Spinning News

As I was awakened, riding in the ambulance, not knowing what had happened or whether I was going to live or die, many thoughts were racing through my mind. The first of which was the absolute assurance of where
I would be going if I were to die. The comfort of that confidence is something
I will never forget!
At the same time, however, there was a nagging awareness of unfinished business- the promise I made to be there for my wife as long as she lived, a new grandchild on the way that I wanted to see and hold, sermons on the back burner that have been waiting to be preached, things unsaid that should have been said, calls unmade that should have been made. These are things that inspired me to fight to live.
I am so grateful for the wonderful care I received and a relatively new procedure which was performed (catheter-directed thrombolysis), that was able to loosen the clots and extend my life. I know without a doubt that the prayers of many were very instrumental in the outcome. I hardly know how to express my appreciation for those prayers!
It will take time for the clots to totally dissolve and for my strength to return. (It turns out I had a slight heart attack at some time in the process as well as some pneumonia.) I will be seeing some new doctors in the near future. But my plan is to live for many more years. Evidently, God has reasons for me to still be here.
I hope to dedicate myself to discovering what those reasons are and to be more practically prepared for when it is my time to leave this earth. While I may be spiritually prepared, there are many other things that should be taken care of for when my time does come, things I have not given much thought to, let alone taken any action about.
May I encourage you to make sure that you are prepared. Ecclesiastes 9:12 says, “no man knows when his hour will come.” While that “hour” may have warnings, it also very well may not. James 4:14 compares our life on earth to a vapor or a mist. It is just a fleeting moment compared to eternity. Do you know what will happen to you if you were to die? Have you made preparations for that time that will make things easier for your loved ones? Are you grateful for the gift of life, both physical and spiritual? As our choir sings, “Are you dressed for the wedding if the bridegroom comes tonight?”
With love,
Pastor Scott

Our preschool is in need of substitutes. If you know of anyone available who has a high school diploma, willing to get fingerprints and background checks, please contact Carol Boersma
at 937-256-7304.

Love, Bill & Barb Chambers

December 2020 went quickly as on the 2nd clubbers were challenged to wear hats, gloves, and scarfs for our theme night, frozen night. Challenging clubbers to donate winter gear to our mitten tree basket to assist needy children in our community who need winter gear so as not to be frozen in the cold winter weather. Good job to all who donated gear.
On the 16th we opened the 1st Awana store of the year. Clubbers got their first experience with the treasures the store shelves held! We also continued the season of giving in December as the coatroom was quickly closed, renovated, and reopened as the “Christmas Shop” where clubbers picked out gifts for their parents/caregivers. The shop was complete with personal gift-wrapping elves who happily wrapped and readied secret selections to be neatly placed under the Christmas tree to be open Christmas morning. Thank you secret, gift-wrapping Elves, we broke from club December 23, & December 30, so that all could celebrate the birth of our savior. Club starts back January 6th as we get club off to a Great start in 2021! We are so excited to see what God has in store for our clubs in the New Year!
Thank you to all volunteer listeners who are helping clubbers learn Gods word, so they can begin hiding it in their hearts! Thank-you for your continued love, support and most importantly prayers! Pray for our children to be reached
with the gospel of Christ and that they learn to serve others, and for our
entire leadership staff.
Cool with Christ.
Tere Sharp

We gave out 23 Christmas baskets this year!
What a ministry to our community! But, now our shelves are bare. Please help us restock the pantry. We are in need of everything!
As always thank you for generosity
to this ministry.

Our Annual Church Business meeting will be on January 24. Because of the pandemic, we will not be having a dinner at this year's meeting, but rather will simply meet after church on that Sunday. The annual meeting tends to run a little longer than our quarterly meetings, so you may want to take that into account with your dinner plans for that Sunday.

at 8:30 am. Because of COVID-19, we will not be cooking breakfast in the kitchen, but will have a continental style breakfast of bagels, donuts, etc.
All men are invited to join us for this time of fellowship
and devotional time. Please bring your masks.
(although you will be able to take them off to eat!)