Spinning News
October 2022

M. Craig Barnes, related this illustration in one of his sermons:
When I was a child, my father brought home a twelve-year-old boy named Roger, whose parents had died from a drug overdose. There was no one to care for Roger,
so my folks decided they would raise him as their own.
At first it was difficult for Roger to adjust to his new home. Several times a day, I heard my parents saying to Roger, “No, no. That’s not how we behave in this family.” “No, no. You don’t have to scream or fight or hurt other people to get what you want.” “No, no, Roger, we expect you to show respect in this family.”
In time, Roger began to change. Did he have to make those changes to become part of the family? No. He was part of the family by the grace of my father. But did he have to work hard because he was in the family? You bet he did. It was tough for Roger to change, and he had to work at it. But he was motivated by gratitude for the amazing love he had received.
Do you have a lot of hard work to do now that the Spirit has adopted you into God’s family? Certainly. But not to become a son or a daughter of the heavenly Father. No, you make those changes because you are a son or daughter. And every time you start to revert back to the old addictions to sin, the Holy Spirit will say to you, “No, no. That’s not how we act in this family.”
May we always consider and evaluate just how our actions reflect on our Christian family, of which we are privileged to be a part. And may people see our actions and be caused to give glory to our God, who so generously saved us and so abundantly equips us.
With love, Pastor Scott

Here at SRBC we collect a Fellowship Offering on the 3rd Sunday of every month. This offering is used for emergency needs and financial assisstance for those in need. This has been a great ministry of our church through the years, and we just want to remind you that we are continuing to collect this offering. There is a basket marked Fellowship Fund on the communion table, or you may send in your offering specified as Fellowship Fund. We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time. Your giving Matters !

Saturday October 8, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.
ministry sponsored by Hope4Riverside and in connection with an organization called Neighborhood Bridges.
The concept is simple. You can sign up to be notified of needs of school students that are brought to attention by school advocates such as school counselors, social workers or administrators. You will receive an email with details of that need, such as a pair of shoes,
or clothing or financial assistance with something. If you feel led to meet that need,
you can indicate on the email how you want to do that and then that need will be
removed from the list.
The easiest way for you to participate is to go yourself to the website; [email protected]. The instructions to subscribe are clear.
Please notify Pastor Scott if you have any questions.

Men’s Breakfast is starting up again on Saturday,
October 1, 2022, at 8:30 am.
Please join us for a time of devotion, food and fellowship. All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there!

Youth of SRBC (Grades 7th – 12th), Christ is the center of our group, and we want you to come hangout with us Sunday' evenings from 6:30 pm – 8pm and bring your friends! What can you expect? We play games, eat snacks, pray for each other, share a few laughs, and dig into a Bible lesson and how it applies to us.
Check us out, you'll find a space where you're welcome and appreciated. We will be intentional with pushing each other towards Christ.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Team Meetings ~ 6 pm
Board Meeting ~ 7 pm

If you are interested, please see Pastor Scott.

Sunday, October 23, 2022
Quarterly Business Meeting

Fall is here! Fall is here! That means Awana is off and running. We’re playing, singing, learning, and changing all while learning about Gods word. In person club kicked off Wednesday, September 7th.
We welcomed new clubbers, and past clubbers to rock our 19th year of club with us, how awesome is that! Clubbers have been arriving hungry for God, friends, fellowship with leaders, and all of the awesome things that Awana has to offer
this year.
Wednesday September 21, clubbers represented their schools wearing their colors for our 1st theme night of the year, School colors night.
Our theme night for October will be Crazy Hair Night. It will be possible to see some serious hair creativity on this fun night. Clubbers, get your silliest and most crazy hairdo together and sport it at club on the 19th. Contests for the craziest hairdo of the night.
On the 26th we will have a special fall fun night. Our season of giving will kick off as we ask clubbers to bring in non-perishable food to help re-stock our food pantry for the holidays.
Thank you to all the faithful leaders and volunteers creating the opportunity each week!
We ask that you continue to fulfill your very important role in club by praying for everyone involved in club each week.
Thank-you for your continued support in this ministry!
Kids matter to God, and us!
Cool with Christ
Tere Sharp

Your donations to the food pantry are once again requested. We have ample supply of paper towels but any food items
or toilet paper would be appreciated. We are once again gearing up for our Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets
to be given.
As always thank you for your generosity.

SRBC's annual Children's Christmas program is scheduled for Sunday, December 11, at 7 pm!
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend! Calling all children, pre-K through 6th grade! You are invited to participate in our annual Christmas Program. Play Practices will begin on Sunday, October 2nd and will continue during the children's church time on Sunday mornings. We hope to see you all then.
For questions, please contact Tere Sharp.
Next Step Students Grades 7th – 12th, come explore an awesome afternoon maze with all your Next Step friends! Join us Saturday, October 15 for an adventure thru the corn maze at Young’s Dairy, followed by a Bonfire & BBQ at the Bush’s house. See Next Step leaders for times and details. Permission forms are required.
We’d love to have you join us!

Pastor Scott and Colleen will be on vacation
October 24- 31, 2022.

For more than two hundred years, International Ministries (also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society), has combined resilience, adaptability, and creative approaches to cross-cultural ministry with faithfulness to Scripture.
During the 2022 World Mission Offering, you can learn more about the work Global Servants Katherine & Wayne Niles and Kathy & Tim Rice do to provide health care, clean water, administration, and more in mission hospitals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. You can also see the impact of the ministries of Global Servants J.D. & Rhonda Reed and Sarah Matos, as they work alongside local partners and fellow global servants to offer medical clinics in Bolivia and to lead the Master of Theological Studies program that is preparing Christian leaders throughout Iberoamerica.
You can help us work cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace, and abundant life for all creation.

While we will not be taking separate love offerings on those days, we invite anyone who would like to show financial support to either or both of these missionaries, to indicate on your offering check or envelope what you would like to donate. You may do so any time in the weeks ahead.
Be in prayer for these missionaries as we thank God for the opportunities to hear from them.