We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas. I hope and pray that January comes in, sits down and behaves. 2020 for sure will go down in the record books.
This month we will have a fundraiser at
Jason’s Deli in Beavercreek. It is scheduled for
January 13th from 4-8 pm.
I hope to have more info as the date approaches.
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King day, the preschool will be closed
on January 18th. This is not just a day off, but a day of service.
We hope that you are able to find a volunteer opportunity
in your community to make it a better place.
An update from our shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.
Our preschool packed 18 boxes in total. Mrs. Nowak’s class packed 6 boxes and were given a cookie party before our break.
Thank you for all who donated.
Please make sure your payments are turned in by January 8th
to avoid any late fees. Normally tuition is due by the 5th of the month, but with us sending payments envelopes out on the 4th,
we have extended the due date.
Just a quick reminder, please make sure you are dropping
your child off on time. The teachers will wait as long as they
can, but sometimes these late arrivals cut into their
morning activities.
It is also time to start thinking about enrollment for this fall. In February, I will be sending out continuation forms for our Early Beginners and Middlers. The form and $40 registration fee will hold your students spot for this coming fall. Registration will open up to the church and general public on March 8th. So getting your form in early will ensure your students spot in preschool.
January 16th ~ Sonja
Dear parents,
I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! For the month of January we will move on to letter E! We will continue going over colors and counting.
Please remember to label your child’s name on
their snack
With love, Mrs. Kidd
Ms. Schroder’s Middlers
Happy New Year!!!!
So with the start of the New Year comes more letters, numbers, and colors. We will continue with our letters M, N, & and O, the number 5, and the color blue. We will continue to practice using scissors and starting to cut things out.
There is no school Monday, January 18 for Martin Luther King, Jr day.
Thank you and God Bless,
Miss. Schroder
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas…pretty sure none of us will ever forget 2020!! To kick the new year off, we will be reviewing the numbers 1-10 and moving on to 11, 12 and 13. We are having lots of number talk and playing number games every day now, to build in those mathematical conversations. E.g. how many boys are here today? Who has more cubes?
We will be focusing on winter and the letters W, P, F and T. We will be continuing “Write the Room”. For this activity I highlight many words around the room…this month they will be winter words…and we talk about their meaning, letters in them etc. Then either as a set activity, or during free play, children write words they see. We will also continue reading books every day, and more importantly focus on comprehension through story discussion.
As a class, the children know a few little mantras and often chant them at me. “We can do hard things,” and “Mistakes are great, that means we’re learning!”
We will keep working on listening skills through games and improving fine motor and hand strength as tasks become more complex.
As always, please message me on Class Dojo with any questions or comments, or when your child will be absent. This is particularly useful so we don’t spend time waiting for you to arrive in the mornings.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Lewis
Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a relaxing, blessed and safe Christmas with your families.
After a week of review, we will be continuing our letters and numbers. The kids did amazingly well with writing their letters and numbers before break, but things will probably start to get a little harder for them. We will also start working on learning their last names and then move to phone numbers.
Please remember to be working with your kids at home on what we are learning. The additional time will benefit them immensely. Also, don’t forget to bring your bags, folders, coats and a snack every day.
The first part of the year went by so fast. With a lot of upcoming fun stuff planned, I am sure the second half of the year will be going by just as fast. Please continue to look at Class Dojo for daily announcements and what we are doing in the classroom.
With Love,
Mrs. Nowak