While on a short-term mission trip, Pastor Jack Hinton was leading worship at a leper colony on the island of Tobago. A woman who had been facing away from the pulpit turned around. “
“It was the most hideous face I had ever seen,” Hinton said. “The woman’s nose and ears were entirely gone. She lifted a fingerless hand in the air and asked, ‘Can we sing Count Your Many Blessings?’”
Overcome with emotion, Hinton left the service. He was followed by a team member who said, “I guess you’ll never be able to sing that song again.”
“Yes I will,” he replied, “but I’ll never sing it the same way.”
There is a lot wrong with the world. We all have a lot we can complain about. This election seems to only augment the reality of what bad shape our society is in. But in the midst of it all, we are so blessed! Let us never forget that, and let us always remember to give honor, glory and thanksgiving to our God and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Our relationship with Him alone is worthy of daily songs of praise. May we “count our blessings” not only this Thanksgiving, but every day of our lives.
With Love, Pastor Scott
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Meetings are at 5:30 pm Mondays. More info, contact Gertrude Prince @ 878-0398.
7 - 8:30 pm at Stevens Elementary. More info, contact Dave Look @ 429-0719.
Every Sunday ~ Y.A.M. (Young Adult Ministry)
6-8 p.m. in the SRBC Sunday School Wing. This is for young adults after High School Graduation through 30 years old. More info contact Jim Look@ 256-6456 or Mary Ann Stemley@253-3375
Women’s Bible Study
9:30 – 11:00 am Meets in the Seekers Classroom. Our Study is “Women of the Bible”
Knitters and Crocheters
Thursdays, 11:00 For more contact Edwina Newell @ 254-4711
Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study
6:30 – 7:30 the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings of the month.
Gospel Mission - 1st Friday
Volunteers go to Gospel Mission to help. More info, contact Rita Look @ 429-0719.
S.A.S. (Seniors at Service) meets at 12:30 p.m. the first Friday of the month. The senior members of the church and friends meet at different restaurants for a dine-out. Next one will be on October 7, at 12:30 pm at First Watch, 2614 Col. Glen Hwy. More info contact
Shirley Fall @ 254-2484
Scrapbookers - 2nd Friday
Meet at 7:00 p.m. in the SRBC Fellowship Hall. Bring scrapping things, drinks & food to share. More info contact Jessica Clark@258-0660
Team and Church Council Meetings
November 15, Team Meetings will start @ 7 pm and the
Church Council Meeting @ 8 pm.
SRBC's annual Children's Christmas program is quickly approaching, and is scheduled for Sunday, December 11, at 7 pm! Please mark your calendars! It will be for children 3 years through 6th grade. All children at SRBC are invited to be a part of the 2016 Christmas Program! The children will practice each Sunday during the Children’s Church portion of the morning service.It is very important that your child be at as many practices as possible. It’s not too late to become a part of this program which will be performed Sunday Evening, December 11at 7 pm, with refreshments to follow. For questions please contact Colleen Goodman or Tere Sharp.
As we prepare for the holidays we are in need of the following items for our Food Pantry: pumpkin pie filling, sweet potatoes, brown sugar, Stove Top dressing, turkey gravy, toilet paper, and paper towels. We give food out all year not just at the holidays so your giving of these extra items is greatly appreciated. There is a box in the church coatroom for your donations. Any questions contact Barb Chambers @ 238-3949 or June McLean @ 233 – 8555.
As always thank you for your donations!
We need help with the Sunday evening child care from 6:45 to 8:00 pm. Become a volunteer! You will be paired with and assist one of our current sitters once a month. Your help will be a blessing to you and to the children. Please, call (or text) Marita Rogers at 937-231-3080.
Be sure to pick up an “Operation Christmas Child” shoebox, to fill with items to send to a needy child. The boxes are in the back of the sanctuary and will need to be re
turned by the middle of November. Instructions for filling the boxes are with the boxes.
