As the Olympic Games are finally taking place and the American women swimmers are doing exceptionally well, I am reminded of one of the most decorated women swimmers in Olympic history. However, most people would not recognize her name. She is Jenny Thompson. Jenny has won twelve Olympic medals, eight of which were gold medals. It is just that none of her medals were for individual events. All of her medals were won in team events with three other swimmers. That is why her name is not as recognized as some other swimmers who have not won near as many medals.
As I have watched the members of our church work together to make our Vacation Bible School happen, what I see are Christian champions who have devoted themselves to doing their part in what is truly a team accomplishment. Each part is an essential element to making VBS successful, although each of those parts may not necessarily be outwardly noticed. May each of you realize that the part you played has been part of a team effort and is an example of what the Church is really all about. Perhaps your part was in active leadership, or behind the scenes in the kitchen, the tech booth or other unseen places. Perhaps it was in faithfully praying for VBS or bringing children to be here each night. Whatever your part was, it was just as important as any other part.
I am proud to contribute my part with you in all of our endeavors, and trust that God will take each of our parts and make them an entire entity that will cause us to freely worship Him in Spirit and truth, to reach out to meet the specific needs of others, to unify the Body of Christ in love and friendship, to invite our neighborhood to share our Christian experience and to teach believers to grow and serve.
May all glory and honor go to our Savior Jesus Christ, who has made
us one in Him.
With Love, Pastor Scott

Women’s breakfast is meeting again on Saturday, August 14, at 9 am. There will still be lots fellowship with women of the church. Please plan to join us!

As summer moves into August, Wednesday nights continue with CKK, a children’s program offering fun lessons, games, activities and more. This program replaces Awana during the summer months.
Come be a part, Time: 6:15 – 7:15 Wednesday nights during the summer!

Beginning August 4, we will be resuming our Wednesday night dinners. Join us for supper at 5:30, and then stay for Bible Study for youth, adults, and Christ's Kids Klub for children K-6th grade.

honor Ken and Jessica Clark. The Clarks have served as youth group leaders for many years and we wanted to say “thank you” to them for the investment they made into the lives of our teenagers.
We are now able to have that reception and it has been scheduled for Sunday,
August 29, after the morning service. Would you stay after church on that Sunday and join us in the Fellowship Hall for a time of food and fellowship?
There will be sharing of memories and expressions of gratitude. Come join the fun!

We rejoice that choir will be resuming this fall, and invite anyone who likes to sing to join the choir. The first rehearsal of the season will be on Wednesday, August 25 at 7:30 pm. Come praise the Lord with the choir!

Can meats
Pork and beans
Can vegetables
Mashed potatoes
Peanut butter
Tuna Helper
Thank you for your support of this ministry.

AWANA IS ON BREAK FOR THE SUMMER. However, we will start a new year of fun and bible learning in September! So, if you have children ages pre-k – 12th grade please consider joining us on Wednesday nights in the fall at 6:05 PM for AWANA clubs. We would love to have you join us! See you in September. Online registration will open Mid-August, Stay tuned for further updates. For information about our AWANA clubs and other ministries for teens and adults, log on to the Church web page, call the Church office at (937) 252-5311 or email us at [email protected].

The 2021-22 AWANA Club Year is about to begin. If you are serving as an AWANA leader or Lit this year, please plan to attend the upcoming training meeting Wednesday, August 18 at 7:30 pm. Please take time to pray for the upcoming Club Year and all that God is going to do through the AWANA Clubs this year. Please plan on attending as it is very important for the success of our AWANA Club! For questions see one of our Co-Commanders Michelle or Tere.

Do you have a student going into 7th grade in the fall? They are invited to join the youth group for our Young’s Dairy end of the summer event. Sunday, August 22, 2021. This event is to welcome our new 7th grade students and to say goodbye to our graduating 12th graders. Stay tuned for further updates.

Pencil boxes
Pencils (boxes of 20)
“Elmer's” glue sticks
“Crayola” Crayons
“Expo” Dry erase markers
“Fiskars” scissors

Our preschool is in need of substitute teachers.
If you know of anyone available who has
a high school diploma, willing to get fingerprints
and background checks, please contact
Carol Boersma at 937-256-7304.

In our rich nation, many eat from dumpsters. Only a few purposely choose the wandering lifestyle. Hunger and poverty are often temporary setbacks, inflicting real suffering to be sure. If a family or individual can be fed, given clothing, and be exposed to the Word of God, it can be a decisive change point in their lives.
The kind of charity commanded of us by God is not wishful thinking. It is applying boldness and truth through prayer, service, and gifts. We seek to encourage Christ-like relationships and present Christ in all we do. It gets people back on their feet as nothing else can.
The challenge for Christians today is the same as it has always been: to be what we say we are, Christ-like ones. We at The Gospel Mission strive to present Christ in all of our endeavors. What a precious story we have to tell, freedom from the bondage of sin and everlasting hope in God!
The Gospel Mission meets physical, educational and social needs, but our primary responsibility is to meet spiritual needs by introducing men and women, young and old, to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Only through Him are lives truly changed. We are thankful for people who assist in this ministry of Word, deed, and love through prayer, service and gifts.