SonWest Roundup VBS
presented by Spinning Road Baptist Church!
This summer, take your children to SonWest Roundup and get them started on a life-changing journey that will last the rest of their lives. |
About This Years Vacation Bible SchoolSaddle up your horses and get on over to SonWest Roundup!
Out in the wide-open spaces, we’ll discover a colorful old town where all the excitement of the Wild West awaits! In SonWest, we’ll celebrate all the fun of being buckaroos—so grab a sarsaparilla and join in the jamboree! There’ll be food, games, music, crafts—and amazing true stories that point you and your kids to Jesus! Ride with us under the deep blue skies. Feel the breezes rise through the shady purple canyons as we head out through this bright wilderness—we’re traveling down the trail through the Old Testament stories of Moses to discover God’s ultimate plan of salvation in Jesus, because “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). ![]() So come on! Rustle up your kids and head on over to SonWest Roundup for a rip-roarin’ good time!
![]() Session 1 - Ultimate Plan
In Session 1, we’ll saddle up as God’s Ultimate Plan is revealed! We will discover that just as God had a plan to free the Israelites and sent Moses to deliver them from slavery in Egypt, He sent Jesus to deliver us from the slavery of sin. Kids will learn John 3:16, where Jesus describes God’s astounding plan of salvation! ![]() Session 2 - Ultimate Power
In Session 2, we’ll giddy up to discover that Ultimate Power is found in Jesus! We will discover that just as God showed His power to Moses at the burning bush, so He showed His mighty power to us through Jesus’ life and miracles. In a world of big problems and huge crises, we’ll find that Jesus’ power is stronger than anything! Our Bible verse is John 16:33, where Jesus reminds us that He has overcome the world! ![]() Session 3 - Ultimate Rescue
In Session 3, we’ll ride out with the Israelites in the Ultimate Rescue! We’ll hear how God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt—even saving them from death! And we’ll discover salvation and life forever with Jesus, made possible through His death and resurrection. The Bible verse is John 11:25, where Jesus tells that He is the resurrection and the life and that those who believe in Him will live forever with Him. ![]() Session 4 - Ultimate Trust
In Session 4, we will head up to explore Ultimate Tru Trust! We will learn how God provided for His people in the desert—and how Jesus provides for us every day, in every way! Kids will memorize John 6:35 and discover that we can trust Jesus to always provide what we need! ![]() Session 5 - Ultimate Love
In Session 5, we’ll round up to find Ultimate Love! As we hear about the time when Moses received God’s commands at Mount Sinai, we will also discover that Jesus gave a new command. We’ll see how loving Jesus means following His example and caring about others in our words and actions as He would. The Bible verse is John 13:34‑35, Jesus’ new commandment, given to His dearest friends—and to us. |
VBS Details
Spinning Road Baptist Church 538 Spinning Road Riverside, OH 45431 WHEN July 21st to July 26th, 2013 TIME 6PM to 9PM AGES Ages 3 yrs. old (and potty trained) through those students who have just completed 6th grade. COST Free QUESTION Phone: (937) 252-5311 Email: [email protected] |