12, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

Sunday, March 13

On Sunday, March 13, there will be a brief special business meeting after the morning worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Betsey Henry to serve on the church diaconate as a member of the Christian Education Team.

Sunday, March 20, 2022
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
The Next Step Youth Group will be hosting an all-Church movie night fund raiser. Come enjoy the family friendly movie “God’s not Dead 3”. We will have movie snacks and drinks available; Donations are welcomed.
All proceeds go to the youth group for events and outings. Please plan to join us for a great movie for a great cause!

On Sunday evening, March 6, we will be dismissing Sunday night service for people
to attend the Hope4Riverside community worship service, which will be at Stebbins High School at 6 pm.
We also helped families who lost homes to floods, wildfires and storms, along with children living on the edge because of poverty, and seminarians preparing to devote their lives to sharing the Good News. These are just a few of the ways we minister to those in need; there are many more.
Please help us continue to bring healing and hope to communities, families, children and Jesus’ disciples in 2022 by supporting this year’s America for Christ Offering.