It has been indeed a privilege to serve as your pastor over all these years. I take pride in having the longest tenure of any pastor of Spinning Road Baptist Church, over twice as long as any other pastor. I consider that a testament to the depth of the relationships we have experienced together and the quality of the work we have shared. Either that, or simply a demonstration of your great patience and forbearance, for which I am very grateful!
I remember early on in my time with you,
our church being affectionately described as a church of “misfits.” The meaning behind that was that there were a number of people who may not have felt welcomed or found a place of belonging in other churches, but who found that place in our church. I assess that to be an enormous compliment to Spinning Road that it would stand as a source of welcome and acceptance for anyone who came through our doors.
In a way, all of us as Christians are “misfits.” We are strangers in a foreign land, looking for a better country. (Heb. 11:16) This fellow misfit also found that place of belonging in this unique and extraordinary church, and I thank you for that.
Any pastor would like to be remembered after he is gone, and any pastor will tell you that more than remembering the sermons that were preached and the administrative duties of church life, he would like to be remembered as someone who made a difference in people's lives. I can only hope that this would be true.
But what I can say for sure is that each one of you has made a difference in my life. I will treasure the relationships that have been built over the years and will remember each and every one of you.
It is true that some pastors choose to remain as participants in the church from which they retire. It would only seem natural to do so. I know some of you have wondered why Colleen and I are not choosing to stay to attend and serve the Lord at Spinning Road. I admit that I can't even imagine what it is going to be like not being a part of the traditions and activities that we have experienced together. I can't imagine being involved as a layperson
anywhere else.
But I have also seen the complications and damages that can occur when a previous pastor remains in a church where he served. I just want you all to know that even though we will not be staying, it is not because we no longer care about the church and each one of you, but rather, we feel it is in the best interests of the church that we move on so that the doors of new vision and opportunity are open wide for a new pastor with a new vision. I would not want to do anything that would be a detriment to your new leadership.
I am sure that we will be seeing each other on different occasions and that relationships will continue beyond this point. Besides being pastor and parishioners, we are friends, and that will not change. But if our contacts are somewhat limited, it is only because Colleen and I care so much about Spinning Road and its continued health and vitality.
We want to thank you for all your expressions of love and friendship.
It makes it all the more difficult to say goodbye, but that difficulty too, is a blessing from God.
With Love, Pastor Scott

YAC ~ Tuesday, February 4 @ 7:00 pm
Women’s Breakfast ~ Saturday, February 8 @ 9:00 am
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, February 18 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ Tuesday, February 18 @ 7:00 pm
Craft Night ~ Friday, February 28, @ 7:00 pm

Impact Youth Group is where youth (5th – 12th grades) have the opportunity to fellowship, play games, eat snacks, have fun, and worship all while growing in relationship with God. We meet Sunday evenings from 6:00 ~ 8:00 pm. We also have many off-site events throughout the year like, day trips, special events, retreats and more! It's a great place to invite a friend. Come check us out!

We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time.

Join us for an unforgettable adventure at Vacation Bible School 2025!
Magnified: Discovering the Wonders of God's Creation
This year, kids will embark on an exciting journey to explore the intricate details of God's creation. Through interactive games, engaging activities, meaningful discussions, and more, they'll discover just how big and amazing God is! As kids delve into the beauty of God's creation, they'll leave VBS with a deeper understanding that they were made to Magnify God!
Stay Tuned! Watch for upcoming updates on registration, dates, and more!

February 17, 2025
Church Offices Closed

Our club meets on Wednesday nights from 6:05 to 7:30 PM for an exciting time of learning, playing games, and growth in faith! Can you believe January has come and gone? We're already into February, and our Awana Club is thriving!
We're grateful for the many ways God is blessing our Awana Ministry here at SRBC. After a holiday break, we returned to Club on January 8, and it's been full steam ahead ever since!
Our clubbers are busy learning and reciting Bible verses, completing handbook sections, earning jewels and patches, and enjoying games together. We're so proud of their energy and enthusiasm for growing in their faith each week!
January 15, Clubbers arrived dressed and ready for layer night one of our January theme nights. They dressed in as many layers of clothes and accessories as they could either find, and/or walk/waddle to club in. Many layers were worn in, requiring many bags to carry them back home, whew, they survived as it was such a cold day outside.
February 5 Clubbers are scheduled to arrive wearing their favorite NFL gear and most importantly bringing cans of soup to help refill our Church’s food pantry. This “Soup ’er’ bowl” theme night focuses on tackling hunger in
our community!
Upcoming Theme Nights
Our exciting theme nights in January and February
- January 29: Crazy Sock Night
- February 5: Soup'er Bowl Night
- February 19: Kisses Night
- February 21, Sparky-late-night-out-party. Time: 6 pm – 10 pm.
- February 26: Glow Night
We're grateful for your prayers and support as we share God's love with our community's kids. Thank you for being part of this ministry!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Our February Mission Focus will be reaching out to the residents of The Manor apartment building across the street from our church. We will be collecting individually wrapped candy to distribute in "Love Bags" for the residents. The bags will include: candy, homemade Valentines from our children and youth, a message about Salvation through faith in Jesus, and information about our church.
If you feel led to contribute candy. please place it in the baskets under the table at the Connection Center by Wednesday, February 12th.
In Christ's Service.
The Mission and Outreach Team