Two men had to clear a field of trees. The contract called for them to be paid per tree.
Bill wanted the day to be profitable, so he grunted and sweated, swinging his ax relentlessly. Ed, on the other hand, seemed to be working about half as fast. He even took a rest and sat off to the side for a few minutes. Bill kept chopping away until every muscle and tendon in his body was screaming.
At the end of the day, Bill was terribly sore, but Ed was smiling and telling jokes. What’s more, Ed had cut down more trees. Bill said, “I noticed you sitting while I worked without a break. How did you outwork me?”
“Did you notice I was sharpening my ax while I was sitting?” Ed said, smiling.
Robert M Dubrul, Stand Firm
As we strive as a church to fulfill our purpose to be fruitful for God's kingdom, we need to realize that our most productive activity is going to take place Monday through Saturday, when we live out our Christian lives in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods and daily obligations. This is where our testimony and outreach are going to affect lives of people we want to bring
to the Lord and minister to meet their needs. This is when we go to harvest
the fields.
But Sundays are also very important to our purpose as we worship with, fellowship with and disciple one another. This is where we “sharpen our axes” to make our work empowered to be something more than we could ever do with our own strength and effort. What happens on Sundays (or Wednesdays) at church makes a difference in what happens the rest of the week. Your attendance matters, not only in receiving this empowerment for your own life, but also in the encouragement and support you bring to the rest of the
Body of Christ.
See you on Sundays!
With love, Pastor Scott

Praise and Prayer Time
Join us for a time of “Praise and Prayer” in the church sanctuary. This month we will be meeting on August 27 from 11 am ~ 1 pm on the church grounds.
This will not be a structured, formal service, but simply a time for people to gather to listen to Christian music and share together in prayer. Feel free to come for part or all of the time.

If you would like to participate in the worship service by reading the Scripture before the morning message, please let Marsha Midlam know so that she can schedule you.

Volleyball has resumed on designated Monday nights at 6:30 in the church parking lot. If you are interested in playing, please notify Jim Look.

Do you have a student going into 7th grade in the fall? They are invited to join the youth group for our Young’s Dairy end of the summer event. Sunday, August 28, 2022. This event is to welcome our new 7th grade students and to see off our graduating 12th graders. Stay tuned for further updates.

As summer moves into August, Wednesday nights continue with CKK our summer mid-week program for Kids ages 3 yrs – 6th grade. Join us Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm as we learn about Jesus, play fun games, spend time with friends and more. This program is in place of Awana during the summer months.
Come hang out and be a part!

Saturday August 13, 2022 at 9:00 am. Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

August 16, 2022
Team Meetings ~ 6 pm
Board Meeting ~ 7 pm

We will once again be collecting items for the school supply drive. Because of items already generously donated,
we are only needing the following items. Please bring them in throughout the summer as the Lord leads you.
Fiskar children’s scissors
Two pocket folders
One subject, spiral bound notebooks
Deadline is Sunday August 7

AWANA remains ON BREAK FOR THE rest of the SUMMER. However, we will begin a new year of fun and ministry in September! So, if you have children, grandchildren, neighbors and/or friends with kids ages pre-k – 12th grade please consider inviting them to join us on Wednesday nights in the fall at 6:05 PM for AWANA clubs. We would love to have you join us!
See you in September. Online registration will open
Mid-August, Stay tuned for further updates.
For information about our AWANA clubs and other ministries for teens and adults, log on to the Church web page, call the church office at (937) 252-5311or email us at [email protected]
There will be a meeting for all AWANA Leaders & volunteers on Wednesday,
August 24th at 7:20pm in the Sanctuary immediately following Bible Study. Please come if you are Interested in impacting the next generation thru the ministry of AWANA this year.

We need you to help fill our church with songs of praise. Come join the choir as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Rehearsals begin on August 31.

Our mission is assisting in the work or temporal relief of the poor in Dayton.
The Gospel Mission operates a comprehensive inner-city mission near downtown Dayton, Ohio. It is open to men and women, young and old, of any race, belief, or circumstance. Restored people can apply God’s love and power to strengthen their lives. Renewed, they can regard others as more important than themselves. Many are motivated to share God’s blessings in many ways. Lives are being changed daily by meeting Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord and Savior at The Gospel Mission. Practical help is physical, emotional, and spiritual.
How you can help?
The Gospel Mission offers the chance to go to the mission field without ever leaving Dayton, Ohio. Consider investing your talents for the Lord on our inner-city mission field.
Just about any job that you can think of is available.
You can also invest in our work with your donation as we meet the needs of
those we serve.