Most every person will have that need at various times to simply relax and not have to think.
However, we might need to watch that we do not spend too much time that way. Our spiritual enemy would love for us not to think too much. That is what the word amusement really means. The prefix “a” at the beginning of a word turns whatever the word is into a negative. For instance, the word 'theist' refers to someone who believes in God. Therefore, the word 'atheist' refers to someone who doesn't believe in God. “Amoral” is a word describing someone who doesn't have any morals.
'Muse' was the name given to an ancient Greek god who spent much time in solitude and thinking. It has become a word which means to ponder, think, consider, meditate, reflect.
Therefore, the word 'amuse' means you don't have to think. The whole entertainment industry is built on the principle of amusement, of not thinking,
of letting the producers and directors and actors and athletes think for us.
It is an industry the Enemy wants to use to keep us from thinking, especially from thinking about God and His Word.
We all need a little amusement and entertainment. It's healthy for us.
But too much of it can be very detrimental to our spiritual lives. The concept has even crept into church life for many people, who attend church with the hope of being entertained and amused, rather than to worship and learn.
As Hebrews 12 exhorts us, “let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”
With Love,
Pastor Scott

Women’s Breakfast ~ Saturday, July 13 @ 9:00 am
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, July 23 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ Tuesday, July 23 @ 7:00 pm
Craft Night ~ Friday, July 26
@ 7:00 pm

Get ready to ride the waves at Breaker Rock Beach! Dive into an unforgettable summer adventure with us at Breaker Rock Beach VBS! As they fly kites in the misty seaside air, explore tide pools, and spot orcas and sea lions, kids will be challenged to recognize the difference between the lies (or half-truths) of culture and God’s unchanging truth.
Through engaging activities and thoughtful lessons, they'll explore the powerful message of Romans 12:2, learning that God calls them to be transformed by the renewal of their minds. This experience will guide them to discern God's good, pleasing, and perfect will for their lives.
Adventure, fun, and learning await! Each VBS evening will also include high-energy rallies, awesome music, spectacular crafts, tasty snacks, Fun games, and much more. All while learning that though the world's ideas constantly change, God's truth remains the same. This fun event is designed especially for children age 3 (and fully potty trained by 6-1-2024) through those who just completed 6th grade! Our free event is open to the entire community. Don’t let your child miss out on this life-changing adventure.
There is still time to register online! It's super easy, just go to www.spinningroadbaptist.org and start preparing for a summer filled with faith, fun, and friends.
P.S. Share this with any others who might be interested!

There will be a VBS staff meeting following Wednesday night Bible Study on July 10. All VBS Leaders are encouraged to attend this preparatory meeting starting at 7:30 pm.

Our 2023-2024 club Year has ended! We are currently off for summer break. Have a blessed and wonderful summer!
Our 2024-2025 AWANA clubs are coming this fall, Registration will open in early August. Join us for Awana Starting September 2024.
SRBC AWANA CLUB MEETS Wednesday evenings 6:05 pm ~ 7:30 pm during the school year, offering clubs for children pre-k – 12th grade.

Several members of our youth group recently participated in a service project at the Gospel Mission in downtown Dayton. They served food and cleaned up afterward. Some youth were amazed by the diversity of the people who came to the mission. The staff at the mission said that our youth were the hardest working group and the largest one in quite a while. It was well organized and a very positive experience for our youth.
Our teenagers who participated were
Amaria Schmidt, Sebastin Anderson, Fortune Ige, Patrick McKiernan, Morgan McKiernan,
and Aiyana Cornell.

Many of the supplies have already been donated. Here is what is still needed:
Loose paper (not notebooks) packs of 150
Pencils packs of 12
student scissors (Fiskar)
You may bring supplies to the church up to August 4.
Thank you for helping with this outreach to our community.
CKK – Pre-K 6th Grade
Wednesday Youth Group – 7th – 12 Grades
These programs are in place of Awana during the summer months. Come and be a part of a great group of kids as we journey together. Friends are welcome!

Nine Years ago, we visited Spinning Road Baptist looking for a new
church home. We thought the church might be a good fit after having had a relationship with Spinning Road when we were a pastoral couple in the 90’s, ministering at Third Street Baptist here in Dayton.
Mary Pohl welcomed us with warm banana bread and you happened
to be in need of someone to play piano for the service and a choir
director…a God thing!
We were welcomed into ministry here and you have become a beloved and supportive church family to us.
After Sue’s recent hospitalization for a month, our sons began to urge us to move closer to them. We resisted for a while, not willing to leave our church family…but after a lot of prayer and discussion, realized the wisdom of the plan. One of the things to influence their decision was Pastor Scott’s first sermon on Abraham. He left his home, family, and friends in Ur and began a new adventure, following God’s leading even if it was something new and different…..another God thing!
We will be moving to another apartment in Monroe in a community similar to the one we are in now at the end of July. We will continue to consider Spinning Road our church family…but at a distance and absence from you.
We will be sad to leave you but eager to see what God has in store for us.
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:3-5
With Love,
Pete and Sue Hood

Summer is here and days & nights are warmer and longer.
We ask that you be mindful of our precious little/young ones while entering, moving about, and exiting our parking lot. Sunday & Wednesday in particular there can be many children in the parking lot, and we want to make sure that we are driving with caution at all times. Thank you for being cautious in making sure all are safe.

Our Quarterly Business meeting will be on Sunday, July 28, after the morning worship.
All members are encouraged to attend this meeting. Visitors are welcome to attend as well.
We will have a brief meeting to update the congregation on the business of the church.
Please plan to stay a little longer on this day.

We currently provide childcare services for children from 6 weeks through 12 years of age. Miami Valley Child Development Center and Preschool Promise supports us in providing high-quality affordable childcare services. We are thankful our mission continues today!
Our main building built in 1951, has been renovated multiple times through the years. Today we are able to offer 5 classrooms of Infant, Toddler and Preschool services in our school. In 2020 we opened a School Age-only program adjacent to our main building. Our School Agers love our new setup. They moved from a 1000 sq ft room, to a two-story house that allows for small groups and lots of fun.
A national program of Feeding America, Kids Cafe is one of the nation’s largest free meal service programs for children and provides nutritious food to hungry children
in safe and nurturing environments. At Dayton Christian Center we serve children breakfast, snack, Dayton Christian Center is a proud participant of this national program.