The new year is a time when many people make resolutions to improve something in their lives with which they are dissatisfied. It is with good intentions that we look at the turning of the calendar as an opportunity to turn over a new page in life and address issues where we could perhaps do better and live better. While most of our resolutions only last for a few weeks out of that year, still our goals to lose weight or read the Bible more, or volunteer at the homeless center, can only serve to point us in the right direction.
But I found a record of a New Year's resolution that will put all others to shame. And if all of us would just consider making any portion of this resolution the intent of our lives in 2025, then we would truly be more useful for the kingdom of the Lord.
This is from the journal of my favorite Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, recorded on January 1, 1705:
“Not renouncing, but repeating and ratifying all my former Covenants with God, and lamenting it, that I have not lived up more closely to them; I do in the beginning of this New Year solemnly make a fresh surrender of myself, my whole self, body, soul and spirit, to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, my Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, covenanting and promising, not in any strength of my own, for I am very weak, but in the strength of the grace of Jesus Christ, that I will endeavor this year to stand complete in all the Will of God.
I know this is the Will of God, even my sanctification; Lord grant that this year I may be more holy and walk more closely than ever in holy conversation; I earnestly desire to be filled with thy holy thoughts, to be carried out in holy affections, determined by holy aims and intentions, and governed in all my words and actions by holy principles. O that a golden thread of holiness may run through the whole web of this year.”
Happy New Year!
With Love, Pastor Scott
Colleen and I would like to thank you from the depths of our hearts for all the prayers, cards, and love shown to us during Colleen's surgery and recovery. You have meant so much to us. We thank you as well for the very generous Christmas gift you gave to us. We are overwhelmed by your kindness and graciousness!
Love in Christ, Pastor Scott
YAC ~ Tuesday, January 7 @ 7:00 pm
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, January 21 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ Tuesday, January 21 @ 7:00 pm
Planning Meeting ~ Saturday, January 4 @ 9:00 am
Craft Night ~ Friday, January 24 @ 6:30 pm
Impact Retreat ~ January 24 ~ January 26
Please join us for Tuesday's Ladies' Bible study
when we resume on
January 7, 2025, at 9:30 am.
December 31, from 6 p.m. until midnight. Watch for flyers at church with more info!
Contact Mary Standridge 937-830-1680.
Impact Youth Group is where youth (5th – 12th grades) have the opportunity to fellowship, play games, eat snacks, have fun, and worship all while growing in relationship with God. We meet Sunday evenings from 6:00 ~ 8:00 pm. We also have many off-site events throughout the year like, day trips, special events, retreats and more! It's a great place to invite a friend. Come check us out!
Watch for coming information about the Impact retreat on January 24 ~26!
Happy New Year Everyone, we hope you had a wonderful holiday season! It's hard to believe another year has passed. Our AWANA Club took a holiday break and will resume on January 8th at 6:05 pm. We're excited to hear about all the clubbers' adventures over
the break!
December flew by! Here are some highlights:
- On the 4th the 1st Awana Store opened; Clubbers got to shop with their hard-earned points.
- On the 11th Clubbers went shopping again at the Christmas Shop where they were able to pick out Christmas presents for the adults that take care of them. A huge thank you to Miss Kelly and her crew for organizing and running the stores! Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated.
- On the 18th the TNT, Trek, and Journey clubbers worked together to assemble Christmas baskets for those in our Church and community.
- We took a break on December 25th and January 1st to celebrate the birth of our Savior with family and friends. Club resumes on January 8th, marking a great start to 2025!
Please continue to pray for our children to receive the gospel of Christ, for our leadership staff, and for our club's continued growth and impact on our Church and community.
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp
Please join us for our annual meeting on Sunday, January 26, after the morning worship service.
We will once again serve lunch with the meeting. Please join us as we hear how our church has done in the last year.
Annual Team reports are due to the church office by January 17. Please send them to [email protected]. Sending them electronically cuts down on the number of mistakes that I make. Thank you, Fran!
Is your student interested in attending Scioto Hills Summer Camp this summer? Register for Scioto Hills Summer Camp between
January, 4-31, 2025, and save $50 off your regular fees!
Don't miss this amazing opportunity for your Child (ren) to make lifelong friends and memories! Mark your calendars for
January 4, 2025, and get ready for an incredible summer of fun, friends, and spiritual growth!
Stay tuned for additional information.
We have an amazing opportunity for our kids to grow in faith and friendship at summer camp! However, we know that camp can be a financial stretch for some families. Would you consider sponsoring a child to attend camp? Your generosity will help cover the cost of an unforgettable week of games, worship, adventure, and more! Contact the office at 937 252-5311 to learn more and change a life!
As you celebrate the birth of our Savior in Riverside, and I celebrate it in North Carolina, hundreds of Wapishana speakers are celebrating His birth in Guyana and in Brazil. Only two of you, Dave and Rita Look, have ever met a Wapishana speakers, but when I receive messages from Wapishana brothers and sisters, they often ask me to pass on their greetings and their thanks to all of you for helping them have God’s Word in their own language. They know that just as God sent a few of us missionaries to learn their language and translate the Bible, God called you to be praying and giving. Because of this they don’t feel isolated, but know they are part of the true Church with brothers and sisters in Riverside and other parts of the world.
hank you.
You prayed and supported me for 50 years as we translated the Wapishana New Testament and discipled new believers. But the work didn’t stop when the New Testament was printed and we missionaries returned home. The Wapishana church in Boa Vista began less than 10 years ago when the newly printed Wapishana New Testament reached them. As the Wapishana Scripture was taken to the surrounding villages, more and more believed. I occasionally send funds to help with the outreach trips, and I was recently able to send funds to Brazil to help them celebrate together. In Guyana the translation of the Old Testament into the Wapishana language continues, and your prayers and gifts for this project are also very much appreciated.
Your sister in Christ,
Bev Dawson
Your contribution to this ministry allows us to help our community all year round.
Isaiah 58:7a says we are to “share our food with the hungry”.
We are blessed as we meet the needs of our community through this ministry, and we are doing as the Lord commands. We may be the only glimpse of God that they see.
The following is a list of items needed:
Crackers Canned Meat
Dry Beans Peanut Butter
Sugar Flour
Cereal Ketchup
Pancake Mix Syrup
Toilet Paper Pasta
Toothbrush Rice
Toothpaste Paper Towels
Kleenex Canned ravioli
Spaghetti sauce Mayonnaise
Green beans Corn
Ramen noodles Jelly
Shampoo & conditioner Soap
As always, thank you for supporting this mission!