Spinning News

A little girl in England, Josie Caven, was born profoundly deaf. She often felt isolated as a child because of her inability to hear, but that changed after she received a cochlear implant during the Christmas season. At the age of twelve, she heard clearly for the first time. The first sound she heard was the song “Jingle Bells” coming from the radio.
Was Josie’s hearing restored? Yes — completely. Was she hearing well immediately? Not exactly. Her mother said, “She is having to learn what each new sound is and what it means. She will ask, ‘Was that a door closing?’ and has realized for the first time that the light in her room hums when it is switched on. She even knows what her name sounds like now, because before she could not hear the soft s sound in the middle of the word. Seeing her face light up as she hears everything around her is all I could have wished for this Christmas.”
Josie’s hearing was restored, but that restoration introduced her to the daily adventure of learning to distinguish each new sound in the hearing world. It’s the already and the not yet — a phrase that aptly describes the perspective of believers in Christ who have not yet experienced the fullness of redemption that will one day be realized in heaven.
- “Christmas Carols Music to the Ears of Deaf Girl,” Yorkshireposttoday.com
Every day is one day closer to that “not yet,” but as Christians, we are in the “already.” That means that we have the opportunity to incorporate into our lives every word that we read in Scriptures, every lesson that we learn from our mistakes, every encouragement we receive from one another, every chance we have to extend forgiveness and mercy to those who have hurt us.
What new spiritual sounds are you hearing today? Aren't you glad for the gift of spiritual hearing? Let us listen together!
With Love, Pastor Scott

YAC ~ Rescheduled date TBD
Women’s Breakfast ~ Saturday, August 10 @ 9:00 am
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, August 20 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ Tuesday, August 20 @ 7:00 pm
Craft Night ~ Friday, August 23 @ 7:00 pm

AWANA remains on break the rest of the summer. However, we will begin a new year of fun and ministry in September! So, if you have children, grandchildren, neighbors and/or friends with kids ages pre-k – 12th grade please consider inviting them to join us on Wednesday nights in the fall at 6:05 pm for AWANA clubs. We would love to have you join us! See you in September. Online registration will open Mid-August, Stay tuned for further updates.
We hope you all have a great rest of the summer, and we'll see you for Awana soon! For information about our AWANA clubs and other ministries for teens and adults, log on to the church web page, call the Church office at (937) 252-5311, or email us at [email protected].

Current 7th – 12th grade students, you are invited to meet at the church on Sunday evenings 6 pm – 8 pm in the youth room for a time of playing games, eating food, praying for each other, sharing a few laughs, and digging into a Bible lesson each week. Invite friends, we’d love to meet them and share the joy and love of God, with everyone. Come check us out and you'll find a space that you're welcome and appreciated.

Many of the supplies have already been donated.
Here is what is still needed:
Loose paper (not notebooks) packs of 150
Pencils packs of 12
student scissors (Fiskar)
You may bring supplies to the church up to August 4.
Thank you for helping with this outreach to our community.
Wednesday evenings are busy with mid-week children's and youth programs offering
fun lessons, games, activities, and more.
CKK – Pre-K 6th Grade
Wednesday Youth Group – 7th – 12 Grades
These programs are in place of Awana during the summer months. Come and be a part of a great group of kids as we journey together. Friends are welcome!

We are so sad to be losing our beloved choir director Susan Hood. However, the plan is to continue having choir as we await God's direction for the future. We plan to resume choir rehearsals on Wednesday, August 28. Come join the choir as we sing to the Lord's glory! Hope to see you on the 28th.

There will be an AWANA staff meeting on Wednesday, August 21, following Adult Bible Study. Be sure to attend as we plan for a new year of AWANA.

Here at SRBC, we collect a Fellowship Offering on the 3rd Sunday of every month. This offering is used for emergency needs and financial assistance for those in need. This has been a great ministry of our church through the years, and we just want to remind you that we are continuing to collect this offering. There is a basket marked Fellowship Fund on the table at the back of the sanctuary or you may send in your offering specified as Fellowship Fund.
We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time.

Gospel Mission Incorporated runs several ministry programs in the Dayton Area.
Dayton Gospel Mission is a comprehensive inner-city mission near downtown Dayton, Ohio. It is open to men and women, young and old, of any race, belief, or circumstance.
Camp Jabez is a Gospel based ministry dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of in need young people and their families through interaction with horses, the beauty of God’s creation, outdoor activities and recreation by a staff of dedicated workers, missionaries, and volunteers.
Nehemiah University is the educational outreach ministry of The Gospel Mission, Inc. The primary goal of the university is to introduce people to Christ and strengthen their relationship with Him. As they grow in Christ, the university enables them to be well-armed disciples for the advance of the Gospel. The school brings together the aspects of academic learning to provide for oneself as well as the spiritual aspect to mind one’s body, soul and spirit.
The Gospel Mission, Nehemiah University, & Camp Jabez are not places of public accommodations; we do not rent or loan facilities. Our usage is restricted for the ministry programs operated under our own governance.