In these turbulent and confusing times, I have observed that many people are expressing an interest in the book of Revelation and end-times Bible prophecy. Indeed, it is not difficult to identify many of the signs that were predicted to occur before Jesus returns as things that are happening in our world today. It is a fascinating study to research and it is intriguing to speculate about how soon that time might be. There are many interesting theories that project Christ's return to happen even within the next decade. This could very well be. I think it is great that more and more people are investigating the topic and showing an interest in Bible prophecy. Anything that gets people to read the Bible is something that God can use for good.
But the reason we are told that no one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return is to prevent us from imagining that we know something we could not possibly know. To put a timeline on such an important event would only serve
to eliminate the possibility that Jesus could come in the next few moments instead of the next year or the next few years, or the next hundred years.
The most important question to be answered is “Are you ready if Jesus were
to come today?”
That goes hand in hand with the reality that none of us knows for sure if we are going to even be alive tomorrow. Ecclesiastes 9:12 reminds us that “man knows not his time.” Hebrews 9:27 reminds us that it is “appointed for man to die. And after that comes the judgment.”
And so the equally important questions that must be answered are “Are you ready if you were to die today? Do you know what would happen to you if that were to happen?”
The hope of the gospel is that we can know the answers to those questions. The message of the whole Bible, its history, its poetry and its prophecy is that Jesus paid the penalty for the sin of anyone who chooses to accept His offer of forgiveness. He offers a new life that begins with that acceptance and will never end, even though our bodies die.
I hope you are having increased opportunities to discuss the Bible and spiritual things with people who are becoming more curious. Let us all remember as we do that, to keep the focus on the good news of salvation from sin, which is what the Bible is really all about.
With love, Pastor Scott

Women’s breakfast is meeting again on Saturday, October 9, at 9 am. There will be lots fellowship with women of the church. Please plan to join us!

Bar Soap
Paper towels
Toilet Paper
Cake mix & icing
Canned fruit
Can meats
Pork and beans
Can vegetables
Mashed potatoes
Peanut butter
Tuna Helper
Thank you for your support of this ministry.

to Young’s Dairy for a trip through the corn maze, a few rounds of miniature golf, some hit a few in the batting cages, a slow cruise on the hay ride express, enjoyed some tasty homemade ice cream, and said hi to a few farm animals who needed a scratch or two under their chin. Our group is off to a great start!
Youth of SRBC, Christ is the center of our Group, and we want you to come hangout with us Sunday' evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm and bring your friends! What can you expect? We play games, eat snacks, pray for each other, share a few laughs, and dig into a Bible lesson and how it applies to us. Check us out, you'll find a space that you're welcome and appreciated.
We will be intentional with pushing each other towards Christ.

In person club kicked off Wednesday, September 8th. We welcomed
new clubbers, and past clubbers to begin our 18th year of club with us,
how awesome is that! We’re entering into October with our club small but strong and hungry for God, friends, fellowship with leaders, and all of the awesome things that Awana has to offer. Many clubbers were not able to attend last year due to the ongoing pandemic, welcome back, we’re glad that you’re back with us this year.
Wednesday September 22, clubbers represented their schools wearing their colors for our 1st theme night of the year, school colors night.
Our theme night for October will be Crazy Hair Night. It will be possible to see some serious hair creativity on the fun night. Clubbers, get your silliest and most crazy hair do together and sport it at club on the 20th. Contests for the craziest hairdo of the night.
On the 27th we will have a special fall fun night. Our season of giving will also begin as we ask clubbers to bring in non-perishable food to help re-stock our food pantry for the holidays. Thank you to all the faithful leaders and volunteers creating the opportunity each week!
We ask that you continue to fulfill your very important role in club by praying for everyone involved in club each week.
Thank-you for your continued support in this ministry!
Kids matter to God, and us!
Cool with Christ
Tere Sharp

The Annual Gathering of the American Baptist Churches of Ohio will be October 12-13 in Columbus. See Pastor Scott if you are interested in attending.
Registration deadline is October 1.

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday, October 2,
at 8:30 am. All men and boys are invited.
Hope to see you there!

Dates for the Women’s Retreat are November 5th,
6 pm ~ 9 pm and
November 6th ,
9 am ~ 5 pm. The retreat will be at the church this year. There will be a sign up sheet at the Connect Center and more info is coming.
Hope4Riverside has begun a program where volunteers go on a “Prayer Walk” around local schools, lifting up the needs of the students, faculty, administrators and parents. What a great way to promote a Christian influence on our community. Our Council has agreed to have our church take part in this program. We have been assigned to Virginia Stevenson Elementary School, along with the Board of Education building, which is at the same sight.
On the first Saturday of each month, at 11:00 a.m, anyone who would like to participate is invited to meet at the school to walk around the building and simply pray, silently or audibly, and then go home. If you prefer, you can meet at the church and we can drive over together. We will begin on November 6. Please let Pastor Scott know if you would like to participate.

Sunday, October 24
12:00 pm

October is the month we collect our World Missions Offering.
Your contributions to this offering go to support our special interest Missionaries, such as Jeni Pedzinski and Tim and Stacy Reese, as well as supporting the
American Baptist International Ministries.
International Ministries, also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation.
Focused Impact Areas