Our Club News – November 2022
Volume 3, Issue 1- Things you will want to know.
Hello Awana Families,
November has arrived. The temperatures are up and down, and some trees are holding on to their leaves while others have littered them all over the place, guess fall is here!
This time of year, is great for having fun at Awana, enjoying time outdoors playing in the leaves, and taking time to notice all God’s blessings. Let’s not only notice but thank God for all he’s created and blessed us with. October was a busy month. We have been busy studying, learning bible verses, playing cool games, and earning points for the store. Our hearts are bursting with joy for what your clubbers have accomplished of late. Many of the clubbers have completed their start zones and moved into their regular handbooks earning them their very first uniform. Congratulations to all, what an awesome job, keep up the Great work!

A Season of Thankfulness
As Thanksgiving approaches, let’s take time to remember and thank God for our many blessings, and also remember those who may be struggling right now.
We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the people who come together each week to make Awana happen! We appreciate each one of you, you rock!

What Do I Need to Bring
to Awana Each Week?
Bible, Uniform, Sneakers, Dues (50¢ per wk.), Handbook with at least one section ready. Bonus: theme night participation, monthly newsletter questions!

Dress for Success When deciding what to wear to Club. Remember games may include running, sitting, crawling, rolling, jumping, crab-walking, or lying on the floor. For safety, sneakers are required to participate in Game Time.

Two Annual Fall Outreach Projects
- The first is a food drive to help the hungry in our area. All items will go into our Church Pantry. And then be distributed to local families in need. Bring your nonperishable food items to club, and then watch our donations grow & the shelves fill up!!
- Secondly, we’re participating in the “shoebox” project again this holiday season, helping Samaritan’s Purse deliver these donated items to needy children around the world. Shoeboxes will be due later this month!

Don’t have a church home? We welcome your family to worship with us. Sunday services are at 10:30 am & 7 pm. children’s church for preschool thru 6th grade during the 10:30 am service. Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:15 a.m. We hope you will join us! We invite you to come as a visitor and leave as a friend.

21 – David I
*If we missed one, please let us know.

Cancellation Message
With winter around the corner, if bad weather persists on a Wednesday, PLEASE check email after 3 pm and/or check Channel 2 or 7 for church cancellations to find out if we’re still having Awana & Bible study.

November Theme Nights & Special Events
* Wear or bring theme-related items to earn points for the Awana store.
Theme nights are a fun part of AWANA. Often on these nights’ clubbers dress up based on what the theme of the night is and receive store points for participation.

November 9 – Nickels & Dime night & Military night – Dress in Red, White & blue.
November 16 – Thanksgiving Baskets, pantry nights end, & Shoeboxes are due.
November 23 – NO CLUB Happy Thanksgiving Please enjoy your THANKSGIVING!
November 30 - Club resumes. Store #1 opens
(yea, yea),
THEME NIGHT – Ugly Sweater Night.
December 7- Nickels & Dimes Night. THEME NIGHT – Silent Night Holy Night
December 20 and 28 - NO AWANA

Find the answer and earn bonus points! But don’t SHARE the answer - because that would be cheating!
Q: What are we told to do in the fifth commandment? (Exodus 20:12)
Tell Mr. Tere the answer for store points.

Q. What do frogs order at fast-food restaurants?
A. French flies!

Q. What kind of socks do grizzlies wear?
A. None, they have bear feet!