For four decades, Art Fry worked as a researcher in the new product development department of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. One of the perks of working at 3M was the not one but two golf courses on its 475-acre campus. The powers–that-be at 3M were wise enough to recognize that recreation is part of creation.
Art Fry was on the back nine of the Red course when a chemical engineer named Spence Silver mentioned a new adhesive he had developed in the lab ~ microscopic balls of acrylic that formed a weak bond, leaving no residue after being repositioned. Neither of them could think of a single use, until five years later. Art Fry was singing in his church’s choir when the piece of paper he was using as a bookmark fell out of the hymnal. It was Art Fry’s what if moment. I’m not sure what hymn they were singing, but it led to the invention of the Post-it note.
Here’s a counterfactual for you.
What if Art Fry hadn’t joined the choir? Well, who knows how many things you would have forgotten because the post-it note wouldn’t be there to remind you!
My Point? Join the choir!
Choir will be starting up at the end of the month. We would love to have more voices singing to the Lord. Basses and sopranos are especially needed. Talk with Susan if you are interested, or just show up to practice! Hope to see you there.
With love, Pastor Scott

Join us for a time of crafting with others of the church. Bring you craft, whatever that may be, scrapbooking, knitting, sewing, card making or any other project you may have going. We will be meeting at 7 pm on the 4th Friday of the month. For more info contact Michelle Prince @ 937-689-1017.

Your giving matters!!

- Women’s Breakfast August 12, 2023 @
- August 15, 2023 ~ Team Meetings ~ 6:00 pm and Church Council ~ 7:00 pm
- YAC Meeting, August 1 @ 7:00 pm

Our “Impact” youth group will be having a fund-raising car wash on Saturday, August 12 in the church parking lot. Come bring your car to be washed anytime between 10 am and 2 pm. Your donations will help support our youth group's upcoming plans for retreats and activities. Tell your friends and neighbors!

Wednesday Night Programs 2023
Wednesdays are exploding with mid-week children's and youth programs this summer offering fun lessons, games, activities, and more.
CKK (Christ’s Kids Klub) – Pre-K 6th Grade
Youth Group – 7th – 12 Grades
These programs are in place of Awana during the summer months. Activities start at 6:30 pm. Come out and be a part!

AWANA remains ON BREAK FOR THE rest of the SUMMER. However, we will begin a new year of fun and ministry in September! So, if you have children, grandchildren, neighbors and/or friends with kids ages pre-k – 12th grade please consider inviting them to join us on Wednesday nights in the fall at 6:05 PM for AWANA clubs. We would love to have you join us! See you in September. Online registration will open Mid-August, Stay tuned for further updates. We hope you all have a great rest of the summer, and we'll see you for Awana soon! For information about our AWANA clubs and other ministries for teens and adults, log on to the Church web page, call the Church office at (937) 252-5311 or email us at [email protected].

Current 7th – 12 grade Students, you are invited to meet at the church on Sunday evenings 6pm – 8pm in the Youth room for a time of playing games, eating snacks, praying for each other, sharing a few laughs, and digging into a Bible lesson each week. Invite friends, we’d love to meet them and share the joy and love of God, with everyone. Come check us out and you'll find a space that you're welcome and appreciated.

We need you to help fill our church with songs
of praise. Come join the choir as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Rehearsals begin on August 30.

If you have not yet signed up to use our church's subscription to RightNow Media, or you would like to share access with your friends and family, we now have a custom invitation. Simply go to https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/spinningroadbaptistchurch.

The Gospel Mission operates a comprehensive inner-city mission near downtown Dayton, Ohio. It is open to men and women, young and old, of any race, belief, or circumstance.
In our rich nation, many eat from dumpsters. Only a few purposely choose the wandering lifestyle. Hunger and poverty are often temporary setbacks, inflicting real suffering to be sure. If a family or individual can be fed, given clothing, and be exposed to the Word of God, it can be a decisive change point in their lives.
The kind of charity commanded of us by God is not wishful thinking. It is applying boldness and truth through prayer, service, and gifts. We seek to encourage Christ-like relationships and present Christ in all we do.
Cities have a concentration of the most needy because that’s where food, shelter, and activities are readily available. Some are victims of job downsizing, generations of poverty and ignorance, and chronic shortages of love and companionship.
Children having babies, single parent families, elderly and lonely, and outcast teens can fall through the cracks of government programs. The Gospel Mission is located where the need is great, yet the fields are ripe for har