Summer 2021 Newsletter
Preschool will be starting before we know it. I wanted to send along a copy of our tentative calendar for this coming year. Our first day back to school for our
M-Th/F student is Tuesday, September 7th, our MWF students start back on Wednesday, September 8th.
Sadly, two of our teachers have left for other adventures. Mrs. Kidd and Mrs. Lewis will be missed. We would like to welcome Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Southerland to our preschool team.
Mrs. Johnson will be the Early Beginner teacher this fall and Mrs. Southerland will be our MWF Pre-K teacher. We are very excited to have them join us!

we invite our students and their parents to come to orientation. Students that are enrolled will be dropped off in their classrooms to meet their teacher and fellow classmates. Parents head to the fellowship hall for our orientation. Tuition and any outstanding forms are also due the day of orientation. Students will receive their school tote bags that morning as well. Please remember they need to bring their totes every time they come to preschool.

Tuition is normally due by the 5th of every month. As you can see on our calendar, we have you pay in advance of the month. So first tuition payment is due by August 16th, the next is Sept 2/3. Tuition can be paid by check or cash. Cash can be brought to the office, so we can write a receipt.
The office hours are Monday-Friday from 8-1.

We feel at this time, we can resume having parents come into the building for drop off and pick up. Remember the preschool doors open at 8:25 am and are locked by 8:40 am. Doors are opened for pick up starting at 11:50 am.
All students must be pick up
by 12:00 pm.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.
God Bless,
Carol Boersma