Spinning News

As we move into a new year, we can be thankful that God has taken us through this past year of the deep waters of uncertainty. He has seen us through trials and losses. He has made us aware of just how much we need to depend on His grace, mercy, provision and power.
It is with confidence that we can approach Him and ask for His help during this coming year. We know that He can fill us with the joy and peace of His Spirit. We can trust that He will direct and guard our minds and hearts. We can know that our faith in Him will serve as a shield against whatever may come our way and that our salvation is a helmet of protection against whatever attacks He may allow our enemy to make against us.
We can ask Him and know that He will answer our pleas to surround us with His presence and to understand that He is always faithful to His promises and that His Word is always true.
Therefore, we can say that we believe 2022 will be a good year and that our lives can be filled with hope and optimism. May the light of that hope we enjoy as Christians be that which draws our fearful world, not to us, but to the source of that light, our Savior Jesus Christ. May they understand the message of the Christmas gospel that we just celebrated, that “the true light that gives light
to every man, has come into the world. To all who receive Him, to those who believe in His name, He gives the right to become children of God.”
(John 3:9, 12)
Let us make 2022 a year of proclaiming that message, celebrating Christ's victory and of bearing the fruit of His Spirit.
With love, Pastor Scott

Tuesday, January 18

Tuesday, January 18

Just a reminder that Women’s Bible study will begin again on January 11, at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall. Please join us for a time of bible study, prayer and fellowship.

Church Offices Closed
January 17 in Observance of Martin Luther King Day

Sunday, January 16, 2022 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
The Next Step Youth Group will be hosting an all-Church movie night fund raiser. Come enjoy the family friendly movie “God’s Not Dead 3”. We will have movie snacks and drinks available; Donations are welcomed. All proceeds go to the youth group for events and outings. Please plan to join us for a great movie for a great cause!

Annual Committee reports are due to the church office by January 18. Please send them to [email protected].

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's a whole new year! Our AWANA Club took a holiday break and will be restarting January 5th at 6:05 pm, we look forward to hearing about all the clubbers exciting adventures over their break.
December 2021 went quickly as:
The December 1st clubbers were challenged to wear hats, gloves, and scarfs for our theme night, frozen night. Challenging clubbers to donate winter gear to our mitten tree basket to assist needy children in our community who need winter gear so as not to be frozen walking to school or at the bus stop in the cold winter weather. Good job to all who donated gear.
On the 1st we opened the first Awana store of the year. Clubbers got their first experience with the treasures the store shelves held!
The 15th we continued the season of giving as the coat room was quickly closed, renovated, and reopened as the “Christmas Shop” where clubbers shopped for gifts for parents/caregivers. The shop was complete with personal gift-wrapping elves who happily wrapped and readied secret selections to be neatly placed under the Christmas tree to be open Christmas morning.
Thank you secret, gift-wrapping Elves. We broke from club December. 22, & December. 29, so that all could celebrate the birth of our savior with family
and friends.
Club starts back Jan. 5th as we get club off to a Great start in 2022!
We are so excited to see what God has in store for our clubs in the New Year!
Thank you to all who volunteer each week and assist clubbers with learning God’s word, so they can begin hiding it in their hearts! Thank-you for your continued love, support and most importantly prayers! Pray for our children to be reached with the gospel of Christ and that they learn to serve God, and for our entire leadership staff.
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Saturday, January 8 at 9:00 am
Breakfast will be provided.

Please join us for our annual meeting on Sunday, January 23, after the morning worship service.
We will once again serve lunch with the meeting. Please join us as we hear how our church has done in yet another unusual year.

Christmas Program
Our children’s Christmas program was such a blessing this year, as we were able to learn about the symbols of Christmas. Each of the children who participated should be proud of their hard work in learning their parts and how well they read them!
Thank you to all of the teachers, media team, and hospitality team members, and all who participated,
it was fun and a good learning experience.

Saturday January 15, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

Dear Church,
Thank you so for all the cards and the monetary gift. It is a blessing to sing and play the piano at Spinning Road Baptist Church. Luvada Johnson
Dear Church,
Thank you so much for your generous gifts this Christmas season. You are such a blessing to each of us and we look forward to what the Lord has in store
for 2022. Fran, Carol and Chris

If you wish to receive an annual giving statement please contact Rick Taylor or you can let us know by writing “Giving Statement” on the back of your attendance card.

Please considering helping us replenish our shelves.
Your contribution to this ministry allows us to help our community all year round. Isaiah 58:7a says we are to “share our food with the hungry”.
We are blessed as we meet the needs of our community through this ministry and we are doing as the Lord commands. We may be the only glimpse of God
that they see.
The following is a list of items needed:
Crackers Canned Meat
Dry Beans
Peanut Butter
Sugar Flour
Cereal Ketchup
Pancake Mix
Toilet Paper
Toothbrush Rice
Paper Towels
As always, thank you for your support of this mission.