For many people, a barrier to placing trust in God is the apparent contradiction of a loving God who allows suffering. While there are theological and practical explanations to that dilemma, those explanations don't often seem to placate those who are suffering. How can you tell me God is all-loving when He has allowed me to go through so many difficult hardships?
Perhaps it is better to hear those explanations from someone who has gone through suffering himself. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was imprisoned and eventually martyred for his faith and Christian convictions, wrote this in a letter to his sister:
“It is good to learn early enough that suffering and God are not a contradiction but rather a unity, for the idea that God himself is suffering is one that has always been one of the most convincing teachings of Christianity.
I think God is nearer to suffering than to happiness, and to find God in this way gives peace and rest and a strong and courageous heart.”
To understand that our good and loving God has allowed Himself to suffer for our sake is something that can draw us ever closer to Him, if we choose to let that happen. How good it is to know that He understands our suffering and goes through it with us. In these days of confusion, sorrow and frustration,
in these days of knowing that an even greater tribulation awaits the earth,
may we find comfort that God is sovereign, and that everything that He allows is for the purpose of saving us and freeing us from a bondage that would keep us from spending eternity with Him.
Whatever you are going through, may God grant you His peace and rest, and that strong and courageous heart.
With love,
Pastor Scott

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday, March 6 at 8:30 am. The breakfast will be continental style and masks are still required.
All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there!

Hope you will clear your busy schedules and join us. We hope to see you. For questions see one of the leadership team members.

Our preschool is in need of substitutes. If you know of anyone available who has a high school diploma, willing to get fingerprints and background checks, please contact
Carol Boersma at 937-256-7304

Women’s breakfast is meeting again on Saturday, March 13th, at 9 am. We will be wearing masks, social distancing and there will be a reduced menu. But, there will still be lots fellowship with women of the church. Please plan to join us!

Dear Spinning Road Baptist Church,
Thank you for all the beautiful Christmas cards and notes, thank you for the monetary gifts, and the privilege of playing the piano at Spinning Road Baptist Church., Love Luvada Johnson.

What an amazing year we have had at AWANA so far! It is hard to believe there are only a few months left in our AWANA year. The clubbers have been growing in their understanding of God as they memorize and apply His word to their lives. It is our prayer that this knowledge will lead them into a personal relationship with Him.
The joy and enthusiasm continue each week, complete with masks, handwashing, social distancing, sneaking up on the sanitizing stations, and some extra cleaning.
- February 3 the Sparks clubbers helped to color pages for the visit to the Manor across the street by the Outreach team.
- February 24, we had fun playing glow in the dark games in the Fellowship hall for Glow Night.
- The AWANA store will open for business March 3 for clubbers to shop until they drop.
- Sadly, due to the pandemic the AWANA Grand Prix will be cancelled for this club year. Keep those cars in their garages for future races.
- Our leaders continue to bring joy, enthusiasm, and love each week and continue to make AWANA a place that kids love.
As always, the AWANA ministry team is thankful for every prayer and supportive word shared, your Prayers are so especially important and crucial
to this ministry! We appreciate having a congregation that supports and values children and youth ministry. Thank you!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

Thank you for remembering those in need.

Help Support SpinKemp Cristian Preschool

Thanks to America for Christ (AFC) Offering contributions, American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) supported communities distressed by the devastation of COVID-19 last year, as the pandemic swept our country and Puerto Rico. We also helped families who lost homes to floods, wildfires and storms, along with children living on the edge because of poverty, and seminarians preparing to devote their lives to sharing the Good News.
These are just a few of the ways we minister to those in need; there are many more. Please help us continue to bring healing and hope to communities, families, children and Jesus’ disciples in 2021 by supporting this year’s America for Christ Offering