John 13:21-30
Lessons from Judas
1. A person is saved only by faith. (Matthew 7:21-23)
You could have every spiritual advantage, but you still must be born again by asking Jesus to come into your life.
2. The root of evil in action (I Timothy 6:10; John 12:4-6; John 6:63-68; Matthew 6:24; Mark 8:36)
Judas was so hardened by his love of money, he was past the point of callousness.
3. The extent of Christ's love, patience and sorrow for sinners.
Jesus is holding out for the hope that more would turn to Him.
4. There is a point of no return.
Judas was filled with remorse, but not repentance, full of sorrow, but not ready to change his life.
Matthew 26:24
To reject Christ is to betray Him.
Whose side are you on?