But he was even more intimately acquainted with the One who conquered that enemy forever.
At Easter time, we find ourselves dealing with two extreme emotions.
We focus on the cruel treatment of our Savior and the horrible details of His death. We think of the grief of His followers and family and the confusion and doubt they must have experienced when Jesus died.
But then, we rejoice at the reality of the resurrection. We exalt in what it means to us that our eternal life was cemented when Jesus was raised from the dead. Joseph Bayly wrote the following poem that means all the more knowing the depth of pain that he went through in his life. May it touch your heart as it did mine.
Let’s celebrate Easter with the rite of laughter.
Christ died and rose and lives.
Laugh like a woman who holds her first baby.
Our enemy death will soon be destroyed.
Laugh like a man who finds he doesn’t have cancer, or he does, but now there’s a cure.
Christ opened wide the door of heaven.
Laugh like children at Disneyland’s gates.
This world is owned by God, and he’ll return to rule.
Laugh like a man who walks away uninjured from a wreck in which his car was totaled.
Laugh as if all the people in the whole world were invited to a picnic and then invite them.
Joseph Bayly, Psalms of My Life
May you and I also celebrate Easter with the “rite of laughter.”
Happy Resurrection Day!
With love, Pastor Scott

April 1, 2023 ~ Men’s Breakfast@ 8:30 am.
- April 8, 2023 ~ Women’s Breakfast @ 9:00 am.
- April 17, 2023 ~ Team Meetings ~ 6 pm and
- April 30, 2023 ~ Quarterly Business Meeting

This summer’s VBS, Spark Studios is scheduled for July 16 - 21 from 6 pm - 8:30 pm.
Say yes to VBS!
Join us at Spark Studios for six nights of fun – worship, Bible study, crafts, games, music, missions, friends, and more! The best part is that the entire 6 days are designed especially for kids age 3 (prior to June 1, 2022)through those students who will just be completing 6th grade! Kids will learn that they are created in Christ and designed for God’s purpose. Mark your calendars today, and registration will begin June 1, 2023.

VBS 2023 is fast approaching, we’d love your help! This year’s VBS dates are July 16 - 21. 6pm-8:30 pm. Spark Studios will be this year’s theme. One week can be life-changing for you and for the kids you will serve! Everyone changes when they learn about Jesus and share his love! If you can serve all week, one day or one hour - you are needed at Spark Studios VBS! Online registration will open June 1.
If you are willing or able to volunteer, please contact Director Michelle Prince.

Rita Look wishes to thank everyone who sent cards, well wishes, and prayers for her
stroke recovery.

If you wish to donate an Easter flower to be used in decorating the church at Easter time, we will be taking orders from March 19 through April 2 2023. Please fill out the information forms in the back of the sanctuary. The cost is $10 per plant.
The plants will be in the sanctuary for Sunday April 9th and can be taken home after the morning worship service.

Dear Spinning Road Family,
We closed out February with a glow night theme. The fellowship hall was a glow it black lights, glow sticks, balloons, games, necklaces set for clubbers to have lots of glowing fun, and they did.
The 24th brought a small group of eager Sparks (K – 2) to eat pizza and chips, play crazy games and more at their late night out party, it was fun, and all had a blast. Thank you to everyone who helped to make it a fun night for those who attended.
March started off with the opening of the 2nd Awana Store! It was a time for our clubbers to spend or save their hard earned Awana points they have been earning in club! They earn their ‘money’ by memorizing Bible verses, completing sections in their handbooks, and participating in theme nights.
On the 15th, WOW, what a fun night of racing at our annual Awana
Grand Prix! Thank you to all the volunteers who had helping hands to make the night run smoothly and a special thank you to all those who attended to watch and to race! A special thank you to Mike Reed our Awana Missionary who stopped by, enjoyed dinner with us and brought a special devotional to us with the assistance of T&T clubber David Chambers. We were able to present Mike with a check for the monies collected in our little Awana bank. Thank you to all who entered the race this year and congratulations to all winners! Thank you to all of our Leaders, volunteers, parents, and Clubbers for a great race!
Hopefully everyone had a great time. Start thinking about those car designs
for next year!
March ended and April began with the T&T clubbers storming the fellowship hall doors excited and very eager and ready to have a lock-in and maximize the time with food, games, a thought-provoking lesson, and much fun, with a few ZZzz’s mixed in. Thank you to all who stayed up late and help this event to kick off with great fun.
We ask for your continued positive thoughts, prayers, and support for our dedicated staff and for the Great kids who attend each week and for the parent/guardians that bring them.
Cool with Christ
Tere Sharp, Co Commander

We will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on April 2, 2023 after the morning service. The hunt is open to PreK ~ 6th Grade. There will be a small lunch after the hunt. Bring your Easter Basket and join in the fun.

We are once again able to go to our neighbors and invite them to our spring activities. We are planning a neighborhood canvas, where we will place information about our upcoming plans for Easter and beyond on the doorknobs of houses in our church neighborhood. You do not have to knock on doors, just simply volunteer to take a few blocks and help spread the word about our church. Please plan to take part. The canvas will take place on Saturday, April 1 at 11:00 am. Hope to see you there!

is Palm Sunday!
All children are invited to participate by waving palm branches at the beginning of the worship service in celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Children should arrive 15 minutes prior to worship to receive their branches and participate.
No RSVP required, please connect with Mr. Tere with any questions.

For more info contact Michelle Prince @ 937-689-1017.

During Morning Worship Service
April 2 ~ Colleen Goodman & Cathy Schroder
April 9 ~ Betsey Henry & Alissa McDonald
April 23 ~ Greg & Kelly Bush
April 30 ~ Matt & Stephanie McKiernan

Camp Scioto Hills is a great Christian Camp in southern Ohio where our kids can go to make new friendships and strengthen their walk in Christ. Currently week 1 for New Frontier and Alpha are on a wait list and Week 3 for Frontier and Alpha is starting to fill up. If you are interested in going, please sign up as soon as possible, as they do fill up quickly!
There is a discount if you register before March 31st. Scholarship money may be available. If you have any questions, please see Donna Arrigo.

Join us April 22 from 1-3 pm we will have a special outdoor worship event, led by our Praise Band.
Come join with one another in our parking lot to sing praises to the Lord and let our neighborhood know that we are here.

Awana Sparks and T&T clubbers, we are still busy making our way through our handbooks each week during club. The end of the club year is sneaking up on us quickly. How are you doing with navigating your way through your handbook? We’re having a Super Section Saturday, Saturday, April 29 for Sparks and T&T clubbers who either need some extra 1 on 1 help with a listener or leader or you’re close to finishing your handbook and would like some more concentrated time to do so, or just want to move forward in your handbook. Come out and get the extra work done on that difficult section and have a little fun while doing so.
Door prizes will be given to those who come and say sections.