The Upside-Down Christmas Tree. That’s what Hammacher Schlemmer, a retail company based in New York, is currently offering for sale.
Standing at seven feet tall and prelit with over eight hundred commercial grade lights, this technological marvel can be yours for $599.95. But why would anyone want an upside-down Christmas tree? According to Hammacher Schlemmer’s website, “The inverted shape makes it easier to see ornaments, which hang away from the dense needles,” while “allowing more room for the accumulation of presents underneath.”
While certain aspects of this arrangement do make some logical sense, especially for a large family Christmas, something about this whole idea just makes me sad. It reminds me of how
we have turned Christmas upside-down in so many other ways. So much of the season revolves around extravagant spending, ornate decorations, gift accumulation and festive consumptions.
The event that spurs our celebration is found in the Biblical account of a humble couple with sparse material resources. The gift that was given was always pointing to a future act of extreme selfless sacrifice. The purpose of the activity surrounding the event is directed toward the spiritual lives of human beings,
in that God became one of us to show us the way to
forgiveness and wholeness.
While we enjoy all of the cultural aspects of Christmas, let us be sure that we turn it right-side up, by focusing not so much on the secular components as we do the spiritual ones. May Christ be the center of your Christmas, no matter which way your
tree is pointing!
With Love, Pastor Scott
MESSY CHURCH ~ December 10, 5:30 ~ 7 pm!
A relaxed and informal church with a warm welcome for the whole family and friends with a mix of crafts, songs, games, food and plenty of opportunity to have and make a mess! It’s all free and there’s something for everyone – why not come along and join us! *Note: If you are under 16, you will need to bring an adult with you.
Our Messy Church meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5:30 – 7 pm and is open to all ages and stages.
For questions call the church office at (937) 252-5311, or email us at [email protected].
As the holidays approach we are in need of many things for our holiday baskets. We provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to many on our community. We appreciate all that you can help provide
for this ministry.
These are items we are currently in need of: ketchup, strawberry jelly, rice, tuna helper, frosting, cake mix, mac & cheese, syrup, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, applesauce, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, canned meats, mixed vegetables, crackers, “Spaghettios”, ravioli, flour sugar, brown sugar, dressing, piecrusts, pumpkin pie filling and sweet peas.
As always, thank you for your generosity
Choir Dress Rehearsal
Dress rehearsal, All participants Saturday December 14, 10:00 am ~ Noon with a light lunch following.
Awana Minute:
Our AWANA year is cruising along at full speed! Praise God for this exciting weekly outreach ministry! In November we came, we gave lots of nonperishable foods, and we brought many shoeboxes for OCC.
The 13th clubbers came dressed in Red, White, & Blue in honor of our Veterans who’ve so faithfully served our country and others to keep the freedoms that we enjoy daily!
On the 20th, our TnT clubs assisted the Mission team in assembling 21 baskets for needy families, Whew, we were quite busy. Way to go SRBC clubbers, families and staff!
We took a break from club on the 27th in observance of Thanksgiving. We hope that you had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and didn’t eat too much.
December 4, the 1st store opens, where clubbers can shop till, they drop and/or save their hard-earned points they’ve earned as a result of their hard work in club each week.
We will wrap up this year’s club for the holidays, December 11th with parties, and our Christmas shop. Club will resume Wednesday January 8, 2020 at 6:05 pm.
Because kids matter to God!
Cool with Christ.
Tere Sharp
Meet Ana Lemire
(Stefan Warwick’s Bride-to-Be)
You are invited to a bridal shower for Ana Lemire on December 18, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Come enjoy a time of food, fun and getting to know Ana. Here is the registry link with Amazon:
Join us Sunday December 8@ 7 pm, as our Children ages pre-k – 6th grades present a Christmas play entitled “God’s Angels”, followed by a cookie reception.
December Eye on Missions
Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering
The long-standing tradition of RMMO established in 1977 supports ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses who have devoted 15 years or more to ABCUSA. This year’s theme, Honoring the Service of God’s Servants uplifts the generosity, grace and tireless work of retired ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses and families who have dedicated their lives to serving the Body of Christ. We hope you will join us in honoring God’s committed servants.
Christmas Eve Services
Bring your family and friends to our annual Christmas Eve service! Remember the start time is 6:00 pm, come celebrate the good news of great joy with your Christian Family.
Song of Joy
We as believers do not only anticipate the coming of the Savior at Christmas, but we have lived the reality of having received the Son of God into our hearts and living in relationship to Him daily, so at Christmas, we can’t help but sing songs of joy!
But not everyone approaches the season with hope and rejoicing. This year’s cantata reminds those who are hurting that Jesus came to search for them. There is no distance He won’t go to find them and offer love and hope, salvation and eternal life.
Do you know someone who needs to hear songs of hope and joy this Christmas? Invite them to come with you.
We’ll again be meeting on New Year’s Eve (8:00 PM, Tuesday, Dec 31) to unhang the greens, play some games, have a short time of reflection, and watch the ball drop in Times Square. Please bring table games, and snacks to share. Also, we will have our ever-popular White Elephant Gift Exchange again this year. Please bring as many gifts as you have members of your family attending, and maybe one or two extra to cover other people who want to take part but forget to bring something to exchange. Any type gift is OK, but gag gifts are the best.
This year we will not have an actual Mitten Tree up. We are doing this outreach and we still need, hats, gloves and mitten’s just the same. There are two baskets under the Connect table with Mitten Tree signs on them. Please put the items in those baskets. Please remember, these items are needed. They will be given to the Dayton Christian Center and to the Mad River Local School System. Handmade or purchased items are all welcome.
After many years of service, Ken and Jessica Clark will be stepping down from their position as volunteer youth leaders at the end of this school year. We ask for your prayers in regard to finding new people to serve in this way. This would include leading youth group meetings on Sunday
If God is putting it on your heart to consider serving Him in this way, or in sharing these responsibilities with others, please talk to Pastor Scott, or see one of the members of our Youth Advisory Council, which includes, Kelly Bush, Ron and Nancy Keister, Tere Sharp and Bud Koogler.
Come help us decorate our church building for Christmas on December 1, starting at 7:00 pm.
After we finishing decorating,we sing Christmas carols in the lighted sanctuary and then
enjoy some refreshments together downstairs.
You are invited to the wedding of Stefan Warwick and Ana Lemire on Saturday, December 21, 2019
at 2 pm here at Spinning Road Baptist Church. A reception will follow the ceremony.
They are registered with Amazon at
Mary Slessor
by Janet and Geoff Benge.
Mary Slessor was born December 2, 1848 in Scotland. She served the Lord in West Africa for 39 years. She is known for rescuing twin babies who were left out in the bush because the local people believed that one of the twins was evil. They did not know which one was evil so they left both babies to die. Read about how this woman brought transformational change to a society.
We will be Christmas caroling to the elderly and shut-ins. Since there are no evening activities on Sunday, December 22, we will meet at the church at 6:00 pm and caravan to different places to bring the love and joy of Christmas to those who are unable to come to church, but are still so much a part of our church family. Bring scarves, hats & voices and come join us!
Hey Youth & parents,
We’re hosting a Christmas party, Saturday, Dec. 14, 6 – 11 pm. Join us for fun, food, worship and a good game of underground Church. Bring a $5 White Elephant gift. Invite your friends, all are welcome! See Ken Clark for details.
Pizza will be provided!
There will be no Bible Study on December 24 or 30. Our study will resume on January 8 with
The ARMOR of GOD, by Priscilla Shirer.