I have a confession to make. For years I refused to wear a seat belt in the car. It was not a law when I had begun to drive and I had never developed the habit of putting it on. When it became a law, I resented being told what I had to do in my own car. Plus, my excuse was that the strap bothered my collarbone, which is slightly extended after having broken it when I was a young man. Such pain was just too much to bear! Despite chastisement from my wife and children, I stubbornly resisted wearing a seat belt, although I wanted them to wear theirs. I fully understood that wearing a seat belt would greatly increase my chances of survival in a bad accident and that I was being unwise not to do so. I just chose to be unwise.
When I got my current car several years ago, it was one that insisted I put on the seat belt. The car would “ding” incessantly until I clicked on the belt. Previous cars I had would ding for a while and then quit. But not this one. And so, grudgingly, I would put on the belt just to stop that infernal “dinging.”
Recently, I realized that I have been putting on the seat belt before I even start the car and it starts to ding. The habit concept had taken hold. It's not that I had become wiser. I am as stubborn as ever. It's just that I had established a new habit. And as a result, I am safer in my car than I was before.
How are you doing with your “holy habits?” Do you need some “dinging” in your ear to remind you of the wisdom of making these practices regular patterns for your life? Do you resist the pressure you feel to do what you know to be the wise thing? It does take some discipline to establish these practices as habits, but if you do, you will find yourself more rooted and grounded in the Lord and more equipped to be used of Him. And as a Christian, isn't that what you really want?
With love,
ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!
Pastor Scott

YAC ~ Tuesday April 2 @ 7:00 pm
Men’s Breakfast ~ Saturday April 6 @ 8:30 am
Women’s Breakfast ~ Saturday, April 13 @ 9:00 am
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, April 16 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ Tuesday, April 16 @ 7:00 pm
Craft Night ~ Friday, April 26 @ 7:00 pm

Join us for VBS 2024: BREAKER ROCK BEACH where we will learn about God's rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Kids will be challenged during our week together, as they discover that truth comes from God, God's plan is best, everyone needs Jesus, Jesus is the only way, and we can speak truth in love.
Every day is an adventure at Breaker Rock Beach! Join us for six nights of adventure, fun – worship, Bible study, crafts, games, music, missions, friends, and more! The best part is that the entire 6 days are designed especially for kids ages 3 (before June 1, 2024) through those students who will just be completing 6th grade! As the crowds come and go and the tides ebb and flow, we will be reminded at Breaker Rock Beach how faith in Christ gives us strength to stand firm against the force of the wind and the waves we face in life! Mark your calendars today, and registration will begin June 1, 2024.
We hope to see everyone at the beach!

Awana Sparks and T&T clubbers, we are still busy making our way through our handbooks each week during club. However, the end of the club year is sneaking up on us quickly. How are you doing with navigating your way through your handbook?
We’re having a Super Section Saturday, Saturday, April 27 for Sparks and T&T clubbers who either need some extra 1 on 1 help with a listener or leader or you’re close to finishing your handbook and would like some more concentrated time to do so, or just want to move forward in your handbook.
Come out and get the extra work done on that difficult section and have a little fun while
doing so.
Door prizes will be given to those who come and say sections.
We hope to see you there!

Dear Spinning Road Family,
Awana Club meets Wednesday nights from 6:05 to 7:30 PM. We are so excited to have so many children learning about Jesus each week and digging more into God’s word together!
It’s Fun!
We closed February out munching on popcorn, studying our sections in our handbooks and completing sections.
The Sparkies had just finished having much fun at their Late Night Out Party on the 23rd.
March started off with the opening of the 2nd Awana Store! It was a time for our clubbers to spend or save their hard-earned Awana points they have been earning in club! They earn their ‘money’ by memorizing Bible verses, completing sections in their handbooks, and participating in theme nights.
On the 20th Wow, What a fun night of racing at our annual Awana
Grand Prix! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the night a special one and a special thank you to all those who attended to watch and to race! A special Thank-you to Mike Reed our Awana Missionary who stopped by, enjoyed dinner with us and brought a special devotional to us. Thank you to all who entered the race this year and congratulations to all winners!
Thank you to all our Leaders, volunteers, parents, and Clubbers for a
great race! Hopefully, everyone had a great time. Start thinking about those car designs for next year!
April will be busy as we have the T&T clubbers getting ready to kick off their Mini Lock-in on the 5th. On the 17th The 6th graders will be taking off and seeing how well they can work together to escape a fun room before they say goodbye to T&T and welcome Trek next club year. While Trek & Journey will be off jumping high on trampolines on the 17th as well.
The Sparks and T&T clubs will be gathering on Saturday, April 27 to do a final push to see how many more sections they can complete in their handbooks on Super Section Saturday.
Our current AWANA club year is winding down very quickly, we’re trying to finish strong!!
May 1 – Last Regular Club Night and store of this AWANA year.
May 8 – Awards Night! All are encouraged to attend to cheer on our clubbers for their accomplishments this club year.
We ask for your continued positive thoughts, prayers, and support for our dedicated staff and the Great kids who attend each week, and for the parent/guardians who bring them.
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Our Quarterly Business meeting will be on Sunday, April 21 after the morning worship. We will have a brief meeting to update the congregation on the business of the church. Please plan to stay a little longer on this day.
Friday, April 5, 2024, 6 pm – 12 midnight!
Don't miss the chance to stay up late at the Church! This is a great time of fun and fellowship! All Awana T&T clubbers (grades 3rd-6th) are invited to our mini-Lock-In. Check with your parents, clear your schedules, and gather your gear and come join us for a late-night adventure full of worship, fun, games, food, fellowship, and more. Sign up by Wednesday,
April 3rd so we know how many to plan for. Permission forms are required, pick them up from your director or Mr. Tere. See ya’ there!

We will be having another OUTDOOR WORSHIP EVENT on Saturday, April 20. Please come join us in the church parking lot from 1-2:30 pm for an informal time of Christian music and fellowship. Invite your friends and family to join us. Bring a lawn chair if you are able.
Hot dogs and other refreshments will be served.

VBS 2024 is quickly approaching, we’d love your help! This year’s VBS dates are July 14 - 19. 6 pm-8:30 pm. Breaker Rock Beach will be this year’s theme. One week can be life-changing for you and for the kids you will serve! Everyone changes when they learn about Jesus and share his love! If you can serve all week, one day or even one hour - you are needed this year at Breaker Rock Beach VBS 2024! Online registration will open June 1. If you are willing or able to volunteer, please contact Director Michelle Prince.
Simon and Nancy Warwick
Our missionaries of the month, Simon and Nancy Warwick, will be speaking during the morning service on April 14, 2023. Be sure you don't miss their report of the recent trip overseas and the progress of their ministry.