Just for fun!
The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, “Break Forth in Joy.”
We are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
A new loudspeaker system has been installed in the church. It was given by one of our members in honor of his wife.
Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will speak Tuesday night at the church. Come and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00 pm on Thursday. Please use the large double doors at the side entrance.
The Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet on Friday at 7 pm. Please use the
back door.
For those who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things you don't want to keep. Don't forget your husbands.
The pastor is on vacation this week. Massages can be given to the church secretary.
The concert held in Fellowship Hall was a great success. Special thanks are due to the minister's daughter who labored the whole evening at the piano, which, as usual, fell upon her.
I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter!
With love, Pastor Scott

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday, May 7, at 8:30 am.
All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there.

Your giving Matters!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Team Meetings @ 6:00 pm
Church Council @ 7:00 pm

Saturday May 14, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

May 8, 2022
No Evening Services

This summer’s VBS, Spark Studios is scheduled for July 17 - 22 from 6 pm -
8:30 pm. Say yes to VBS and celebrate Jesus with us!
Join us at Spark Studios for six nights of fun – worship, Bible study, crafts, games, music, missions, friends, and more! The best part is that the entire 6 days are designed especially for kids age 3 (prior to June 1, 2022) through those students who will just be completing 6th grade! Kids will learn that they are created in Christ and designed for God’s purpose. Mark your calendars today, registration will open June 1, 2022.
If you have any immediate questions, please call the office at (937) 252-5311 or email us at [email protected].

Church offices are closed

Join us Saturdays from 5-7 pm, for a time of “Praise and Prayer” in the church sanctuary.
This month we will be meeting on May 14th.
This will not be a structured, formal service, but simply a time for people to gather to listen to Christian music and share together in prayer. Feel free to come for part or all of the time.

With the weather beginning to change and days and nights becoming warmer and longer. To ensure the safety of our children, please slow down and pay special attention entering, moving about, and exiting our parking lot.
Sunday and Wednesdays in particular there are many children in the parking lot, and we want to make sure that we are driving with caution at all times.
Thank-you for being cautious in making sure all are safe.

Final exams are happening at school, state tournaments are coming up, graduates are getting ready for their last few weeks of High School and summer plans are starting to get the kinks worked out of them. May is always a BIG month in the lives of youth. We want Youth to know, meetings continue to happen.
We meet Sunday nights from
6:30 pm-8 pm for students to worship Jesus, grow in faith together, eat some snacks,
and hang out. Current 7th-12th grade students are invited to come check out our youth group for yourself! We would like for you to be a part of group! Get here every Sunday, and oh yeah, it’s cool to bring a friend or 2.
For question see one of the youth group leadership team members.

It has been another incredible year of AWANA! The 2021-22 club year is about to end. Club in April was terribly busy, with sections being completed, books being finished, the word of God being presented, it’s so exciting to experience the Love of God flowing thru the hearts and minds of clubbers each week.
Wednesday April 13 the T&T Directors with a group of 6th & 7th graders went on an excursion over to the escape room for a graduation escape room outing. Thankfully working together, they had fun, cracked the code, and escaped their room in less than 1 hr. Way to go!!
April 20 the Trek & Journey clubs adventured out and had fun together playing a couple of games of laser tag and of course ate a few snacks for their yearly club outing.
What a fun night!
Saturday April 23, Sparks & TNT clubbers gave up extra sleep, cartoons, cereal, morning video games and came in to work hard at Super Section Saturday, finishing hard and long sections, challenges, and discoveries (Yea, Go clubbers!). Thank-you to all leaders for helping to make this such a fun and rewarding event for all who attended.
April 27 Clubbers arrived dressed in their pj’s complete with stuffies, robes, slippers, and some cool pj’s for our last theme night of this club year.
The last Awana store for this club year will open May 4, where clubbers will unload and empty out their bank accounts of hard-earned points and purchase cool items found on the
store shelves.
We will host our in-person Awards/closing Ceremonies Wednesday May 11 beginning at 6:05 pm in the Sanctuary where all clubbers and leaders will be recognized for their accomplishments this club year. We would like to invite everyone to come celebrate with us as we close out this club year.
We would like to say a Special THANK-YOU to all of our directors, leaders, listeners, leaders in training, helpers, the kitchen staff for dinners and desserts, Fran our Church secretary, Chris our Janitor for doing such a great and wonderful job in faithfully ministering to all of the kids of our Church and neighborhoods about the word of God. All of your participation, service, support, and dedication really does help make a difference in these kids’ lives.
A Great Big Thank-you also goes out to Pastor Scott, clubbers parents, Grandparents, and all of you the congregation members who continue to actively support our programs faithfully with your positive support and prayers! T H A N K – Y O U!!!
Both of us Co-Commanders really do appreciate all of you and your dedication!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp

In 2022, SRBC is endorsing Scioto Hills Christian Summer Camp for anyone interested in youth summer camp. For years, many SRBC youth have attended and benefitted from this summer program. Scioto Hills is located in picturesque Wheelersburg, Ohio, and carpooling has often been arranged.
Beautiful facilities, excellent programs, activities and outdoor opportunities, great meals, exceptional speakers, and an incredible staff await.
What distinguishes this from other camps is an environment where campers can grow relationships and build strong core values. Leaders, disciple at all levels, centering on Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, to create opportunities for spiritual growth to the glory of the Kingdom of God. Scioto Hills offers the potential for a life-changing experience.
*Due to Vacation Bible School (7/17-22), we suggest one of the following camps/dates:
MINI CAMP ~ Entering 1st-5th grade, minimum age of 7 July 11-13
ALPHA/NEW FRONTIER 3 ~ Entering 6th-9th grade, minimum age of 11
June 26-July 1
REVOLUTION ~ Entering 9th grade-graduated senior, minimum age of 14
July 10-15
FAMILY CAMPS ~ July 24-29 & July 3-8
Find all information at www.SciotoHills.com or see Mary Standridge for more information (937-830-1861)

VBS 2022 is fast approaching, we’d love your help! This year’s VBS dates are July 17 – 22nd. 6pm-8:30 pm. Spark Studios will be this year’s theme. one week can be life-changing for you and for the kids you will serve! Everyone changes when they learn about Jesus and share his love! Whether you can give a day, or the whole week, we hope you will prayerfully consider being a part of SRBC’s 2022 VBS team! We’d love to have you.
Online registration will open June 1. If you are willing or able to volunteer, please contact Director Michelle Prince.

Christ’s Kids Klub
Beginning May 18th, Wednesdays will continue with programming for kids’ pre-k – 6th grades, offering fun lessons, games, and more. CKK replaces Awana during the summer months. This summer come out from 6:15 – 7:15 and continue learning, growing, and having fun.

Awana missionaries are on the front line in the battle for the souls of children. They open God’s Word and present the good news as they visit scores of clubs every year.
Our AWANA Missionaries are Mike and Chris Reed.
They have been AWANA missionaries for over 16 years. God provides the resources for their ministry and living expenses through the faithfulness of those churches and individuals who become partners with them.
- Share information about your Awana ministry with others.ive to the ministry individually or through your church.
- Pray for your Awana missionary family. Pray for the Awana ministry locally, state wide and nationwide, for additional leaders, volunteers, lay leaders, and for the children who will come in contact with Awana
AWANA children.