“Songs, good feelings, beautiful liturgies, nice presents, big dinners, and sweet words do not make Christmas. Christmas is saying yes to something beyond all emotions and feelings. Christmas is saying yes to a hope based on God’s initiative, which has nothing to do with what I think or feel. Christmas is believing that the salvation of the world is God’s work and not mine.” Henri Nouwen
As you look at our church calendar, you will find an abundance of activities that have
been planned for December. There are so many things that we like to do at Christmas time.
I am sure all of your personal lives are filled with commitments and obligations throughout
the month as well.
When you consider your involvement in our many church activities,
there may be conflicts that prevent you from participating, which is certainly understandable.
I simply ask that as you make your decisions, that you not look at our activities as one more obligation, but rather as a chance to say “yes” to Christmas. You are not saying “yes” to traditions, but to the gospel message of salvation made possible by the coming of Jesus Christ to earth. You are not saying “yes” because the events are fun and enjoyable, which they are, but because each one makes a statement about who we are as a church and what our purpose is all about.
So whether it be livestreaming the Cedarville concert in our sanctuary, supporting our children for their Christmas play, hearing the choir presentation of their Cantata, caroling to our elderly and shut-in, distributing Christmas baskets to the needy in our community, taking time on Christmas Eve to worship, or making church a priority on Christmas morning, may your
answer be “yes.”
I'm hoping to see lots of each other this month!
With love, Pastor Scott

Are you possibly thinking about sending your child to summer camp next summer?
Well, want a little information to help you ease over the threshold of yes, I should or I’m not sure if I should send my Child to summer camp. We encourage kids to attend camp as a way to not only have fun, but also deepen their walk with Jesus thru faith-building summer experiences, making new friends, and getting on the onramp to the highway of life of owning their own faith. We believe that camp is a powerful tool that God uses in the life of young people. Stay tuned in future newsletters
as we give you some valuable information about sending your child to Christian Summer
Camp in 2023.

Men’s Breakfast will be a week later this month it will
be on Saturday, December 10, 2022, at 8:30 am.
Please join us for a time of devotion,
food and fellowship.
All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there!

Join us Sunday evening December 11 @ 7 pm
in the Sanctuary, as our Children ages
Pre-k – 7th grades present a Christmas play entitled
“A Change of Scenery”, followed by a reception in the
Fellowship Hall.

Our group continues to thrive, we played waiters & waitresses on Sunday, November 13 for the family movie night, serving those who attended drinks, snacks, & home baked cookies. Youth from SRBC and the neighborhood come together on Sunday evenings to play games, eat snacks, pray for each other, share a few laughs, and dig into a Bible lesson and how it applies to us.
Christ is the center of our Group, and we want youth grades 7th – 12th to come hangout with us Sunday' evenings from 6:30 pm – 8pm and bring your friends! Check us out, you'll find a space that you're welcome and appreciated.
We will be intentional with pushing each other towards Christ.

We’ve been busy completing start zones, receiving new uniforms, meeting friends each week and working thru our handbooks and learning thru lessons. It’s neat working with our kids and watching them growing and learning God’s Word and how to apply it to their daily lives. We are thankful for our leaders and families who participate each week. Each of our clubs discusses the lesson, works on verses, plays games, prays, and grows closer to God thru the ministry of Awana. Praise God for this exciting weekly outreach ministry!
Awana was involved with giving this past month. We brought in many non-perishable food items for the Food pantry, along with giving many items to help fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
The 9th clubbers came dressed in Red, White, & Blue in honor of our Veterans who so faithfully serve our country and others to keep the freedoms that we enjoy daily!
On the 16th T&T & Trek clubbers helped to assemble 21 Thanksgiving baskets for needy families in our community’ thanks in part to your generosity.
We took a break from club on the 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. We hope that you had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving spending time with family & friends, hopefully not eating too much.
November 30 Clubbers returned from break to find the doors to the Awana store wide open and open for business. The Awana store is a place where clubbers can shop till, they drop and/or save their hard-earned points as a result of their hard work in club each week.
We will wrap up this year’s club for the holidays, December 14th with parties, and our Christmas shop. Club will resume Wednesday January 4, 2023,
at 6:05 pm.
Because kids matter to God!
Cool with Christ.
Tere Sharp

Join us for Christmas Caroling,
Wednesday, December 21.
We will meet at the church at 6:00 pm

Join us for our Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 18 at 7 pm as we celebrate Jesus birth through song. It’s a bit more casual this year and full of joy and worship songs.
Come and get your joy on!

We hope you will join us as we celebrate birth of Jesus with the Cedarville University family.

December 13, 2022
Team Meetings ~ 6 pm
Board Meeting ~ 7 pm

Church Offices Closings
for the Holidays
Monday, December 26
Monday, January 2

Our church nursery is open once again. We are still in need of volunteers on Sunday mornings to take a turn in the nursery. If you would be able to serve, please notify
Felicia Chambers

Join us for what is sure to be a fun evening full of laughs and good memories as we come together for our annual Youth Christmas Party!
WHO: Open to students grades 7 - 12
WHEN: Sunday, December 4, 2022
TIME: 6:30 pm – 8 pm.
WHERE: SRBC’S Fellowship Hall
WHAT: Games, food, gift exchange, and fun!
COST: Bring a $5 wrapped gift (Something silly, something you wouldn’t want for yourself)
PICK UP: 8 pm.
Isn’t it cool, the message of Christmas is loud and clear? God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to prove it. So come join us as we celebrate our Lord together! We'll see you then!
For questions see one of the leadership team members.

From 10 am -12:30 pm we will have rehearsal for all children kindergarten through 6th grade participating in this year’s program.
*Note: Lunch will be served during this rehearsal.
Please have your children continue reviewing their speaking parts.
Also, the entire cast will need to be at the Church at 4 pm and stay thru the program for the final dress rehearsal. The program will begin at 7 pm.
*NOTE: Please send your child with a snack/lunch for this rehearsal.
Listen. Bury. Intercede.
Baptize. Comfort. Guide.
Marry. Counsel. Celebrate.
Direct. Mourn. Enlighten.
We all remember the pastor or missionary who made a difference in our lives. The ones who were with us in the big moments and small. With leadership, listening, wisdom, condolence or just the right prayer when needed most,
their selfless service has a lasting effect the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering is a way to give back.
RMMO provides financial support for ministers, missionaries and widowed spouses who have helped build and sustain our churches. Please join us as we give back to those you have given so much.