There is much attention given today on the concept of being “woke.”
The grammar issues notwithstanding :), the idea is that some people believe themselves to be more in tune with the social problems of our day while others choose to remain oblivious to them. This has been a sore spot of division and disagreement in our culture.
Perhaps a better term to use, where all of us could agree, is the importance of being “aware.” And just what is it that we should be aware of?
Brennan Manning said, “I believe that the real difference in the American church is not between conservatives and liberals, fundamentalists and charismatics, or Republicans and Democrats. The real difference is between the aware and the unaware.
When somebody is aware of the love that the Father has for Jesus,
that person is spontaneously grateful. Cries of thankfulness become the dominant characteristic of the interior life, and the byproduct of gratitude is joy. We’re not joyful and then become grateful — we’re grateful, and that makes us joyful.
This Thanksgiving season, may we all be more “aware,” and may that awareness make us truly grateful, and thus truly joyful.
With love, Pastor Scott
Your giving Matters !
The concept is simple. You can sign up to be notified of needs of school students that are brought to attention by school advocates such as school counselors, social workers or administrators. You will receive an email with details of that need, such as a pair of shoes, or clothing or financial assistance with something. If you feel led to meet that need, you can indicate on the email how you want to do that and then that need will be removed from the list. The easiest way for you to participate is to go yourself to the website; [email protected]. The instructions to subscribe are clear. Please notify Pastor Scott if you have any questions.
Men’s Breakfast is starting up again on Saturday, November 12, 2022,
at 8:30 am.
Please join us for a time of devotion, food
and fellowship. All men and boys are invited. Hope to see you there!
November 15, 2022
Team Meetings ~ 6 pm
Board Meeting ~ 7 pm
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Our Next Step group and leadership team last month on Oct 15 had fun trampling thru Young’s Dairy’s corn maze and then headed over to the home of Greg & Kelly Bush and met up with the YAC members for food, friendship, and a nice toasty Bon Fire. The evening was complete with smores, a cool lesson, and a kickin’ game of Bible trivia. Thank you, Bush’s, for hosting this FUN event and to all for attending!
Friday November 4th ~ 6pm ~ 9pm
Saturday November 5th ~ 9am ~5 pm
Please bring a snack to share on Friday evening.
Coffee and donuts will be provided on Saturday morning.
Lunch will be from Cherry House Café
Beverages will be provided all weekend
Cost is $30 ~ make checks payable to Spinning Road Baptist Church and give it to Colleen Goodman or Mary Ann Stemley. You can also bring it to the retreat.
There will be bible teaching, small groups, games, worship, praying, getting to know friends, old and new, and other surprises.
Sign up to reserve your spot for the retreat on the clipboard at the Connection Center and pick your box lunch from Cherry House Café on the clipboard.
For more info contact Mary Ann Stemley or Colleen Goodman.
Awana is for children age 2 – 12th grade. We meet Wednesday nights from 6:05 – 7:30 PM.
Wow, it’s November already and the leaves are beginning to decorate the ground, and the trees are showing off their new colors. We are a busy club on Wednesday evenings. Our clubbers are busy learning, laughing, singing, and enjoying club. We’re in the season of Thanksgiving. With that said Thank you to all who support our club thru prayer, encouragement, and faithfully showing up and helping the experience happen each week!
October was a busy month in the life of our club. Oct 12 clubbers and leaders assembled 150 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thank you for the helping hands that gave a few minutes to help assemble the boxes.
October 19 clubbers and leaders arrived eager to sport the self-generated hair styles in support of our theme “crazy hair night”. Having fun while Bible learning complete with prizes and yes, some interesting hair.
The 26th kicked off our pantry nights as clubbers bring in nonperishable food items to help restock our church’s food pantry. We also enjoyed parties, fun and food for Fall Fun night.
November will focus on giving, clubbers can fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas child, and continue bringing in non-perishable food items to give love and food to the needy in our Church, neighborhood, and community for the holidays.
There will be NO club Wednesday November 23 a time that we should all slow down and celebrate with our family and friends. Club will resume Wednesday November 30, where we will also open the 1st Awana store of the year for clubbers to get their “Shop On”!
We are grateful that our church supports Awana as we can see God working in clubbers lives. Thank you to all who help clubbers learn God’s word, so they can hide it in their hearts and apply it to their daily lives!
We ask that you continue to partner with us by praying for everyone involved in club and that we’ll reach clubbers and their families through the teaching and memorization of God's Word, and for future clubbers.
Thank-you for your continued support in this ministry!
Because Kids matter to God!
Cool with Christ
Tere Sharp
Your donations to the food pantry are once again requested. We have ample supply of paper towels but any food items or toilet paper would be appreciated. We are once again gearing up for our Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to be given.
As always thank you for your generosity.
SRBC's annual Children's Christmas program is quickly approaching, and is scheduled for Sunday, December 11, at 7 pm! Please mark your calendars and join us!
All children ages 3 thru 6th grade at SRBC are invited to be a part of the 2022 Christmas Program! We’re practicing each Sunday during the Children’s Church portion of the morning service. It is very important that your child be at as many practices as possible. It’s not too late to become a part of this program which will be performed Sunday Evening, December 11 at 7 pm, with refreshments to follow.
For questions please contact Tere Sharp.
We would like to honor all of our Veterans and their families with a lunch on Sunday,
November 13, after the morning worship. Please sign up on the signup sheet in the foyer.
It is time again for Operation Christmas Child. Boxes are in the back of the sanctuary for you to start filling. Please pick up a brochure that will explain how the boxes should be packed. You can also give a donation online to help with the expense of shipping. The cost of shipping one box is $9.00. Boxes must be turned in by November 20.
This is a great project for the whole family.
Sunday evening, November 13, 2022, our youth group will be hosting a Movie night. All are invited to attend the showing of the movie “Legacy Peak”. Admission is free. Movie starts at 6 pm and should finish around 8 pm. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for a great movie for a great cause!
SpinKemp Christian Preschool
The prayer partner program began back in 1979 by Hope Rapson. We love that it continues on. This year we have 32 students enrolled.
In the narthex you will see we have handprints of our students. We ask that you take one or more. Attached to each handprint is a little green information card that we ask you to fill out with your name, phone # and email address. Once completed please place it in the basket. We will only contact you if your partner might need extra prayer or there are special concerns.
We ask that you simply pray for them. That is the best you can give them. We attached their birthdays. You are welcome to send them a card, just leave it in the church office and we will get it to the right student. You are more than welcome to donate a book, puzzle or game in honor of your student. We ask that you don’t send them a gift.
Thank for your support of our little preschoolers!
Spinning Road will be hosting a Mobile Health Clinic on Saturday, November 12. A mobile unit will be in the parking lot form 9 am until 2 pm. Free testing will be offered to the community for blood pressure, blood glucose, A1C, and total HDL cholesterol. Feel free to take advantage of these services.
While we will not be taking separate love offering for her, we invite anyone who would like to show financial support to mission efforts, to indicate on your offering check or envelope what you would like to donate. You may do so any time in the weeks ahead.
Be in prayer for these missionaries as we thank God for the opportunities to hear from them.