Billy Graham tells the story of French philosopher Auguste Comte and Scottish essayist Thomas Carlyle. Comte told Carlyle that he was planning to start a new religion that would take the place of Christianity. It would have no mysteries; it would be based on positive thinking and mathematical principles
“Very good Mr. Comte, very good.,” Carlyle said. “All you will need to do will be to speak as never a man spoke, and live as never a man lived, and be crucified, and rise again the third day, and get the world to believe that you are still alive. Then your religion will have a chance to get on.”
This is why there is no religion, or cult, or belief system that can replace Christianity, even though people have been trying to do so for generations.
Try as people might to fill that spiritual void that each of us have within us through cultural morality, philosophical thinking, or the following of some
other public figure, there is nothing that can do that except faith in Jesus Christ. There is none like Him!
Only in Him is there meaning to life and hope for humanity. This Easter season, let us celebrate our faith in the One who has saved us from the pit of our sin and redeemed us to be fit for His service. Let us worship the One who conquered death and the grave by the only way it could happen, by dying Himself and rising from the tomb.
With love, Pastor Scott

Sunday April 24, 2022

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday, April 2,
at 8:30 am. All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there.

Here at SRBC we collect a Fellowship Offering on the 3rd Sunday of every month. This offering is used for emergency needs and financial assisstance for those in need. This has been a great ministry of our church through the years, and we just want to remind you that we are continuing to collect this offering. There is a basket marked Fellowship Fund on the communion table, or you may send in your offering specified as Fellowship Fund. We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time. Thank you for remembering those in need.

Please join us for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning after the Sonrise Service.
Please sign up for breakfast at the Welcome Center.

Registeration for SpinKemp Christian Preschool is now open. You can come by and get a reistration packet Monday through Friday from 8:00 am ~ 12:30 pm.
Sign up soon, classes are filling up fast.

Saturday April 9, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

If you are looking for a way to help those in Ukrainian. We will be taking a collection to be sent to Samaritan’s purse. We will be taking up this collection through the month of April.
Samaritan's Purse has established
an Emergency Field Hospital on the outskirts
of Lviv, in western Ukraine, to care for those suffering as war rages on. The initial patients arrived on March 14. Our very first patient was a woman named Marina from Malyn, a city west of Kyiv. She fell and injured her arm while escaping into a basement/bomb shelter. She suffered for nine days before arriving at our field hospital after her travels. She cried tears of relief as one of our doctors told her: "We can fix this for you."
“God calls us to go into crisis areas to help those who are most vulnerable,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse. “As the conflict escalates in Ukraine, our international disaster response teams with doctors, nurses, and other specialists are equipped and ready to help people in Jesus' Name.
We want them to know that God loves them and has not forgotten them.”

This summer’s VBS, Spark Studios is scheduled for
July 17 - 22 from 6 pm - 8:30 pm. Say yes to VBS!
Join us at Spark Studios for six nights of fun – worship, Bible study, crafts, games, music, missions,
friends, and more! The best part is that the entire
days are designed especially for kids age 3
(prior to June 1, 2022) through those students who will just be completing 6th grade!
Kids will learn that they are created in Christ and designed for God’s purpose. Mark your calendars today, and registration will begin June 1, 2022.

Time is getting close for our summer church bowling league. We would like to get started in May, providing we have enough people signed up to bowl. We bowl at the Beaver Vu Lanes on Thursday nights, starting at 6:30 pm. If you would like to participate this year, please sign up on the sheet at the Connection Center.

Easter Flowers
If you wish to donate an Easter flower to be used
in decorating the church at Easter time, please fill out a form that is on the offering table at the back of the church.
The cost is $10 per plant. Checks need to be made out to the church and notate that it is for “flowers”. If you wish to pay cash please use an envelope in the pew and mark it “flowers”. You can put the check/cash in the offering plate or give it to Wauneita Koogler.
Orders will be taken now through April 10th. The plants will be in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday, April 17th, and can be taken home after the morning worship service.

Starting this Saturday, April 2, from 5-7 pm, there will be a time of “Praise and Prayer” in the church sanctuary on the first Saturday of the month.
This will not be a structured, formal service, but simply a time for people to gather to listen to Christian music and share together in prayer. Feel free to come for part or all of the time.

Dear Spinning Road Family,
We closed out February with a glow night theme. The fellowship hall was a glow it black lights, glow sticks, balloons, games, necklaces set for clubbers to have lots of glowing fun, and they did.
The 25th brought a small group of eager Sparks (K – 2) to eat pizza and chips, play crazy games and more at their late night out party, it was fun, and all had a blast. Thank you to leaders, listeners, lit’s and parents for helping to make it a fun night for those who attended.
March started off with the opening of the 2nd Awana Store! It was a time for our clubbers to spend their hard earned Awana points they have been earning in club!
On the 16th we debuted our new 4 lane 42ft all aluminum Grand Prix Track. Wow,
what a fun night of racing we had. Thank you to all who entered the race this year
and congratulations to all winners! Thank you to everyone that had helping hands,
and thank you to all of our Leaders, volunteers, parents, and Clubbers for a great race! Hopefully everyone had a great time. A special Thank you goes out to the Caggiono family for the special donation that made this years race a bit more special. Start thinking about those car designs for next year!
We closed out March and started April with the TnT clubbers storming the fellowship hall doors excited and very eager and ready to have a mini-lock-in and maximize the time with food, games, a thought-provoking lesson, and much Fun. Thank you to all who stayed up late and help this event to kick off with great fun.
We ask for your continued positive thoughts, prayers, and support for our dedicated staff and for the Great kids who attend each week and for the parent/guardians that bring them.
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Morning Worship and Palm Processional
Sunday April, 10
10:30 am
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 14, 2022
7:00 pm
Good Friday Self-Guided Reflections
Friday, April 15, 2022
Church will be open 8 am ~ 6 pm
Easter Sunday
April 17, 2022
7:30 am ~ Easter Sonrise Service at Shellabarger Park,
followed by breakfast at the church
9:00 am ~ Joint Adult Sunday School Class in the fellowship hall.
10:30 am ~ Easter morning worship service
No Evening Activities

In 2022, SRBC is endorsing Scioto Hills Christian Summer Camp for anyone interested in youth summer camp. For years, many SRBC youth have attended and benefitted from this summer program. Scioto Hills is located in picturesque Wheelersburg, Ohio, and carpooling has often been arranged.
Beautiful facilities, excellent programs, activities and outdoor opportunities, great meals, exceptional speakers, and an incredible staff await.
What distinguishes this from other camps is an environment where campers can grow relationships and build strong core values. Leaders, disciple at all levels, centering on Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, to create opportunities for spiritual growth to the glory of the Kingdom of God. Scioto Hills offers the potential for a life-changing experience.
*Due to Vacation Bible School (7/17-22), we suggest one of the following camps/dates:
MINI CAMP ~ Entering 1st-5th grade, minimum age of 7, July 11-13
ALPHA/NEW FRONTIER 3 ~ Entering 6th-9th grade, minimum age of 11, June 26-July 1
REVOLUTION ~ Entering 9th grade-graduated senior, minimum age of 14, July 10-15
FAMILY CAMPS ~ July 24-29 & July 3-8
Find all information at www.SciotoHills.com or see Mary Standridge for more information (937-830-1861)