I think that if it were me, like most people, after 11 or 12 tries, I would have said, “well, it was a good idea, but I'm ready to move on to something else.” But persistence pays off, as WD-40 is now used by major industries as well as being on the shelf of most households. The annual revenue for the WD-40 Company is now at 381 million dollars and the product has been inducted into the International Air and Space Hall of Fame.
May this be an inspiration for us when we endure setback after setback, when prayers do not seem to be answered, and when life is harder than it seems it should be. Will we keep our faith even when we have to deal with one illness after the other, one hardship after another? Will we keep praying even when the answer has been “no” the first 39 times? Will we stand firm in the truth of God's Word, even though our society mocks it and re-interprets it to fit in with pop culture?
Hebrews 10:35 says, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”
With Love, Pastor Scott

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Team Meetings @ 6:00 pm

Women’s breakfast is meeting again on Saturday, July 10, at 9 am. There will be lots good food and fellowship with women of the church. Please plan to join us!

Wednesday nights continue with CKK a children’s program offering fun lessons, games, activities and more. This program replaces Awana during the summer months. Come be a part, time: 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Wednesday nights during the summer!

Beginning August 4, we will be resuming our Wednesday night dinners. Join us for supper
at 5:30, and then stay for Bible Study for youth, adults, and Christ's Kids Klub for children
K-6th grade.

In person VBS is returning to SRBC this summer, July 25 – 30, 2021! Now how cool is that for our kids and those of the community.
WE NEED YOU to make our VBS possible. Please plan to be a part of our VBS as we help kids grow to know and follow Jesus! Register on the Church web page at www.spinningroadbaptist.org.
Fun Fact: Did you know that it takes over 50 volunteers to make
VBS happen at SRBC.

Pencil boxes
Pencils (boxes of 20)
Elmer's” glue sticks
Folders “Crayola” Crayons
“Expo” Dry erase markers
“Fiskars” scissors

With the weather beginning to change and days & nights becoming warmer and longer. To ensure the safety of our children, please slow down and pay special attention entering, moving about, and exiting our parking lot. Sunday & Wednesdays in particular there are many children in the parking lot, and we want to make sure that we are driving with caution at all times. Thank-you for being cautious in making sure all are safe.

AWANA IS ON BREAK FOR THE SUMMER. Soon it will be time to begin planning for another AWANA year, which will begin on SEPTEMBER 8, 2021. Enjoy the summer break.
We’ll see you in September.
For questions call the church office at (937) 252-5311.

Come check us out and you'll find a space that you're
welcome and appreciated.

VBS 2021
July 25-30
6 pm ~ 8:30 pm
We are glad to announce that in person VBS is returning to SRBC! This summer we invite kids to lace up their work boots, grab their hard hats, tool belts, and head to the construction site with Concrete & Cranes VBS.
At Concrete & Cranes, we will discover how towering skyscrapers and tall buildings are carefully constructed on a rock-solid foundation. We’ll learn to be wise builders who continue in what we’ve learned and firmly believe. And will discover that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to carry it on to completion. Each day kids will dig deep into God’s Word to build on the foundation Jesus provides through the pages of Scripture!
Our theme verse tells us that when God starts a good work, He sees it through
to completion. That means we don’t have to work it out for ourselves or be perfect. God is the master builder and will never leave us to take care of things ourselves.
This year’s VBS is all about helping kids discover that Jesus’ love provides a foundation that lasts.
This fun-filled week is FREE of charge and open to Kids, age 3 years (by 6-1-2021 and potty trained) through grade six (the grade completed this year) are invited to join us for VBS, July 25 – 30 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm.
This Amazing week will be Full of learning about Jesus, exciting Bible Stories, crafts, music, snacks, games, and so much more. We are going to have Fun & make new Friends all while Learning God's Word! Concrete and Cranes will be an
event to remember! Come join Us!
Online registration is open at www.spinningroadbaptist.org.

Dayton Christian Center currently provide childcare services for children from 6 weeks through 12 years of age. In the summer of 2020, our Before and After School program as well as our Summer Program moved to our newly renovated building immediately adjacent to the main building. It houses two groups of school age children, while our main building provides care for infants to preschool children. Our partnerships with Miami Valley Child Development Center and Preschool Promise supports us in providing high quality affordable child care services. We are thankful our mission continues today!