VOLLEYBALL is at 7:00 pm at Stevenson Elementary. For more info, contact Dave Look @ 429-0719.
Y. A. M. Meets 6-8 p.m. in the SRBC Sunday School wing. This is for young adults after High School Graduation through 30 + years old. More info contact Jim Look
@ 256-6456 or Mary Ann Stemley @ 253-3375
AWANA meets every Wednesday evening at 6:05 pm. We have activities for 3 year olds through High School, September through May. Come and join in the fun.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets in the Seekers class room every Tuesday Morning at 9:30 am to delve into God’s Word and enjoy fellowship with other Christian women. (Sept – May)
S. R. V. (SOUL REVOLUTION) is for 7th grade through
High School. They meet every Sunday evening at 6:30 pm in the youth room downstairs across from the kitchen.
This is for adults of all ages. Whether you have known Jesus for many years, or only a few months this could be a group for you. We will be meeting twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday at 7pm, at the home of Simon and Nancy Warwick.
S.A.S. (SENIORS AT SERVICE) ~ 1st Friday
Meet at 12:30 p.m. the first Friday of the month. The senior members of the church and friends meet at different restaurants for a dine-out. The next one is October 4 at Longhorn in Beavercreek. For more info, contact Shirley Fall @ 254-2484.
WOMEN’S BREAKFAST 2nd Saturday Join us as Women’s breakfast for great food, a devotional time and good Christian fellowship with other ladies of the church.
Team meetings and Church Council meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month.
Team Meetings will start @ 7 pm and the Church Council Meeting @ 8 pm.
MEN’S BREAKFAST ~ 1st Saturday (October – June)
The men of the church meet the first Saturday of each month for a time in God’s word and fellowship with other Christian men of the church.
MESSY CHURCH ~ 2nd Tuesday
Join us October 8 @ 5:30 pm for Messy Church ~ a relaxed and informal church!
Messy Church is all about welcoming people of all ages to come and have fun together.
No one is too young or too old to join in. Expect a chance to be creative, exploring the theme of the day. Finally, everyone sits down to share and enjoy a meal. It’s all free and there is something for everyone. For questions, call the church office at (937) 252-5311 or email us at [email protected].
MESSY CHURCH Tuesday, October 8
A relaxed and informal church with a warm welcome for the whole family and friends with a mix of crafts, songs, games, food and plenty of opportunity to have and make a mess! It’s all free and there’s something for everyone – why not come along and join us!
*Note: If you are under 16, you will need to bring an adult
with you.
Our Messy Church meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5:30 – 7 pm and is open to all ages and stages. For questions call the church office at (937) 252-5311, or email us at [email protected].
As the holidays approach we are in need of many things for our holiday baskets. We provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to many on our community. We appreciate all that you can help provide for this ministry.
These are items we are currently in need of: ketchup, strawberry jelly, rice, tuna helper, frosting, cake mix, mac & cheese, syrup, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, applesauce, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, canned meats, mixed vegetables, crackers, “Spaghettios”, ravioli, flour sugar, brown sugar, dressing, piecrusts, pumpkin pie filling and sweet peas.
As always, thank you for your generosity
Nate Saint by Janet and Geoff Benge:
Flying captured Nate's heart. His air service ministry to isolated missionaries put him on a path of destiny that would ultimately end with a final airplane flight with 4 missionary friends to the "Palm Beach" landing strip in the jungles of Ecuador.
Club started September 4th, how awesome is that! We’re entering into October with our club growing, reaching, and moving forward for our 16th year, rocking Awana here at SRBC.
Wednesday September 18, clubbers represented their schools wearing their colors for our theme night, School colors night.
Thank you to Brenda for visiting club with Ren her therapy dog, they brought a calming experience for our kids. We had fun meeting Brenda & Ren.
Saturday, October 5, leadership staff will be spending the day attending the very valuable Awana Ministry Conference held at Keystone Church. This conference provides a day of training and refreshers for leadership staff from clubs all over the state and region.
Saturday, October 12 Junior Jam for clubbers grades 3rd – 6th is coming. A high-energy day filled with an exciting opening and closing program, videos, games, and challenging activity stations. Our students will make new friendships with their Cedarville student leaders and take-home memories, practical lessons, and Bible promises we pray will make a difference in their lives for years to come. Parents must RSVP no later than Wednesday, October 2 during club. See Mr. Tere or Miss Michelle for details.
Our theme night for October will be Crazy Hair Night – Clubbers, get your silliest and most crazy hair do together and sport it at club on the 23rd. Contests for the craziest hairdo of the night.
Thank you to all the leaders and volunteers creating the opportunity each week!
We ask that you continue to fulfill your very important role in club by praying for everyone involved in club each week.
Thank-you for your continued support in this ministry!
Kids matter to God, and us!
Cool with Christ,
Tere Sharp,
We extend our sympathy to the family of Dr.Larry Swain and for our ABC Ohio Staff since the announcement of the unexpected passing of Dr. Larry Swain last weekend.
In lieu of flowers, Linda Swain has asked that memorial contributions be made to the ABC Ohio Executive Minister’s Emergency Fund, a mercy fund for pastors experiencing financial need.
This offering goes to International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches USA.
Your generous gifts add to the support of our missionaries serving in foreign countries, including our own special interest American Baptist missionary, Jeni Pedzinski.
Envelopes for the offering can be found in the pew racks. Thank you for your help in empowering missionaries to preach the gospel and minister to people in countries all over the world.
Men’s breakfast starts again Saturday, October 5, 8:00 am.
Join other men of the church as they meet the first Saturday of each month for breakfast,
a time in God’s word and fellowship with other Christian men.
We meet in the fellowship hall at 8:00 am. We would love to have you join us.
SRBC's annual Children's Christmas program is scheduled for Sunday, December 8, at 7 pm! Please mark your calendars!
Calling All children, Kindergarten through 6th grade! You are invited to participate in our annual Christmas Program. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, October 6th and will continue during the children's church time on Sunday mornings. We hope to see you all then.
For questions please contact Marita Rogers or Tere Sharp.
The 193rd Annual Gathering of the American Baptist Churches of Ohio will be held October 8th and 9th, 2019. All events will take place over two days (Tuesday and Wednesday only) at Crowne Plaza, Columbus North, 6500 Doubletree Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229
November 1st-2nd
Friday 6pm-9:30pm & Saturday 8am-5pm
Bergamo Retreat Center
4400 Shakertown Rd.
Dayton Ohio 45430
* You can come and go from home or stay overnight. Grab a flyer at the Connection Center in the foyer
Sign up to reserve your spot at the retreat on the clipboard at the Connection Center
You may contact Colleen Goodman or Mary Ann Stemley for more information