I first met her in high school. She was older than I was and exciting. She'd been around. My parents warned me to have nothing to do with her. They claimed that nothing good could come from our relationship.
But I kept meeting her on the sly. She was so sophisticated and worldly.It made me feel grown up just being with her. It was fun to take her to a party in those days. She was almost always the center of attention.
We kept seeing more of each other after I started college. When I got a place of my own, she was a frequent guest. It wasn't long before she moved in with me. It may have been common law, but it was heartbreaking for my parents.
I kept reminding myself I wasn't a kid anymore. Besides, it was legal.
We lived together through college and into my early days in business. I seldom w
I didn't care. As long as I knew she was there for me when I needed her (and she always was), it didn't matter.
The longer we lived together, the more attached I became to her. But it wasn't mutual. She began to delight in making me look foolish in front of my friends. But I still couldn't give her up.
It became a love/hate relationship. I figured out that her glamour was nothing more than a cheap mask to hide her spite and cynicism behind. I could no longer see her beauty after I came to know her true character. But old habits are hard to break. We had invested many years in each other. Even though my relationship with her made me lose a little respect for myself, she had become the center of my life. We didn't go anywhere. We didn't do anything. We didn't have friends over. It was just the two of us. I became deeply depressed and knew she was largely responsible for my misery. I finally told her I was leaving her for good. It took a lot of guts, but I left.
I still see her around. She's still as beautiful as when we first met. I miss her now and then. I'm not boasting when I say she'd take me back in a minute. But by the grace of God,
I will never take up with her again.
If you see her, just give her my regards. I don't hate her. I just loved her too much.
Chances are you know her family. The name's Alcohol.
With love, Pastor Scott

This has been a great ministry of our church through the years, and we just want to remind you that we are continuing to collect this offering. There is a basket marked Fellowship Fund on the communion table, or you may send in your offering specified as
Fellowship Fund. We still focus on the offering on the 3rd Sunday, but you may give at any time.
Your giving Matters

Praise and Prayer Time
Join us for a time of “Praise and Prayer” in the church sanctuary.
This month we will be meeting on July 16.
This will not be a structured, formal service, but simply a time for people to gather to listen to Christian music and share together in prayer. Feel free to come for part or all of the time.

If you would like to participate in the worship service by reading the Scripture before the morning message, please let Marsha Midlam know so that she can schedule you.

Volleyball has resumed on designated Monday nights at 6:30 in the church parking lot. If you are interested in playing, please notify Jim Look.

July 17-22 6:00 pm ~ 8:30 pm
Hey, everyone! Summer is here, and with it comes VBS. We’re getting ready for Spark Studios VBS. It’s that time of year again! A time for kids to discover the truths of God among his or her peers in a fun, and energetic environment. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. –Ephesians 2:10
This summer, kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us–His creation–to the design He planned for us. Kids will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.
Kids 3 yrs. (& potty trained by 6-1-22) thru those just completing 6th grade, will get their Imagination ignited and creativity awakened as they explore their artistic side. All while having fun digging into God’s Word, singing amazing songs, playing fun games, eating tasty snacks, making new friends and so much more! The time spent in Spark Studios will be full of fun, adventure, creativity, and best of all, discovering God and his great love for us.
We hope to see you there. We’re going to have amazing encounters with God at this year’s VBS. Online Registration is open at www.spinningroadbaptist.org
Pray that God will use us to be Jesus to all of these children and their families that enter our doors. Thank you, SRBC, for supporting our youngest worshippers.

Current 7th – 12 grade Students, join us Sunday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm in the Youth room here at SRBC, and bring a few of your friends too! We’d love to meet them and share the joy and love of God, with everyone. We study the Bible and how it applies to us, pray for each other, play games, eat snacks, and have a
few laughs!!
Come check us out and you'll find a place that you're welcome and appreciated.

Our 2021-2022 club Year has ended! We are currently off for summer break. Have a great summer!
Our 2022-2023 AWANA clubs are coming this fall, Registration will open mid-August. Join us for Awana Starting September 2022. SRBC AWANA Club meets Wednesday nights 6:05 pm ~ 7:30 pm.

Wednesday night’s continue with CKK a children’s program offering fun lessons, games, activities and more. This program replaces Awana during the summer months. Come be a part, 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Wednesday nights during the summer!

Saturday July 9, 2022 at 9:00 am.
Join us for a time of devotion and fellowship with women of Spinning Road.

Summer is here and days & nights are warmer and longer. We ask that you be mindful of our precious little/young ones while entering, moving about, and exiting our parking lot. Sunday & Wednesdays in particular there are many children in the parking lot, and we want to make sure that we are driving with caution at all times. Thank-you for being Cautious in making sure all are safe.

Wednesday, July 13th 7:15 PM immediately following Bible Study in the Sanctuary. We will go over very important information that will be valuable for the week of VBS. This will be the meeting that brings it all together. So, don’t miss these last-minute pointers to help ensure that our VBS 2022 will be the adventure of a lifetime for our church kids, their friends and family and our neighbors for a great week learning, playing, creating, and making new friends.
Please make this meeting a priority! We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and to another great week at VBS!
If you’ve not registered yet we'd love to have you join the VBS team!! Here's the link to register: www.spinningroadbaptist.org.

Our monthly Board meeting (Teams and Council) will be moved to the fourth Tuesday of the month (July 26) due to Vacation Bible School.

We will once again be collecting items for the school supply drive. Because of items already generously donated, we are only needing the following items. Please bring them in throughout the summer as the Lord leads you.
Fiskar children’s scissors
Two pocket folders
One subject, spiral bound notebooks
Deadline is Sunday August 7

Dayton Christian Center is a Community Outreach Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Ohio. One of more than twenty community outreach ministries with the American Baptist Home Mission Society, Dayton Christian Center serves the Dayton View Neighborhood in Dayton Ohio. Our mission work began in 1908 to serve a large immigrant population settling in West Dayton. Throughout our long years of service, we have provided programs including job readiness, food distribution, bible study classes, free tax preparation, educational programs, and recreational activities for the community. Since the very beginning, we have played an important part in the neighborhood adapting programs to serve the present age.
We currently provide child care services for children from 6 weeks through 12 years of age. In the summer of 2020, our before and after School program as well as our Summer Program moved to our newly renovated building immediately adjacent to the main building. It houses two groups of school age children, while our main building provides care for infants to preschool children. Our partnerships with Miami Valley Child Development Center and Preschool Promise supports us in providing high quality affordable child care services.
We are thankful our mission continues today!