Spin Kemp Christian Preschool
January 2023 Parent Newsletter
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas break!
It’s hard to believe it is 2023!
January 16th ~ No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We were able to raise $300 at Beavercreek Pizza Dive back in November. Thank you to all who were able to join us!
In the next few weeks, the teachers will start their assessments. We have parent teacher conference scheduled for February.
Fall registration will open for current students starting Tuesday, February 21st. Teachers will pass out continuation forms during conferences.
We will open fall registration to the general public starting on Wednesday, March 1st. I will also be checking with our local schools on when kindergarten registration begins.
Just a reminder we are sending tuition envelopes home after break, tuition will be due by Monday, January 9
God Bless,
Carol Boersma,
Preschool Director
School closings due to inclement weather- Our teachers are very good at communicating a closure due to weather.
Make sure you have joined Remind for closing text messages or simply watch for it on the local news channels.
Again, if Beavercreek is on a 2hr delay, we are on a 1 hr. delay. If Beavercreek is closed, we are closed. Last year Beavercreek did close to due buses not able to get children, if the roads are cleared for car traffic, than more than likely we will have school.
Amena 8th
Theodore 9th
RJ 10th
Sonya 16th
Alexander 29th
Mrs. Lindens Early Beginners
It's a new year and I look forward to being part of your child's new school routine!
This month will be a time for us to get to know each other, learn our routine, and work on skills like taking turns & sharing. We will spend the first few weeks talking about winter, then shift gears to animals, and finally kick-off a fun work learning 'All about us.' If you haven't already, please remember to send in a change of clothes to be kept in the classroom in case of a spill or accident.
Mrs. Linden
Miss. Schroder and Mrs. McElroy’s Middlers
Welcome Back!
Getting right back into everything!!
We will review letters and continue on with K, H, & R, the numbers 12, 13, & 14, talk about the colors white and blue and pentagons.
No School Monday, January 16 for Martin Luther King Day.
We are going to have a special snack on January 23,
it is going to be our donut snowman snack.
Just a fun little snack to have in this time of year.
Thank you and God Bless!
Ms. Schroder & Mrs. McElroy
Happy New Year! I can’t believe we are already this far into the school year, but here
we are! The kids have made so much progress and we are so proud of them.
We will continue with our letters and numbers of the week. We will also continue with patterns, but we will also be including sequencing, rhyming words, missing letters/numbers, etc. Many kids are ready for this, so I will start to introduce some simple addition and maybe some subtraction.
We will also start learning last names! You will start to notice that the kid’s first names will start to disappear and everything will have only their last name on it. Most of the kids are doing really well with this, but some many struggle. Please work with them at home so they don’t struggle too much at school.
Towards the end of the month, I will start working on mid-year assessments to start preparing for parent/teacher conferences in February.
Please continue to check out Class Dojo for communication as well as checking the kid’s folders to see what we are doing in the classroom. By checking their folders, you can also keep an eye on their progress and see where they still need improvement.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help the kids grow and if there is anything you see that we can do to further help with this, let us know!
Grace and Peace,
Mrs. Nowak and Mrs. Martell