Spin Kemp Christian Preschool
February Parent Newsletter

It is great to have preschool back in full swing after the holidays. February is a quick month for us here at the preschool. Just a few things to mention:

Tuition is due Friday, February 3rd.

Valentine parties will be held on Monday, February 13th

No School on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents day.
Thank you to those who supported us during our Five Guys fundraiser.
Kindergarten registration will be opening for schools in late February/early March. I try to keep an eye for it. Beavercreek registration is March 7-9 at the Central Office.

Thank you for the love and support after the loss of my dad in January. It means the world to me.
A big shout out to the teachers for holding down the fort while I took some time to grieve the loss and attend his funeral.

February 9 ~ Emsley

Mrs. Lindens Early Beginners
We're off to a great start! We had a lot of fun in January that will continue this month with activities related to 'All About Us', Friends & Love, and Transportation.
There will be a short break mid-month while the other classes have conferences and the school is closed on President's Day.
Our class will not have conferences at this time since we really just began, but we will do some sort of assessment before the end of the school year. Please feel free to ask questions about how your child is doing at any time. It has been really encouraging to see the kids getting along so well with one another and we look forward to adding another student to our class in February!
Thank You and God Bless
Mrs. Linden

So for the month of February we will continue with our letters M, D, & G the numbers 15, 16 & 17 and work with the colors purple and pink.
Our Valentine’s Party is on Monday, February 13, the sign up for the party will be up.
Later that week on Thursday and Friday the 16 & 17 are Parent Teacher Conferences, the sign up for these are already up.
Then we will have Monday, February 20 with no school for President’s Day.
Thank you and God Bless,
Ms. Schroder & Mrs. McElroy

Happy Valentine’s! It’s hard to believe we are heading into February already, but here we are. We are going to start getting busy again. This month will probably go by very quickly with lots of things planned. I will be starting the month with doing assessments on the kids to prepare for our parent teacher conferences mid-February.
We will have our Valentine’s Day Party on Monday the 13th. We will have the kids exchange Valentine’s and I would encourage you to have the kids write their names themselves on them. This will be great practice for them! More details for this will be posted to Class Dojo.
There will be no school on Thursday, 2/16, and Friday 2/17 for Parent/Teacher Conferences (signups will be posted soon) as well as no school on Monday, 2/20 for President’s Day.
It may not seem like it at the moment, but the end of the school year will be here before we know it and we still have a lot of material to cover. While we are seeing lots of growth in the kids (and that is so encouraging), you reinforcing what we are doing in the classroom is where the knowledge really gets cemented into the kids.

The rest of the school year is going to pass by us in no time. We have a lot of fun activities planned in the upcoming months that we are excited for. We are so encouraged with all the kids and the improvement we have seen. And knowing more improvement will still happen, is so exciting. Let’s all keep up the amazing work!
With Love,
Mrs. Nowak and Mrs. Martell