Parents’ Page – May 2017
Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the ages.”
Matthew 28:20
From your Administrator – Mia Lynch
It is hard to believe we are already starting our last month for the 2016/17 school year. Are you ready for summer? Well, hold on because we have a full schedule of fun events for the students again this month!
For the Teachers and myself, there are tinges of sadness for the students we may not see again but joy for the time we have spent with them Thank you for letting us be a part of this special early learning time you have given your children. We have enjoyed the experiences of working with each child and watching the growth that has taken place. We hope we have helped to give them a good and positive beginning to their school years to follow.
I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to all the parents who contributed in so many ways to our program this year. Your caring and participation is what helps to make this a good preschool. If you are still in the area, we would love for you to stop in from time to time to let us know how things are going with school and family.
For all the students who will be continuing on with us in the fall, we had a wonderful time and can’t wait to see your happy faces in September. We will be mailing out an August newsletter to the returning families with important dates and times for the beginning school year. Please make sure we have your current mailing address.
The preschool office is only open part-time during the summer months. If you need to get in touch with us, leave a message with the Church secretary 252-5311.
We will end this year with a picnic at Shellabarger Park, just a few blocks down the street from the preschool. You will receive an invitation with all the necessary information you need. Please mark your calendar for May 24th we would love to have the whole family join us for this special occasion
Our Charity Trike-a-Thon goes to benefit needy causes. Please give generously remember they are non-profit and survive on donations.
Happy Birthday To all our May and Summer Students
Jason 5-5 Adlyn 5-8 Aubrey 5-18 Hayden 6-7 Levi 6-11 Reed 6-16 Cameron 6-28
Adelaide 7-5 Logan 7-13 Lillian 7-24 Christian 8-3 Jordan 8-13 Samuel 8-16
Corbin 8-23 Sophia 8-23 Maliyah 8-29
Early Beginners
April showers bring May flowers. Our class is enjoying the warm weather and watching things bloom outside.
This month we will be learning about our favorite summer time things: swimming safety, underwater sea animals, and things to find on the beach. We will also be finishing up our alphabet letters with crafts x, y and z.
Please watch for information to come home about Mother’s Day Snack and the Trike-a-Thon, the last day of school and the End of Year picnic.
Last but not least, a warm “thank you” for sharing your children with us. It has been wonderful getting to know them and has made our time at Spin-Kemp a true blessing. Have a safe and wonderful summer.
Don’t forget if your child is returning this fall register for the Middlers early.
Many Warm Blessings,
Mrs. Johnson and Miss Schroder
Here we are our last month of the school year. May is going to go by so fast and we have it packed with so much fun. We will send home extra copies of sheets we completed over the school year. Please make it fun for your child as they work on them over the summer.
As a reminder we encourage each child to practice their cutting and gluing skills. Cutting stiff paper is a good idea as next year rolls around they will be doing much of this on their own. Writing their name is very important this will need some extra practice – upper and lower case letters are used. Any questions please ask.
We strongly recommend if you have not filled out a continuation form for fall you do so before school is out. Mrs. Butcher and Mrs. Bange’s class fills up quickly. Registration is your only assurance of getting in this fall. Please don’t wait you could lose out.
We wish all the best to those families moving out of the area or not returning to Spin-Kemp. We have enjoyed each one of you and you will be missed! Parents a big thank you for everything, we do appreciate all you have shared with our school.
Have a safe and fun summer.
Love, love, love that’s what it’s all about,
Mrs. Karmele and Mrs. Wolodkiewicz
Wow! Can you believe the end of the school year is almost here? Summer fun is upon us so we can spend time with our friends, family and have special days only summer can bring. Have a wonderful summer break.
Our classroom has been busy this year with new adventures and learning. What a great learning year we have had. I suggest you shop around for some workbooks for kindergarteners to keep the learning going through the summer. Last days of school will be May 23rd with our end of the year picnic May 25th. Check the tote bags for information on all the end of the year activities.
It is always hard to say good-bye. It has been wonderful working with all of you and we only wish the best for you and your children. We are looking forward to hearing news about their future growth and accomplishments.
A special” thank you” goes out to all the parents who helped this year with their time, donations, healthy snacks and encouragement. You are a special group of parents and our prayers are with you as you raise these wonderful children God has put in your care.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and even when he is old, will not depart from it.” God Bless
Serving Our Lord
Mrs. Butcher and Mrs. Bange
I know some of you have told your teachers that your child will be returning for the fall. It would be advisable to send in a continuation form before we close for the summer. The
Pre-K class was full this year and we had to turn students away. We honor registrations as we get them. If you wait to late, sorry to say being alumni does not assure you a spot without registering. Your teachers have
continuation forms just ask for one