On Sunday evening, 5:00 PM, Nov 6, 2016, the Dayton Area Baptist Association (DABA) will have its Annual Fall Gathering at Linden Avenue Baptist Church, 101 Linden Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. To get there we’ll form car pools, leaving SRBC at 4:30 PM. If you want to drive on your own, the address is above. We’re fortunate to have as our speaker Dr. Ernest Jones, the new Executive Director of ABC/Ohio.
The dinner will be potluck, with various churches providing the different courses. Spinning Road will provide salads, so please contact Penny Taylor, Rita Look, or Dave Look, if you’re willing to make one.
Finally, please sign up on the sheet in the foyer so we can get an idea of how many will be attending. This should be a wonderful evening of fellowship, so please join in.
Thank You note from Bev Dawson
Dear Spinning Road Family,
I am writing again with my right hand, but am just beginning therapy on my shoulder. Thank you for all your prayers as I recover from this unexpected detour. How great to know that this didn’t surprise our Lord, and that this is His path for me!
Thank you too for your faithful prayer and financial support for so many years. Please continue to pray that Wapishana speakers will grow deeper in their understanding of God’s word and His plan for their lives. I appreciate your prayers for me as well that I will know which need to fulfill here at Wycliffe JAARS Center where I am basing.
In Christ’s Fellowship, Bev Dawson
We will be asking you to update the telephone directory this month. Please fil out the insert you will find in your bulletin and place it in the mail box marked Church Secretary. By filling this out you allow us to keep your information current. Even if nothing has changed please fill this out so that we be sure that the information we have is correct. Thank you for your help.
On Sunday, November 27, at 7:00 pm instead of our evening worship service, we will meet in the sanctuary to decorate the church for the Christmas season. After we finish decorating, we will sing some Christmas carols in the lighted sanctuary, and then share some refreshments downstairs.
Join is for a baby shower honoring Stephanie Sutton-McKiernan, Saturday November 12, 2016 at 2 pm in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Ann Schleman, Jean Carson, or Carol McKiernan. Stephanie is registered at Target and
Babies “R” Us.
We will have a special worship service for Thanksgiving on Tuesday, November 22 at 7:00 p.m. This is an informal time of praise and testimony which has become a holiday tradition. The choir will rehearse right after the service. We have no Wednesday evening activities that week so people who travel for the holiday can get an early start. Come join us.
Scheduled for Sunday Mornings in November:
November 6 ~ Nancy Keister & Penny Taylor
Teen Helper ~ Kelsey Harter
November 13 ~ Bud and Wauneita Koogler & Teen Helper~ Stephan Warwick
November20 ~ Johnie McDowell & Marita Rogers Teen Helper~Kayla Clark
November 7 ~ Greg & Kelly Bush Teen Halper ~ Kyndall Singelton
Schedule for Sunday Evenings in November
November 6
6:45 pm ~ No Evening Activities
6:45 pm ~ 8:00 pm ~ No Evening Activities
November 13
6 pm ~ 6:45 pm ~ Mary Ann Stemley
6:45 pm ~ 8 pm ~ Nancy Keister
November 20
6pm ~ 6:45 pm ~ May Ann Stemley
6:45pm ~ 8 pm ~ Colleen Goodman
November 27
6 pm ~ 6:45 pm ~ Hanging of the Greens
6:45 ~ 8 pm ~ Hanging of the Greens
Meets during Sunday Morning Worship - 3yrs. through 6th grade.
Teachers are needed, curriculum is provided. If you would like to
teach or help please contact Tere Sharp.
Schedule for Sunday Morning in November
November 6 ~ Ellie Schroder
November 13 ~ Jessica Clark & Kayla Clark
November 20 ~ Ellie Schroder
November 27 ~ Cathy Schroder & Stefan Warwick
K- 2nd Grade
Scheduled for Sunday mornings in November:
Children will be practicing for the Christmas play during this hour.
Scheduled for Wednesday Evenings in November:
November 2 ~ Wauneita Koogler & Crystal Jackson
November 9 ~ Kelsey Stuart & Wauneita Koogler
November 16 ~ Ron Keister & Nancy Warwick
November 23 ~ No programs
November 30 ~ Chandra Murphy & Sarah Warwick
If you have questions or need additional information,
Please call the Church Office 252-5311