Nancy Cheatham of Olathe, Kansas shares this illustration:
My sister bought a new car loaded with high-tech options. The first time she drove the car in the rain, she turned a knob she thought would start the windshield wipers. Instead a message flashed across the dash: “Drive car in 360 degrees.” She had no idea what that meant, so when she got home, she read the car manual.
She learned that while trying to turn on the windshield wipers she had inadvertently turned off the internal compass, and the car had lost its sense of direction. To correct the problem, the car had to be driven in a full circle, pointed north, and then the compass had to be reset.
Each time we gather to worship, we are resetting our internal compass. We establish “true north” in our soul, remembering who God is and what His truth proclaims.
It can be so easy to get off track in our spiritual lives. Something bad happens and we get discouraged. Something enticing crosses our paths and we turn our heads toward it. Certain obligations force us to direct all of our attention to them. Health problems keep us from getting out of the house. Relationship problems distract us and fill our hearts with self-doubt and confusion. Sin and/or mistakes cause us shame and depression.
So many things can happen that make us lose our sense of spiritual direction. It could be that it would take in-depth spiritual counseling and detailed actions of repentance and renewal to be able to get back on track. Or, it could take one trip to church to worship with Christian friends, praise your heavenly Father and be fed in the Word of God to turn everything around and re-set your focus.
Never underestimate the difference that going to church can make in your lives. It could be that 360 degree turn that you are looking for. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
With love, Pastor Scott

Men's Breakfast ~ 8:30 am, Saturday, February 3
Women’s Breakfast ~ 9:00 am, Saturday, February 10
Team Meetings ~ Tuesday, February 20 @ 6:00 pm
Church Council ~ 7:00 pm
Craft Night ~ 7:00 pm, Friday, February 23

Our youth group will be going on a weekend retreat on February 2-4 to Skyview Ranch, a Christian Camp and Conference Center in Millersburg, Ohio. Parents and youth, please see our youth leaders to be sure about departure and arrival times, as well as other important details of the weekend.
No youth group meeting on February 4

The youth group is planning another all-church movie night for Sunday, February 25. Stay tuned for details about
the movie and how you can contribute to this fundraiser for youth activities.

There is a basket marked Fellowship Fund on the communion table, or you may send in your offering specified as Fellowship Fund.
We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time.

Join the SpinKemp Preschool fundraiser at Cherry House Café on Thursday, February 8. This is an all-day event from 8 am until 8 pm. This is good for dining in, carry out, and drive through. Join us as we raise money for our Preschool.
There are flyers in the sanctuary that you will need to show.

Camp Scioto Hills is a great Christian Camp in southern Ohio where our kids can go to make new friendships and strengthen their walk in Christ.
If you are interested in going, please sign up as soon as possible, as they do fill up quickly! There is a discount if you register before January 31st and March 31st. Scholarship money is available. If you have any questions, please see Donna Arrigo.

Our Awana Club meets Wednesday evenings from 6:05 to 7:30 PM. We are so excited to have so many children learning about Jesus each week and digging deeper into God’s word together! It is truly amazing how quickly the year is flying by. It seems like we were just celebrating the New Year and here it is February already, anybody see January, it seems to be gone.
God continues to bless the Awana Ministry here at SRBC. We arrived back to Club January 3 after a holiday break from Club spending time with family, friends, and playing with new toys etc. Clubbers are continuing to learn and recite Bible verses, complete sections, earning jewels and patches and playing games every week.
January 17, Clubbers arrived dressed and ready for layer night our January theme. They dressed in as many layers of clothes and accessories as they could either find and/or walk/waddle to Club. Many layers were worn in, requiring many bags to carry them back home. Two clubbers were counted as wearing over 50 layers, whew, they survived as it was such a cold day outside.
February. 7 Clubbers are scheduled to arrive wearing their favorite NFL gear and most importantly bringing cans of soup to help refill our Church’s food pantry. This “Soup ’er’ bowl” theme night focuses not on football, but on needy families right here in our community.
A few exciting things are happening in Awana during February! It’s time to start thinking about our Awana Grand Prix! Car kits are available for purchase ($5 per kit) at the registration table on Wednesday nights before and after Club! Awana Grand Prix 2024 Race Day is Wednesday, March 20!
Sparks late night out party, Fri. Feb. 23, 6-10 pm.
Finally, our theme nights for this month are “Soup’er Bowl Night February. 7, Red Night on February 14, Glow Night on Feb. 21, and Popcorn and PJ Night on February 28.
We remain committed to serve and honor our Lord in teaching and reaching the kids of our neighborhoods and community thru this important ministry. We are truly blessed! Please remember to pray for all involved as we attempt to bring the word of God to young hearts and minds from our church & community, with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve him!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Attention Parents and Kids (grades K – 2nd)!
We’re planning a late night out party just for you, so start getting ready! We are preparing for a night out full of fun, food, fellowship, excitement, adventure, and many fun games, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2024, FROM 6 – 10 PM.
Follow bulletins, flyers & Club Newsletters for details and/or see Miss Michelle or Mr. Tere. Hope to see you there!

We will be taking candy to residents of Mad River Manor as an outreach of love and care for them on Valentine’s Day.
If you would like to contribute candy for this purpose, please put it into the baskets in the foyer sometime in the next few weeks.