Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!
Psalm 98

Isn’t it exciting that spring is just around the corner? Maybe it means the end of snowy cold weather and we won’t have to deal with anymore school closings or delays. I am so tired of having delays. I know that may sound strange but we have so much to do at school and time is growing short on accomplishing this.
It’s difficult to believe we are looking at our last three months of school. I have so many mixed feelings about this time of year. It always pulls at my heart to see our Pre-K students go off kindergarten. When I was at Saint Rita Elementary School and C C Center, I got to see my former students as they transitioned from year to year and class to class here it seems so final. I guess I’m just an old softie.
Enroll !. Registration for 2020/21 will begin Monday, March 2nd

If your child is off to kindergarten, make sure you contact your school district and begin the screening process and registration ASAP. Most districts begin screening and registrations very early.

Men’s Night is 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday, March 18th for all students
The Middlers are calling their Men’s Night –Family Night because they had to cancel Women’s Night in October due to staff illnesses. They want you to come and enjoy the evening with your child.

We want to welcome Mrs. Boersma to our staff. She is the new trainee in Mrs. Bange’s class. Her son Finn is in the Middlers and daughter Jillian attended when Mr. Boersma was stationed at the Base. It’s like having a member of the family back at Spin-Kemp.

Happy Birthday to Our March Leprechaun!
Valerie M. 3/28
Friday, March 13 ~ Scholastic Book orders due use Parent Code is H8724 if ordering on line
Tuesday, March 17 ~ St. Patrick’s Day but we will celebrate on Monday, March 16th (so wear your green)
Wednesday March 18 ~ Music with the Pastor
Monday, March 30 ~ Men’s Night Monday, NO MORNING CLASSES
Classroom News
Early Beginners

March has come and we continue on with letters S, T, & U, the color Green and number 7. The Librarian comes March 9th and music with Pastor is March 11th. Men’s Night is March 30th at 6:30 p.m.
The 23th of this month is Picture Day. The company we use also will take pictures of younger siblings. If you would like them included, just ask us for an extra photo form.
In case your child has been absent, Mrs. Nowak is now back with us.
She was doing some training in the older class for a while. Mrs. Bange
has a new trainee and 3 staff in the room can get a little confusing
for the students.
Ms. Schroder and Mrs. Nowak

On Monday, March 16th don’t forget to wear green! We will have our St. Patrick’s Day party on that day.
Mark your calendar for Monday, March 30th for Family Night from 6:30 – 8 p.m. With our class having to cancel Mom’s night earlier in the school year, we are inviting either/or both parents to share this night with us. You are going to have a great time. Remember we will not have morning classes on that day.
In class we will be celebrating March 20th, the first day of spring, with a blooming good time. We will also have a St. Patrick week, Dr. Seuss’s birthday, New Life Week and Zoo Week. It’s going to be a busy month!
We want you to know we appreciate all you do for our class and our students.
Blessings to All,
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Misutka

We will continue to have fun with learning more letters, numbers, patterning, and sequencing a story. We encourage you to spend some extra time working on letters and numbers especially if needed. This will benefit greatly for kindergarten next year.
We will also be learning our phone number. Please be on the
lookout for a phone number paper for you to fill out. This will
indicate what number you would like your child to learn.
Don’t forget to include the area code even if it’s 937.
Please mark your calendar for Men’s Night on Monday,
March 30th at 6:30 p.m. There will be no morning
preschool that day.
Mrs. Bange and Mrs. Turner & Mrs. Boersma