John 15:1-8
List of fruit- Galatians 5:22-23
We are continually commanded to bear fruit.
(Phil 4:4, II Pet. 3:14, I Thess. 5:14, Col. 3:12, Gal. 6:10, Rev. 2:10, I Tim. 3:3, II Pet. 1:16)
It may take work and effort to demonstrate the fruit, but to produce the fruit is the work of the Holy Spirit.
“Fruit” is a description of what it is like to abide in Jesus.
1st three- expressed inward
2nd three – expressed toward others
3rd three – expressed toward God
Matthew 7:15-20 – If the Holy Spirit has produced His fruit in our lives, that will be demonstrated the most when we are “bumped.”
How to develop these qualities
1. Psalm 1:2-3 - Principle -Discipline- Plant the tree by the water
2. Matthew 3:8-10 - Principle- Repentance- those who first acknowledge their own sinfulness are ready for Christ to bring lasting and meaningful changes.