Here’s how several elementary school students answered the following questions about moms:
Why did God make mothers?
• She’s the only one who knows where the Scotch tape is.
• Mostly to clean the house.
• To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
• He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
• Magic plus superpowers and a lot of stirring.
• God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
Of what ingredients are mothers made?
• God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world, and one
dab of mean.
• They had to get their start from men’s bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
• We’re related.
• God knew she likes me a lot more than other people’s moms like me.
With gratitude to all of our moms. May you have a great Mother's Day!
With love, Pastor Scott

Join us May 6, 2023 from 1-3 pm we will have a special outdoor worship event, led by our Praise Band. Come join with one another in our parking lot to sing praises to the Lord and let our neighborhood know that we are here.

- Please join us for Men’s Breakfast on
- Women’s Breakfast will be May 13, 2023
- May 16, 2023 ~ Team Meetings ~ 6 pm and

This summer’s VBS, Spark Studios is scheduled for July 16 - 21 from 6 pm - 8:30 pm.
Say yes to VBS!
Join us at Spark Studios for six nights of fun – worship, Bible study, crafts, games, music, missions, friends, and more! The best part is that the entire 6 days are designed especially for kids age 3 (prior to June 1, 2022) through those students who will just be completing 6th grade! Kids will learn that they are created in Christ and designed for God’s purpose. Mark your calendars today, and registration will begin June 1, 2023.

VBS 2023 is fast approaching, we’d love your help!
This year’s VBS dates are July 16 - 21. 6:00 ~ 8:30 pm. Spark Studios will be this year’s theme. One week can be life-changing for you and for the kids you will serve! Everyone changes when they learn about Jesus and share his love!
If you can serve all week, one day or one hour - you are needed at Spark Studios VBS!
Online registration will open June 1.
If you are willing or able to volunteer, please contact Director, Michelle Prince.

all are safe.

Beginning Wednesday, May 17th, Wednesdays will continue with programming for kids’ pre-k – 6th grades, offering fun lessons, games, and more. CKK replaces Awana during the summer months. This summer come out from 6:30 – 7:30 and be a part on Wednesday nights

It has been another incredible year of AWANA! The 2022 -23 club year is about to end. Club in April was terribly busy, with sections being completed, books being finished, the word of God being presented, it’s so exciting to experience the Love of God flowing thru the hearts and minds of clubbers each week.
April 5 ~ Clubbers were seen eating lots of most excellent popcorn for popcorn
theme night.
April 19~ Clubbers and leaders enjoyed a nice, sweet treat while working
through the night for our cookie theme night.
April 19 ~ The Trek club adventured out to the Magic Castle Family Fun Center
to play some games and have some serious FUN for their club outing.
April 26 ~ Clubbers arrived dressed in their pj’s complete with stuffies, robes,
slippers, and some cool pj’s for our last theme night of this club year.
April 29 ~ Sparks & TNT clubbers gave up extra sleep, cartoons, cereal, morning video games and came in to work hard at Super Section Saturday, finishing hard and long sections, challenges, and discoveries (Yea, Go Clubbers!). Thank-you to all leaders for helping to make this such a fun and rewarding
event for all who attended.
The last Awana store for this club year will open May 3, where clubbers will unload and empty out their bank accounts of hard-earned points and purchase cool items found on the store shelves.
We will host our Awards/closing Ceremonies Wednesday May 10 beginning at 6:05pm in the Sanctuary where all clubbers and leaders will be recognized for their accomplishments this club year. We would like to invite everyone to come celebrate with us as we close out this club year.
We would like to say a Special THANK-YOU to all of our Directors, Leaders, Listeners, leaders in training, helpers, the kitchen staff for dinners and desserts, Fran our Church secretary, Chris our Janitor for doing such a great and wonderful job in faithfully ministering to all of the kids of our Church and neighborhoods about the word of God. All of your participation, service, support, and dedication really does help make a difference in these kids’ lives.
A Great Big Thank-you also goes out to Pastor Scott, clubbers parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, and all of you the congregation members who continue to actively support our programs faithfully with your positive support and prayers!
T H A N K – Y O U!!!
Both of us Co-Commanders really do appreciate all of you and your dedication!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Join us for a time of crafting with others of the church. Bring you craft, whatever that may be, scrapbooking, knitting, sewing, card making or any other project you may have going. We will be meeting at 7 pm on the 4th Friday of the month.
This Month we will be meeting on May 19.
For more info contact Michelle Prince @

No Evening Activies

It is truly a blessing! We have 8 of our children attending Scioto hills Christian Camp this summer. To help families bring the cost of camp down, we’re asking you to donate funds to help. If you’re able to do this place your donation in the envelope in the pew and mark summer camp on the envelope and place it in the offering plate on the back table in the rear of the sanctuary. If writing a check, please write summer camp on the memo line and place in the offering plate.
We will be accepting donations thru May 30. Thank-you!

We hope to resume our Wednesday night meals in the fall.

Our church bowling league is set to start on May 11. We will bowl each Thursday night, at Beaver Vu Lanes, with the start time being at 7 pm this year. We will not bowl on July 20 so that workers can help with Vacation Bible School. Even if you did not sign up to bowl, feel free to come on out to watch and to fellowship together. It is a fun church night!

May 7 ~ Marsha Midlam
May 14 ~ Ellie Schroder & Ellen Reichard
May 21 ~ Mike Stemley & Cathy Schroder
May 28 ~ Ed & Michelle Prince

Monday, May 29, 2023
Church Offices will be closed

Mike & Chris Reed
2023 brings a celebration of 35 years of marriage and 19 years of serving as full-time missionaries with Awana. Neither of us grew up going to Awana and did not even hear the name “Awana” until after we were married. Before joining Awana in 2004, we served in our church’s Awana ministry for 15 years and served as volunteers on Steve and Pam Schenk’s ministry team.
While at a Bible Quiz event in early 2003, God stirred in us His calling to serve as missionaries with Awana. We began serving as Awana missionaries in August 2004. We served in Kansas for 7 ½ years before moving to western Kentucky in December 2011. In October 2016, we relocated back to central Ohio. Mike also is a
Sr. Field Director for the US Ministries.
We are humbled by how God is working through us to equip and encourage churches in their mission to reach and disciple children and youth through the Awana ministry.

God provides the resources for our ministry and living expenses through the faithfulness of those churches and individuals who become partners with us. We receive no financial assistance from Awana Club International.
- Share information about your Awana ministry with others.
- Give to the ministry individually or through your church.
- Pray for us as we seek to reach more kids across our territory by connecting with churches that do not currently use Awana.
- Pray that we can continue to build relationships with pastors, ministry directors, and volunteers in local churches in our territory.
- Pray for the Awana ministry locally, statewide, and nationwide.
- Pray for additional leaders, volunteers, and lay leaders.
- Pray for the children attending Awana this year and the loving, caring disciple-makers who engage them each week in the truth of God’s Word and the power of the Gospel.