He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.
Come, see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6

As it is getting warmer outside,
the classes will be going out. Please make sure you send in a sweatshirt or a light jacket, especially if your child is wearing short sleeves.
I have included a copy of our May calendar. Originally, I had Memorial Day on an incorrect day and also we have extended preschool by one week. The last day for our MWF students will be May 24th. Our M-Th/F students last day will be May 25th.
Rural King receipts needs to be uploaded in by April 1st!

Teacher Appreciation week is quickly approaching! May 3-7th! Let’s show our teachers how grateful we are for them. Our teachers work so hard both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. I am so thankful that we have a great team of ladies this year!

April Birthdays
Miss. Schroder 5th
Maverick 14th

This has been a fundraiser that Spin Kemp has been doing for many years.
This year we are asking families to donate money to SISCA and the Ronald McDonald house.
We will split the money raised equally between these two places. We’d also like to collect one non- perishable item for the food pantry from each student.
We will be having the event on May 6th
and 7th.
Volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
May 6th
Mrs. Nowak @ 10:30 am.
May 7th
Mrs. Kidd @ 9-9:30
Ms. Schroder @ 9:45-10:15
Mrs. Lewis @ 10:30-11
Our rain date for this event will be May 10th & 11th.
Please do not head out and purchase a new bike, we do have bikes here at the school that can be used. We want the children to be familiar with their bike that they are riding. We do require each child to have a helmet; we do not have spare helmets. Permission slips and more information will be sent out closer to the date.

Hello parents!
I can't believe we are already in April! I hope you have a wonderful Easter! Thank you for all the candy and Easter egg donations!
This month we will be moving on to letter H, continue counting, practicing shapes and colors. School will resume Monday, April 12th.
With love, Mrs. Kidd

Miss Schroder Middlers
Hello Spring,
For this month we will be continuing with our letters V, W, & X, the color pink, and the number 8. We will be continuing our cutting practice. School resumes on Monday, April 12.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss Schroder

Mrs. Lewis MWF Pre-K
Hi everyone,
During April, our theme will be spring.
In Math, we will be consolidating the numbers to 20, particularly focusing on writing our numbers, counting on e.g. starting at 7 or 14, and counting backwards. We will also continue with mathematical language e.g. what’s next, who has more, a bigger number,
less than etc.
In Literacy we will work on the letters Q, Y and Z. We will continue to build our Word Wall and explore rhyming. We will continue with “Write the Room” where children write topic words that I have up around the room. We introduced our own “Writing Books” this month and will continue with these through April.
You will get to see them when they are full and I send them home. It’s great to see so many children starting to experiment with their own writing.
We will have “Show and Tell” in April. Please send your child in with 1 special item to talk about on their set day. It’s great to have a chat with them about this first so that they can talk more confidently to the class.
Monday, April 12 – Luci, Abby, Braelynn.
Wednesday, April 14 – Izzy, Cole, Addy.
Friday, April 16 – Evelyn, Caden, Kate.
Towards the end of April, we will be introducing a class “Wow Book”. This will be a book that we create as a class. Each day we will write a page about an individual child, talking about what makes them special and unique. That child will get to bring the book home the day we write about them and they can decorate their page any way they wish (stickers, drawing, writing, photos, glitter, collage anything at all). They then need to return it the next day we have preschool.
As always, please message me on Class Dojo with any questions or comments.
Peace to you all,
Mrs. Lewis

Happy Spring! I’m not sure about you, but I am so ready for the warmer weather to be here. Please remember that while the weather is warming up, please continue to have the students bring a light jacket or hoodie to wear outside for play time. When we have playtime, it can still be a little chilly and I would rather they have coats and not need them, then need them and not have them.
The beginning of the month provides all of us with a little break as we have Spring Break. Once we get back, we will begin to learn new concepts since we are nearing the end of our alphabet. I will be continuing with sequencing and patterns, then also introducing rhyming and beginning sounds of letters. As I said, we are nearing the end of our alphabet and we will also be continuing to learn numbers 20 and higher.

If you have any questions, I am always willing to talk. I don’t have all the right answers, but I can definitely share my family’s story. There is a meme on Facebook that says “I am not an expert on autism. I am an expert on MY CHILD with autism” and that is 100% correct.
“Autism is about having a pure heart and being very sensitive… it is about finding a way to survive in an overwhelming, confusing world… it is about developing differently, in a different pace and with different leaps." – Anonymous
“I do not suffer from Autism, but I do suffer from the way you treat me.” - Tyler Durdin
“I don’t talk about Autism for sympathy or pity. I talk about Autism to spread awareness and acceptance for those children and adults that are just as important as you or me.”
– Anonymous
With lots of love,
Mrs. Nowak