WHEN: Friday Nov.3th 6-9:30 pm
Saturday Sat. Nov. 4th 8 am-5 pm
MEALS: Friday-no meals
Saturday-Full breakfast and light lunch
* Please bring a snack to share Fri. that does not heated & can stay in a cooler if needed
*Ice water will be available between meals and there is a pop machine ($1)
COST PER PERSON: $30 (retreat only)
$62 (retreat- overnight double room) $80 (retreat- single room)
FREE TIME: There will be limited free time Fri. evening and brief times Sat. for walks, fellowship, games, and crafts (please bring your own games and crafts).
WHAT TO WEAR: Casual clothes, layers for comfort, outdoor clothes for walks if desired
SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO BRING: Bible, Notebook, Camera, Change for vending machine drinks, Overnight items if spending the night.
*Please see Colleen Goodman or Mary Ann Stemley for more information if needed
Make checks payable to Spinning Road Baptist Church and turn into Colleen or Mary Ann. If the cost is of concern, we will assist you in paying for the retreat.