believer's baptism!)
Dozens of guests were invited to the elaborate affair, and they all arrived at the mansion dressed to the nines. After depositing their elegant wraps on a bed in an upstairs room, the guests were entertained royally.
Soon the time came for the main event — the infant’s baptism. But where was the baby? No one seemed to know. The child’s governess ran upstairs
and returned with a desperate look on her face. Everyone searched around frantically. Finally, someone recalled having seen him asleep on one of the beds.
The baby was buried beneath a pile of coats, jackets, and furs. The object of that day’s celebration had been forgotten, neglected, and nearly smothered.
The baby whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas may also be hidden beneath the piles of stuff we load up during the season. We need to enter every Advent asking, “Where’s the baby?”
As you look through this newsletter, you will read about all the activities that we are having this month as we celebrate Christmas. Even though some of the activities are on a more limited basis due to Covid, I am so glad that we are able to do as many things as we are.
But please remember, whatever you do during the season, whether it as attending a church event, or shopping, decorating, baking, planning gatherings, etc. that it is all about the baby. Centuries ago, Christians took the day of a secular holiday and turned it into a day of celebrating the birth of our Savior and called it Christmas. What a great idea!
Over time, the world has taken Christmas and turned it back into a secular holiday, including many things that we have come to enjoy and in which we participate. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying such things, let us be sure to look for ways to put Jesus back into each aspect of our celebration. After all, it's all about Him!
With love, Pastor Scott
to have time for Christmas plans. The meetings will be Tuesday,
December 14, starting at 6:00 pm.

This year we will not have an actual Mitten Tree up. We are doing this outreach and we still need, hats, gloves and mittens just the same. There are two baskets under the Connect table with Mitten Tree signs on them. Please put the items in those baskets. Please remember, these items are needed. They will be given to the Dayton Christian Center and to the Mad River Local School System. Handmade or purchased items are all welcome.

We are excited to announce that we will host a children’s Christmas program this year to be held Sunday, December 12 at 6pm! This year’s program hosted by the Children’s Church kids will involve a small play, snacks, drinks, and a Christmas movie entitled “Saving Christmas”. Come join us as we celebrate our kids and Christmas a bit different this year.
We are currently working on the Christmas Program. Practices are taking place during Sunday service while the kids are in Children’s Church. Kids pre-k up thru 6th grade are welcome to be a part. See Mr. Tere to let him know if your child will be a part of the program, or for questions.

Our group continues to thrive and grow. Youth from SRBC and the neighborhood come together on Sunday evenings to play games, eat snacks, pray for each other, share a few laughs, and dig into a Bible lesson and how it applies to us., Christ is the center of our Group, and we want you to Come hangout with us Sunday' evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm and bring your friends! Check us out, you'll find a space that you're welcome and appreciated. We will be intentional with pushing each other towards Christ.

We will again return to our tradition of Christmas caroling to some of our elderly and shut-in members. However, due to Covid, we will be unable to go to nursing homes and we will plan to only sing outdoors. So be sure to dress for the weather.
Meet at the church on Wednesday, December 22 at 6:00 pm to go visit homes and sing outdoors. There are no other church activities that evening.

Awana is going well! We’re transitioning into the holiday season!
Though club looks and feels a bit different this year, we’re enjoying seeing, hearing, and fellowshipping with all of our clubbers each week. It’s neat working with our kids and watching them growing and learning God’s Word and how to apply it to their daily lives. We are thankful for our leaders and families who participate each week.
Each of our clubs discusses the lesson, works on verses, plays games, prays,
and grows closer to God thru the ministry of Awana. Praise God for this exciting weekly outreach ministry!
In November when we came, we gave lots of nonperishable foods, and we brought many shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. On the 10th clubbers came dressed in Red, White, & Blue in honor of our Veterans who so faithfully serve our country and others to keep the freedoms that we enjoy daily!
On the 17th T&T/Journey clubbers helped to assemble 19 Thanksgiving baskets for needy families’ thanks in part to your generosity.
We took a break from club on the 24th in observance of Thanksgiving.
We hope that you had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and didn’t eat
too much.
December 1, the 1st store opens, where clubbers can shop till, they drop and/or save their hard-earned points as a result of their hard work in club each week.
Enjoy! You’ve earned it!
We will wrap up this year’s club for the holidays, December 15th with parties,
and our Christmas shop. Club will resume Wednesday January 5, 2022,
at 6:05 pm.
Because Kids Matter to God!
Cool with Christ
Tere Sharp

Church Offices will be closed
Friday, December 24.

Join us for Men's Breakfast on Saturday,
December 4, at 8:30 am. All men and
boys are invited. Hope to see you there!

If you wish to donate poinsettias to be used
in decorating the church this Christmas please
fill out One of the forms located on the table at
the back of the church. The cost is $10.00
per plant. Checks should be made out to
Spinning Road Baptist Church.

Our Council has agreed to have our church take part in this program.
We will be meeting at Stevenson School at 9:45 am, Saturday, December 4.
Anyone who would like to participate is invited to meet at the school to walk around the building and simply pray, silently or audibly,and then go home.

We gave out 19 Thanksgiving baskets last month and now we are preparing
to give out the Christmas baskets. The following is a list of items needed for
those baskets.
Brown Sugar
Cranberry Sauce
Dry Beans
Bags of Rice
Pancake Mix
Mac & Cheese
Pumpkin Pie Filling
Evaporated Milk
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
As always, thank you for your support of this mission!!

During these unprecedented times, we have learned new ways to transform, exist and embody the kingdom with the same goal in mind−to reflect the gospel. Through the deep commitment and faith of the church, great efforts have been made to remain connected and build relationships within their congregations and community.
The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) acknowledges and appreciates the extraordinary commitment of such church leaders, congregants, and missionaries.
To honor this annual tradition, we chose, “Transformed by Generosity” as our theme with supporting scripture from 2 Corinthian 3:18: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”.
This timely theme lifts up the true strength and perseverance of ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses who have devoted 15 or more years of service to the American Baptist family.