Joshua 5:10-15
1. Moses led people out of Joshua led people into
bondage in Egypt. blessing in Canaan.
For us- God took us out of the bondage of sin and Jesus came so that we might be led into victorious living.
Exodus Conquest
2. Passover-provided a way to Passover-power to sanctify
escape the plague of death God's people was the only hope
For us- Passover points to the cross, which makes it possible to have sin dealt with and to live the Christian life.
Exodus Conquest
3. Parting of the Red Sea Parting of the Jordan River
For us- The same power that saves us from our sin is the power that teaches us to live in victory.
Exodus Conquest
4. manna in the wilderness eat the fruit of the land
For us- To be saved took a miracle from heaven: to live as conquerors means we must utilize the resources God has provided.
Exodus Conquest
5. First Fruits- first of what you had The city of Jericho was
was to be presented to the Lord and devoted to the Lord.
dedicated to the Lord
For us- our bodies being raised up and being made perfect
Exodus Conquest
6. “holy ground”- burning bush “holy ground”- road to Jericho
For us- wherever you encounter the living God