Volume 9, Issue 1
Things you will want to know.
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
2 Timothy 2:15
Hello Awana Families,
Wow, we are there! It’s hard to believe that this club year has come and gone! It has been a great year and Clubbers have all worked so hard.
Closing Awards Ceremonies are today Wednesday, May 8th at 6:05 pm. All clubbers and families join us in the sanctuary as we present the awards that our clubbers have earned throughout this club year. We will also enjoy some memories of this past club year and reflect back on God’s blessings on our Awana club. Clubbers sit with their leaders.
Adult Bible Study: 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Children & Youth programs: 6:15 – 7:15 pm
For Kids Preschool – 6th Grade (Completing)
Summer Wednesday Youth group for youth Grades 7 – 12
Cool lessons, activities and games are planned for this summer, come have fun hanging out and worship with us.
May 6 – Abbie M
May 11 – Uriah L.
*If we missed one, please let us know.
SAVE THE DATE!! - Get ready for VBS! Clubbers, Cubbies thru TnT’ers will have so much fun during our week of VBS. Join us July 14-19, 2024 (Sunday – Friday) for our Summer VBS Program.
Our theme this year is Breaker Rock Beach! Each day, from 6 PM – 8:30 PM, kids will experience a life-changing week filled with Bible lessons, high energy games, incredible music, exciting crafts, yummy snacks, missions, and much more as they learn more about God's Word. The week ends with a special closing ceremony on Friday evening, July 19th, for students and families.
Invite your friends or family members to “Breaker Rock Beach” VBS! Come join us for a fun filled week of VBS while we dig deep into god’s word! See you there! Children are welcome even if they can’t attend all 6 nights! Please note the information and make plans for your child to join us for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, July 14 – 19, 2024!!
Registration begins June 1st!
Stay tuned for confirmation and further important details.
*NOTE: if our plans change, we will notify you via email.
Please remember if you do not have a church home you are invited to worship with us! We have Sunday school at 9:15 am, worship services at 10:30 am &
7 pm, and children’s church for preschool through 6th grade during the 10:30 am service. Our nursery is available during Sunday School & the 10:30 am worship service for children ages infant to three. We hope you will join us! We invite you to come as a visitor and leave as a friend.
This has been an amazing year at Awana! Thank you so much for a great club year. We have enjoyed getting to know you, and working with your children, and are excited to see them continue to grow in Christ.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your children and help them learn who God is, what His Son did for us, and how we can live our lives for Him. Have a great summer! Stay Safe!
God Bless each one of you as He has blessed us.
May 8 – Closing Ceremonies - Families Welcome.
May 15 – CKK & Summer Youth Programs Begin.
July 14 – 19 – Breaker Rock Beach Vacation Bible School.
Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2024 @ 6:05 pm.
Funny Things
Q. How do you get a tissue to dance? A. You put a little Boogie into it.
Bible Question
Q: Through plagues and sea, I set them free, with a staff in hand and faith so grand.
Who am I?